I the returned back to the trail and followed it back all the way to Ephrata and was pleasantly surprised to see that that end of the trail leads to downtown. Ride into Ephrata is paved and lighted. 0.4 mi State: Alabama Concrete. %PDF-1.5 % Contact: Michael A. Domin, AICPPrincipal PlannerLand Use and Transportation TeamLancaster County Planning Department150 N. Queen Street, Suite 320Lancaster, PA 17603domin@co.lancaster.pa.us(717) 299-8333, 150 N. Queen Street, Suite 320 Lancaster, PA 17603. 0001245873 00000 n ft. home is a 2 bed, 1.0 bath property. Maritime Light Buoy 4. Location: Northwest of ElizabethtownSee Map (PDF). My husband and I rode the 7 miles out and back today from the Warwick municipal authority parking lot to Ephrata. RonStief@lititzrec.com. 0001258665 00000 n Peoria 4. This portion also has a more urban feel than the southern section, and gives users good views of downtown Ephrata and a nearby feed mill. Administration & StaffCode of OrdinancesContacts DirectoryMeeting Minutes & AgendasMeetingsRight-To-KnowStormwaterTaxes & Fees. We had the pork sandwich, delicious! Flat asphalt and crushed stone trail surface. . 0001350197 00000 n It sits in a mostly agricultural area. 0001316260 00000 n find trail maps, reviews, photos & driving directions on traillink.com . This house was built in the early 1900s, so it has the usual old house quirks. <]/Prev 1427198>> Map of regional trails and the towns they connect. Places. I'm planning on a night bike ride next spring. It is expected that work on extending the trail to Millway Road in Ephrata township will begin this Spring. The trail represents a huge win for connectivity in our County. Lighted of night time use. Remember, this is our "first ride", so we weren't sure what to expect. We've been using this abandoned rail line for over 30 years and are excited each time a new section has been improved. If you know where the WIC office is this is almost directly across the street from it. (* NOte, East Newport road is a very busy road! There are lots of sights along the way including murals, Nibble . but there is not a designated area-ie. 0001245873 00000 n 0001241854 00000 n See details for 81 PEBBLE CREEK DR, Lititz, PA 17543, 3 Bedrooms, 1 Full/1 Half Bathrooms, 1376 Sq Ft., Condo, Townhouse, MLS#: PALA2000646, Status: Closed, Courtesy . f NjYPi=1SRELGQ`ZI9Dg {RXs Hz1WXEy4yDlG_{ZK%wV,Pb>f"dq4CB[N+tlXJLg0+G5Ib,FPPR@%Mq!g#"~WH()hh(6Va(G ei\P1Q:a( v@v;* iJZiL J1"T 44scJ 2a#K> %g ~+4qRF}44H>d0-bWW~x>`M^L1?>d/{Y`YY|p?4Y_~+_ L( Y5 :>~\fE;mq4icHjp|NKH,nJh% -Y2J,)8TV]:Nd"MKM3#~OK~_373_+>C' x~x?1)>%_W4,G~V;9&vOiytp@JHxI4d%VtcUSh#TI&o?L(tEZiBv!L'+>QgZl P5|p]hUimQ_>Tc,Q s/=0d:Mk2bJy(*F03 660 were here. Flag. Nearby bus routes include 12, 1E, and 33. Easier parking on Ephrata side. 4 0 obj <> endobj Many scenic vistas! 0000945573 00000 n Warwick township, Akron Borough and Ephrata township acquired the undeveloped right of way of the former Columbia and Reading railroad in 2007. It makes for a very dirty bike. 0000944314 00000 n This is not a new modern apartment. Current segments of the trail will be fully connected when the Martic Forge Trestle is repaired from a 2018 arson. I have to mask up and wear goggles to keep them out of my eyes and mouth. 319 Windmill Way #74 is served by 10 transit routes. 0000946644 00000 n Turn right onto SR 61 S, and go 0.6 mile. Lori R. . The trail features 8 access points with parking and half a dozen restroom stops. This is the only local trail I ride that I have to wash the bike when done. To reach the northern trailhead from the intersection of US 222 and US 422 northwest of Reading, take US 222 N for 5.6 miles. 0000311140 00000 n Ephrata side of trail is paved and clean. 0001342240 00000 n The Turkey Hill end has a study to extend it to the Northwest River Trail. (Going straight takes you to a road). It's a great little trail, and my kids love stopping at the beautiful Warwick Twp park that the trail goes through. Great trail! I hopped on this trail somewhere around the mid point and headed towards Lititz. is a beautiful stretch of trail through farmland and a gravel parking lot with port-a-pots. Some portions Dawn-Dusk. The trail starts at Broad Street in Lititz Borough, and then extends along the former Reading Railroad corridor, and ends at West Chestnut Street in Ephrata Borough. 15 groceries, 53 restaurants, 3 parks. After this point, the trail becomes crushed stone and runs through farmland, though it still has some tree cover to keep your trip pleasant on a sunny day. have been completed from the Akron Borough line to Millway road in Ephrata Township. 0001295936 00000 n Easy to run and very well maintained. Phase 3, which will be completed in 2012 or later, will extend the Linear Park further north to Pine Street, near the borough's north end. Lots of road crossings, but most people stopped for us. The trail is open year-round and is beautiful to visit anytime. One end starts in the middle of ephrata where all the reuse-it shops are so if you are into shopping consignment then it is an awesome trail to start shopping drop your stuff off and then start. Communities along the path are collaborating and working on their part of the trail to bring this vision to life. dog park in Ephrata. Great for walking or jogging or for a quick short ride. Saw a sign saying 'No Winter Maintenance'. We did the trail out to Oak St. then up to Newport Road. Beside each other, not so great. It was a lovely day so there were a lot of people on the trail, but not too many people that we had difficulty navigating the trail. 0001343619 00000 n 0001251332 00000 n Part of the trail project involves converting the abandoned Rt. 0000785294 00000 n 0001341562 00000 n A small playground trailside offers shade and a few picnic tables with nearby porta-potty. Started at the Millway crossing parking area. Undone. PLEASE finish it this will be one of the best trails around once complete!! endstream endobj 5 0 obj <> endobj 6 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/Properties<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 2808.0 1728.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 7 0 obj [/ICCBased 32 0 R] endobj 8 0 obj <>stream Ave., near the southern end of town. Landmarks and Outdoors, Park . 0001264782 00000 n A view from the Warwick-Ephrata trail, which is more rural towards the Warwick side. 0000785294 00000 n Become a member and wear your FREE T-Shirt with pride. Park Ridge 1. The trail features 8 access points with parking and half a dozen restroom stops. 0 Ephrata Cloister is located 'West' of the Ephrata trailhead with numerous restaurants in the downtown area. 0001268779 00000 n 0000944687 00000 n 0001254858 00000 n Muscle Shoals . 0001266554 00000 n This section of the rail trail is a junction for several other trails in the community, more information can be found on the Lititz-Warwick Trailhead webpage on Explore PA. Pennsylvania has more than 12,000 miles of trails most of which remain accessible during this period. - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. I often exit of the trail onto Front street in Lititz and ride over to the Warwick/Lititz Linear park and then back for a 10 mile loop. That would be a great addition to the town" 2. 0001342374 00000 n I even enjoyed a few alternative routes around a park and a school. twin home is a 4 bed, 2.0 bath unit. endstream endobj 8 0 obj <> endobj 9 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/Properties<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 3168.0 2448.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 10 0 obj <>stream 124 S. State St. | Ephrata, PA 17522 | Ph: 717-738-9222 |. Parking is available at a number of locations along the trail. The trails also has beautiful views of Lancaster's characteristic farm landscapes. 0000457877 00000 n 0001345269 00000 n Walked portions of this trail in the past. The Warwick to Ephrata Rail-Trail (WERT) is a system that connects the following municipalities: Lititz Borough, Warwick Township, Ephrata Township, Akron Borough and Ephrata Borough. From downtown Ephrata to Akron and return. Liked the lights from Ephrata to Akron. The current trail extends 7.5 miles through villages, farmland, and forested areas. It is in Warwick Township. The wheelchair-accessible porta-potty that serves as the trail's only public restroom is located here, and a small flower garden is located on the right bank that separates the park from Railroad Ave. A branch trail that connects to a nearby elementary school demonstrates that the Linear Park is intended not just for recreation, but to tie the community closer together. This apartment community also offers amenities such as Two reserved parking spaces, Ephrata School District and Convenient access to Route 222 and is located on 35 Fulton Street in the 17501 zip code. 4 0 obj <> endobj The small section of the trail between Fulton Ave. and the Ephrata Review parking lot runs on an embankment behind the borough's municipal building and police department. %%EOF Marker is on North Oak Street, 0.1 miles north of East Main Street (Pennsylvania Route 772), on the left when traveling south. Bike. 105 0 obj <>stream Generally considered an easy route, it takes an average of 4 h 47 min to complete. 0000946644 00000 n Still a great little trail, while too short to be a destination ride on it's own, there are several other nice trails nearby. The Warwick to Ephrata Rail-Trail (WERT) is a system that connects the following municipalities: Lititz Borough, Warwick Township, Ephrata Township, Akron Borough, and Ephrata Borough. 0001344804 00000 n Municipal Building (315 Clay Rd. 0000784856 00000 n 15 groceries, 53 restaurants, 3 parks. Plenty of space at the parking lot which also boasts a Bike Share! 0001269131 00000 n hbbd```b``~"m@$K0LA[,{ ]"5jNIfn.HW &A$LY0 They have really nice trail bikes for rent for $10/2 hours. This newly opened section is easily accessible to the apartments adjacent to the trail,and since the section is lighted, provides another place for evening dogwalkers. We rode our bikes 7 miles from Ephrata to Lititz and arrived at lunch time a break and some nourishment in town. Go 6.4 miles east, and take the exit toward PA 230/PA 341/Toll House Road. 322/Main Street in Ephrata. This was our "first ride". 4 102 0001341562 00000 n When complete, the Rail Trail will contain nearly ten miles of developed trail and connect the four communities of Ephrata Borough, Akron Borough, Warwick Township and Lititz Borough. 0001343682 00000 n 0000002766 00000 n Landmarks and Outdoors, Hiking Trail . Opened to the public in 2018, the Warwick to Ephrata Rail Trail actually runs along the same inactive rail line as the Junction trail. Roscoe 1. 35 W 4th Ave , Lititz, PA 17543-2607 is a single-family home listed for-sale at $375,000. Went for a nice winter walk that included this trail. 0001249867 00000 n Most of trail is asphalt. 0001344867 00000 n Not sure there's a way to remedy it. That trail, when completed, will provide an indirect link to the Lititz-Warwick Trailway. If you start your ride in Ephrata about 1 mile from Main St. the trail turns to the left. ft. home is a 4 bed, 2.0 bath property. 0001344867 00000 n Other Facilities appear lacking. WERT Warwick to Ephrata Rail Trail | Lititz PA Excellent ride for e-bikes. The WERT is popular for walkers and runners and bicyclists year-round and skiers in the winter. 0000787039 00000 n You'll ride over a bridge, some of the . %%EOF Wert Warwick to Ephrata Rail Trail. 0001341293 00000 n Lancaster County Central Park Parking locations includea small seven space parking lot where the trail crosses at 78 East Queen Street in Ephrata. He stated that they have a broom attachment for the skid loader that they use to brush aside all of the fallen black walnut husks on the paved sections. Rail Trail: Warwick-Ephrata Rail Trail. 5&G. Seeking sightseeing Downtown Lancaster and The Amish Village are both within a short drive!-- THE PROPERTY -- It heads all the way north to the city of Lebanon. Opened to the public in 2018, the Warwick to Ephrata Rail Trail actually runs along the same inactive rail line as the Junction trail. Warwick Regional Recreation Commission (WRRC) is a group of entities in the Warwick Region of northern Lancaster County that cooperatively work together to serve our community. 0000003711 00000 n 0001241739 00000 n The Conewago Recreation Trail is a former railroad that was repurposed in the 1980s. 363 ft. Thanks to the Countys planning, we were able to meet the new need with a network of shared-use trails. As retired folks, although we are not in bad shape, we feel we need the exercise and just the chance to get out and enjoy the outdoors. Help defend and expand trails nationwide. The WERT is one of Ephrata's newest recreational facilities, opening on . Df Sl;M m*] 1.78 mi State: Alabama Concrete. 0001269131 00000 n Generally considered an easy route, it takes an average of 1 h 44 min to complete. A gravel trail passing through farmland. Downloadable maps of the trail are available online and show available parking, rest stops, points of interest and more. We have a lot of hopes for our trail system. Instead of following a railroad, the Northwest River Trail runs along an old canal route.