To prepare for a pageant, you must have a wardrobe selected, a talent practiced, be mentally prepared to answer your on-stage questions and on top of . No, it's not because I couldn't sleep, or even the reverse, that I was just so anxious to start the day. And, depending on your particular passion and niche, there are so many wonderful organizations that you can get involved with such as, Dress for Success, Goodwill and Jobs For the Future. National American Miss 2019 Kendra Hale. Lauren serves as the official Massachusetts advocate for both the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) and Multi-Service Eating Disorder Association (Meda). This is a very useful exercise that wont take long at all, and it will generate a plan of action that is tailored specifically to you and your brand. Then go through your top 10 activities and ask yourself if someone would pay you to do some of those things for them. Now, that weve got that cleared up. March 3, 2022. This is why most wellness programs start off with a personal health assessment and a biometric screening. The theme to this year's Mental Health Awareness Week is: "Winning ways to Wellbeing". We've created a list of 107 Pageant Platform Ideas (with a few organizations to partner with) just for you! If you have a place in your heart for the holidays, you can make Christmas extra special for kids by joining up with the Marines and their, Toys for Tots drive. Another organization called the, There Is No Limit Foundation seeks a world free of poverty, inequality, and violence, where independent, networked individuals leverage their knowledge, skills and connections to uplift and provide for themselves, their families and communities. Check out this podcast, "How to Raise Money for Your Pageant Platform," for an overview of how to start your fundraising efforts: A titleholder is a leader and a motivator. Miss Utah's Outstanding Teen 2020 and 2021, Charlee Sorensen, introduces the Miss Utah's Outstanding Teen 2022 competition at the Covey Center for the Arts in Provo. You do not have to over extend yourself and put on some grand gesture or produce a major event in order to make money, if that is not your thing. And, for many of these ladies, their platform was born out of their own personal experiences. But, she found a very unique way to combine her passion for fashion with her personal drive in the business world, and empower women from her very individualized point of view. Instead of thinking about promoting your platform, think more about communicating about it, because that is, in essence, what you are really doing. In your immediate family, those who stay with you in your home, is someone facing an extremely tough medical situation? It is also very important to promote your pageant system, not just your platform by making appearances. Young women should know that taking care of themselves is just as important as achieving any other type of success, she says. This is your time to speak about all of the fundraisers, events, and charity work you have done to further your platform. Find information and support for your mental health. Your platform should be a cause that you can easily spend hours discussing and volunteering for. Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Best Buddies and the Boys & Girls Clubs of America are always on the lookout for people to come hang out with their clients. Then you tweak your platform concept in such a way that it is more unique and personal to you. In fact, there are entire pageant systems established around the idea of ending the war on violence, such as, Miss Grand International. Sometimes, you may want to raise money for your platform because you care deeply about what you are doing, and your platform requires financial assistance from donors to survive. As a result, you felt like the whole world was opened for you. And, in 2019 she competed in the Miss America system and represented her native Florida as Miss Manatee River 2019. As Miss America 2011, Teresa Scanlan worked to promote the Miss America Organization and the organizations that it partners with, such as the national platform of Childrens Miracle Network Hospitals, and her personal platform on eating disorders, Eating Disorders: A Generation at Risk, Miss America 2011 Teresa Scanlan. In fact, the best thing that you can do for yourself is to think of the big picture, and that includes your contacts and social network. Miss Universe advocates for the group, Young Focus, a non-government organization working towards making education accessible to the children of Smokey Mountain dumpsite communities, which is a slum in Tondo, Manila. Don't fret, we've got all the answers for you right here. Filipinos are big beauty pageant fans. Living with bipolar can be tough, and managing it perfectly is simply not possible. In fact, the majority of contestants go through a period of looking into different platform ideas, asking themselves a lot of questions about what the feel most motivated to change in the world. There is nothing wrong with getting help. In a livestream on the Miss Universe YouTube channel, Catriona Gray addressed issues affecting mental health in the pageant world and called on fans, delegates, and international organizations to do their part to make the space safer and more positive for everyone. Currently, Rachel is the international spokesperson for the Center for Autism and Related Disabilities (CARD) at the University of South Florida and was recently elected to their executive board of directors. She shows up for these people when nobody else does. Two titleholders who have had intimate knowledge of depression and the resulting feelings of pain and isolation are Miss Black USA 2018 Kelsi Horn and Miss Global 2018 Sophia Ng. Miss Washington Teen USA 2019 Lily Lloyd. There are so many platform ideas in this category, that we cannot possibly cover them all! Miss America 2019 Nia . Parents would be thrilled to have someone teach their young daughters how to do appropriate hair and makeup, and theyd be happy to pay someone for that service. As long as you keep in mind that your hard work is what will set you apart in all aspects of competition, you are good to go! We havent even discussed your communication skills yet and youve already got a bunch of great ideas. Ng was unsure as to what pageants could offer her already budding career in mental health, but, she began to realize that she could use her platform to further her passion of wanting to de-stigmatize mental health especially amongst the Asian American community. Miss Universe 2018 Catriona Gray in the slums of Tondo. Lets explore your love of journalism, photography and making videos and see if we can find something related to those concepts to make money at. Your platform could be centered around how a family members condition has forced you to become a stronger person for them. The second paragraph of your essay should be the how. Drawing on our experience and that of others, we offer five considerations that mental-health-care providers, insurers, or employers should bear in mind as they embark on developing pay-for . Its a tremendous and freeing time to champion a cause related to female empowerment and any related topics. Why not create your own brand of healthy dog or cat treats in your kitchen? You know for a fact that this gown is the one that you want, and you know it was meant for you. You could go a whole other way and promote reading with children as your platform. Having this in mind will help you to answer your interview questions easier as well as give you the proper mindset of why you embarked upon your platform. She was named ambassador for the Unicorn Childrens Foundation and works with this international organization to help people with neurodiversity. In recent years, several noteworthy titleholders have created dynamic and powerful platforms that not only won them a significant title, but brought a lot of public attention and support to their individual causes. Cheslie also created a ball gown out of newspaper for the competition! Photo: Facebook. Photo:Facebook. But, whats even more impressive than her ambition and her title is what shes doing when nobody else is watching. She was Miss India Worldwide 2018, Miss India USA 2017 and prior to that countless titles in the Miss America system. The other contestants raised money by holding their own pageants, gala balls, fun runs, quiz nights and cake sales. Mental health has historically suffered from a lack of meaningful measurement, which is critical to driving better health outcomes. Making money because of something that you do for others as a service like dog walking, giving haircuts, cleaning and organizing homes or offices. Contact any person that you think might be interested in talking about your platform, either formally or informally. Keep in mind, the possibility of girls having the same platform as you is very high, there are only so many causes one can champion. As mentioned before, having a platform is integral to making your year of service, whether as a contestant or as a titleholder, worth the effort. So, first off, playing volleyball may or may not be a good money making idea, although, depending on your skill level, your experience and your desire, you may just make a pretty good volleyball coach. Photo: Safe Horizon. The 30-year-old attorney with an MBA . Other child-related topics include fighting . Were just trying to come up with ideas to raise money for your pageant. Other times the pageant that you are competing in asks you to raise a certain amount of money on behalf of the pageants charity. Read 107 Pageant Platform Examples (& How to Choose THE One)Read 6 Pageant Platform Money Raising Ideas That Are Guaranteed to Work!Subscribe to the Pageant Daily You want to be able to set yourself apart, and show that you are an individual.That way you can really personalize it in a way that makes it unique and attention getting. (Sleeping does not count!). This modern woman managed to combine her career and business acumen with her love of fashion and femininity in a way that showed she was bright and ambitious without losing any of her feminine appeal. A pageant platform is an integral part of becoming a contestant and a reigning queen once you win the title that you are after! Try to get involved with things that relate to your brand and who you are and what you most enjoy doing. The pageant has adopted a mission that they call the, Stop the War and Violence Campaign. Young women are often comparing themselves against the accomplishments or achievements of others, she explains. Childhood pageant participants scored higher on body dissatisfaction, interpersonal distrust, and impulse dysregulation than non-participants, and showed a trend toward . Start making appearances! Most people experiencing homelessness are individuals (67 percent). But, its nothing to get worked up about. One of the most well known non-profit organizations in the world is Mothers Against Drunk Driving, or MADD. She answered: "I think a pageant like Miss Universe gives us young women a platform to foray in the fields that we want, be it entrepreneurship, be it the armed forces, be it politics. They support Smile Train, GMHC and AID FOR AIDS, and the winner of Miss Universe spends her year traveling overseas to spread messages about the control of diseases, peace, and public awareness of AIDS. They may even see things that you didnt think of. Top 10 Features of the Best Digital Wellness Platforms. Kryst died of suicide Sunday in New York. And the hidden physical dangers of sexulization of a child to put on a show for potential sex- offenders lurking in the audience. You need to see what the pageant's "definitions" are by looking at the performance of the top 5 contestants. Every person has their own personality, style and temperament when it comes to communication, and there are multiple ways that you can communicate about your platform that will be comfortable for you. What you must understand is that a platform is not an organization. Do you see how finding your niche makes your platform come alive? Cleft repair surgery is simple, and the transformation is immediate. Miss Washington World America 2019 Shree Saini. Photo: Smile Train. In this section of your essay, you should have at least three paragraphs, the first illustrating the backstory behind why you chose your platform. Any proud pet owner would be over the moon to be able to purchase a custom made outfit for their furry friend. You'll have to turn on your creative brain for this exercise, but it'll be fun! There are people out there who are petite and always have to have their pants, dresses and skirts hemmed and they would love to pay you to do it for them. The good news is that there are also tons of organizations around the world that are centered on helping, caring for and saving our animal friends, so its very easy to locate other people who have the same priorities that you do. The way pageant platforms are implemented can take on many shapes and forms, but its all up to you on how you want your year as a contestant or a titleholder to be. Best for boosting your mood: Happify. A few of the organizations that you might volunteer with if you want to get involved in this area and meet other people who share your passion are Paws, Petsmart or your local animal shelter. When you break down your essay like this, it makes writing your essay a bit easier. By thinking along these lines, you will hopefully open yourself up to all of the possibilities that are within your reach. She won her crown on a platform of supporting youth care and education in her native Philippines. When you choose atopic that you love and are passionate about, everyone can see the passion from miles away! The Global Sisterhoods mission is all about providing education, resources, and networking for women and girls internationally by forming connections and supporting each others missions and movements.. You could even come up with your own service project and write your own story book about being read to as a child. Many girls who have signed up for their first pageant have not embarked upon a platform and won. We wont rule it out, but lets see if we can find some better ideas from your list, ok? Lauren is also a survivor of anorexia nervosa. As a professional therapist she works with children and teenagers from age 5-19, and does individual counseling for those who suffer from a diagnosed mental health disorder (major depressive disorder, attention deficit hyperactive disorder etc). Lily has dedicated over 400 volunteer hours serving her community through the non-profit that she created. You can spread awareness of your cause through social media, but taking your cause to the streets not only gets the general public more engaged, but it can also give you more inspiration to keep going. Then, there is the tragic story behind Victorias Voice, otherwise known as the Victoria Siegel Foundation. When asked who her role models were growing into womanhood, she explains why she was able to avoid some of the pitfalls social media offers. Its an exciting time to explore volunteering in this area, and you will absolutely feel rewarded for your efforts, as you help other women achieve their own goals. By championing a cause, having a platform provides you with the opportunity to make a difference, and even though you may feel that your impact is small, once you become a titleholder, it is very much so amplified on a local, state, national, and international level! Take for example the current Miss America 2019 Nia Franklin, whose platform is called Advocating for the Arts. Now that youve figured out what your platform is, and why youve created it, you must figure out how you will enact it. Additionally, she spent time as a spokesperson and advocate for many other organizations and causes including the Heart Association, the American Cancer Society, Youth Service America, and the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders. But, just because your Grandfather grumbles about his gout, or some mean girls harassed you during junior high or on social media, does not mean that those are ideal platform ideas for you. Size does not define beauty. Since the 1920s, the country has been crowning women for their charm and grace through the Manila Carnival, a celebration of the friendship between the United States and the Philippines. Draw a circle. No matter the organization, having a pageant platform ensures that as a contestant and titleholder, you are a well-rounded individual that wants to make a larger impact on her community and the world that surrounds her. Milagros Day Worldwide, is a non-profit organization that empowers survivors of Domestic Violence through leadership coaching and mentorship; and a commitment to turning abuse into success. And once you figure all that out, how do you promote your pageant platform? Another great idea would be to offer to take videos of pageant girls doing mock interviews, especially since you are so comfortable talking to people and you have a natural affinity for journalism. In addition to her other commitments, she found time to work alongside the Massachusetts State House on policy changes. Kelsi believes social media is a culprit in the pressure young women apply to themselves. Henderson grew up around alcohol and domestic violence, being exposed to a plethora of negative experiences. And I'm writing a blog post. Peer Mentors Program: Making Peace with Bullying. Dec 13, 2021. All you have to do is make yourself available. Her involvement with her platform allowed her to partner with Prevent Child Abuse America and Child Help. 6. Most of the candidates who participate in the organization also enjoy getting involved with the annual fund raisers associated with the CMN, such as Dairy Queens Miracle Treat Day campaign and Free Pancake Day at IHOP. If you grew up in foster care, are a parent to an adopted child or just feel inspired to help in that area, then check out an organization that is tied to foster care, adoption or some other form of. Well, suppose that you are competing in a pageant with 25 other girls and three of those girls are saying that, The Red Cross is their platform. It requires a lot of strength, maturity and healthy boundaries to get involved with children who have been hurt because if you are a sensitive person, it can be very painful for you as well. The most important aspect of the platform is to be able to go out into the world and inspire with actions as well as words. Some people might think its a joke, but saving the world from hate and violence is no laughing matter. For first-year student Ellie Osborne, '25, winning Miss Teen North Carolina North America 2022 means more than just a title. When Kelsi Horn began preparing to compete in the Miss Black USA pageant, she knew immediately that mental health would be her platform. What kind of work have you done, or what tasks do you most enjoy at your job? Many pageant girls will say that their platform is, The Red Cross, when in reality, their platform is not actually The Red Cross,because the Red Cross is an organization. Kendra explains the personal feelings and beliefs that drive what she does; I live beside several counties that have high poverty rates. If you are a pageant gal who has a soft spot for our furry, finned or feathered friends, a platform that is focused on animals is a fun and motivating way to help the creatures that we share the planet with.