I had no problem with it funking my pipe though, or leaving any goop in the bottom of the bowl. It is one of the few that sometimes benefit from judiciously dumping the ashes from the first half of the bowl in order to re-invigorate the last 3rd. I'm in the mood for something classical and satisfying. Otherwise, I like this more than 1792 (which I have not had for years). For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. I won't give Bracken 4 stars as I feel it is inferior to the likes of FVF and 1792 but I find it quite enjoyable and will continue to keep it in my Lakeland rotation as it just agrees with my palate. Even though i had read some bad reviews about this tobacco, i went ahead and bought it. The nicotine level is high, with a back-of-the-mouth sensation again like a good cigar. It doesn't quite taste like soap, but it is definitely a unique tobacco. I had tried this flake around ten years ago, and browsing in my tobacco shop the other day I found a tin of this and decided to give it another spin. In the tin, this smells like Kendal Cream Flake; whether this is a similarity in the essences or in the constituent tobaccos I don't know. It was difficlt to keep lit and I scrapped it with about 1/4 bowl left to go. Have enjoyed pipe smoking, again, for almost 5 years now and have tried a number of Blends all of which have been recommended by my supplier. Not an improvement, to my mind. This should be tried by anyone who wants to explore the dark Lakeland flakes. What kind of defies me is to decide what that scent is. Either that, or the flavouring is so well matched that it seems to not be overwhelming or floating atop the taste of the tobacco. I've enjoyed this on climbing expeditions in the Lakes and Peaks, and in Scotland: perfect hill walking companion. The nicotine is very potent in this tobacco so be careful if you are smoking it first thing in the morning. But, be careful, the drier it becomes, the stronger it gets. All in all, I found it to be an excellent flake for those who enjoy BIG flavor from their tobaccos. Flakes break up fairly easily, but unevenly. Lots of people purposefully dry out their tobacco to a near crisp to reduce the presence of water. I find I need more than the average number of relights but this tends to pace the smoke , so I don't consider it a problem. One of my tins had what looked like in the sunlight sugar crystals. The stuff smells awful: heavy, sweet, and medicinal. The room note is a little like shoe polish aroma so you won't win any fans when smoking it but it is a good smoke and can be smoked outdoors. Ho-hum. That being said, if you like 1792, you should try this too. 1792 does not, even when I inhale a little. Those who like the stronger flavors of Lake District dark flakes may be disappointed as will those who appreciate the full monte of tonkin bean extract in 1792. This is a very nice and strong tobacco that is best smoked slowly. This tobacco was recommended to me after my tobacconist was out of a virginia blend that i was looking for. I comes with broken loosw flakes of a rich walnut brown color, the flakes are loose but the tobacco is packed very tight making it a little harder to break up to pack in a pipe. Easy to fill, burns also nice, but: it is like heavy lifting with the chest. Aroma: Strong and pungent, almost cigarish in aroma. The nicotine is just too much. 10622615. eCommerce by digital thing. The taste & strength is reminiscent of PIF on the first light, with a cigar-like tobacco flavour. I also like the fact that Bracken gives the impression of an aromatic with a full tobacco flavor and presence. This is still a high quality tobacco that will be suited to full flavor smokers. of STC Holdings LLC. I guess the experience is trending in the right direction though. ALL images are Copyrighted and NOT for open use. Samuel Gawith Cabbies Roll Cut Mixture Pipe Tobacco 250g Bag. The history of tobacco in Kendal starts here, with Thomas Harrison bringing from Scotland not only the secrets of snuff manufacture, but 50 odd ton of second hand equipment all by horseback back in 1792. I am guessing that the flavor additive is tonkin bean because it has that peculiar sweetness of 1792, another favorite. I was lucky enough to procure one tin from my local B&M, not knowing that this tobacco had been discontinued for years already, even more lucky considering it was a blind buy based solely on the fact that i wanted to try something from the house of Gawith. When I took my first puff the first thing to come to mind was the word 'Stout'. The sweetness and topping/casing never fully leave, yet their initial flavors have matured and ripened into a fascinating mixture of stewed fruits and rich adult pleasures. In a small Stanwell. The tins I have smoked needed to dry out. It does have a considerable nicotine content. Strength is medium, and some of the fruit pouch note comes through in the smoke. I have tried Petertson's Irish Flake and that is what this reminds me of. A must try for all pipe smokers. I am enjoying this blend right now as I write my first review. *Note these are not pressure sealed they have a heat seal band on them from Samuel Gawith* Related products. This blend can get away from you if you are not careful with technique. It also has a trange flaovring. Loaded with nicotine! And then we have a smoke which is dark, deep and rich. Update: If you want to know what SG brown rope tastes like without having to fuss preparing the rope for pipe smoking, try Bracken Flake. It doesn't lack strength in any department: strong nicotine, very full flavour, and an exceedingly strong room-note; not one to smoke in company. That might have something to do with the age of the tobacco, as I smoke this it has been out of production for three years so this tin is at least that old, but I really couldn't say since I never had the pleasure of trying a fresh tin. I picture a lone arthritic old man who should have retired twenty years ago doing his best to meet his onerous quotas, slicing as quick as he can on his clunky Victorian machine in some Dickensian stone cellar. It doesn't have as much topping as 1792 or Cob Plug, but has a similar flavor profile, just toned down. (Is there a hint of talcum, as Beer astutely noticed?) Overall impression.Premium leaf,burns well when dryed out a bit. This is crap,and I'm dumping the rest of this awfull mess in the ##@$#%% rubbish bin. I keep postponing an order until SG is back in stock somewhere. Cocoa? I got loopy halfway through, and just could not take any more. A shame this is no longer in production, I think at the time I tried this my palette was simply not ready for the stronger tobaccos with the more robust flavours. Samuel Gawith Savinelli Seattle Pipe Club Semois by Manil Sheesha Signature Series by Per Georg Jensen Sillems Solani Standard Tobacco Stanwell Stokkebye Super Value Sutliff Sutliff BULK tobacco Svenborg Traditional/Miscellaneous Two Friends Vauen Villiger W.O. Smells like a porta-potty caught fire and burned straight to the ground. Both times I smoked it in a small bowl. Simple in design, and complex at the same time. So, I snapped some up, and here's how I find it: Removal of the lid reveals some thin, almost black flakes. It would serve well in this way. Be that as it may, the flake is dark and wet. I like it. It does need relights but the slow burn is cool and flavorful, the relights simply add a burst of flavor. The slight casing aroma is barely noticeable in the tin and almost totally fades away when smoking. I rub it out some before smoking, although I prefer flakes you can just roll into your pipe (which breaks them up some) and smoke. It came across to me as some sort of spicy, peppery, syrup flavor. But the sweetness is always light, if never exactly subtle. This is some good stuff. Comparisons to 1792 are apt, it's in the same vein. We have been in the business for many years and our care and adherence to tradition guaran Categories: Samuel Gawith, Tobacco Tins. My favourite being BBF I went for something that had "cocoa-chocolate", a bit stronger than BestBrown. It's fantastic and that means more for me. ), this dissipates after being open for a while, it also lessens with age. Nice broken (bracken) flake, and one I'll repeat. A bit hard to light staight from the tin, so let it dry out a bit by leaving the tin open over night. Orders over $95 in US, Safe Payments A beautiful VaK flake, moderately scented in the purest Lakeland tradition. Mid Bowl: Approaching mid-bowl, the fullness tends to build and while I wouldn?t call this mixture particularly complex, the topping or casing gradually fade completely into the background but never leave the scene. (I pray SG can get that leaf again someday! Purchased From: Friend personal collection. This was an unexpected and pleasant surprise. One of the key words here is strong - this is not for the faint of heart, or for beginner pipe smokers. Samuel Gawith Pipe Tobacco The Samuel Gawith Company has been through many iterations, but one thing remains the same -- a tradition of excellent pipe tobacco blends. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. . You chaps who like this tobacco, my hat is off to you. This my first SG tobacco but not my first flake. I find it very, very tasty. It comes very moist and needs to be dried. Bought it, and haven't seen any more since. As a traditional blend type this is an excellent choice that any Enthusiast should try. Pipe Used: Bent billiard, straight apple, corncobs. small smokey base for the virginia to start from. These flakes had really nice flavor though. and five minutes later biting into what you thought was gum and turned out to be a disgusting balled up Tootsie Roll in the middle. Email Us | (888)366-0345 Account Login Create Account . Some tobaccos are not really for inhaling. The tobacco was too moist in all three tins. Black, broken tarry flakes with minute crystals. This tobacco is 5-year aged, so its appearance is dark with shiny specks in it, in a full flake form. That is not far off. as the famous or infamous SG "1792", but still a full tobacco treat in terms of body and taste. The scent is heavenly: coumarin jumps off the top, with other medicinal aromatic scents. I would also like to add that this is not an "English Blend", which implies it has Latakia, it does not. I'm going to try it again but I don't get it. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. As recommended I have allowed it to dry out a fair bit. Nicotine is there but I do not find overpowering. Room note is that of a quality cigar. Please bring this one back! Samuel Gawith $15.00 - $44.63 (1 review) Write a Review SKU: 100-8385 Size: (Required) 50 g. 8 oz. We take your privacy very seriously. This could be an all dayer as opposed to the heaviness of 1792. A tremendous value in bulk and a great smoke! The last half of the bowl is the best,the Kentucy and Virginias are perfectly matched and have deepened in flavor and strength,but not overly so.Try your hardest to get bit by the Bracken,it just wont happen.This is a very satisfying smoke that burns cool and clean.I have not DGT'd this but suspect it might do well.If you enjoy dark and robust tobacs you'll find a winner here. And this stuff is aggressively flavored. Hard as you might tug on this tobacco there is no bite. It's more than a milder version of 1792; there are hidden sweet flavors underneath the overall earthy tone. Packing:. I miss the nuances of the flavors. Is "wierd" too subjective? Medium to strong in body and nic. I do not get complexity like in FVF, but a very satisfying smoke. In our opinion, the Samuel Gawith offerings are some of the very best on the market today. I hold them in the highest regard and Im very thankful to still have the wonderful blends they have in production today. Therefore, IMHO, BF merits four **s! It's mellow & smooth all the way to the bottom of the bowl. Company No. It doesn't smell nasty like some orientals but it has a pretty heavy tobacco presence. I promised my wife I'd quit before she got home from work and I don't want to expose her to it being pregnant and all. Sort by: Samuel Gawith Mayors Collection Sams Flake Pipe Tobacco 50g - PIPE TOBACCO OF THE MONTH. A lot of people say this is just 1792 with a different topping but I strongly disagree. On to the smoking. Some of my pipe smoking brethren seem to really enjoy this tobacco. After a few sniffs i could smell the dark virginia's coming through pretty nicely. 1792), located in Kendal in the South Lakeland district of Cumbria, grew their business apart from sibling company Gawith Hoggarth, but now the two are united once again under one roof. ), it sometimes gets harsh, though this may be due to lack of technique. Live and learn. Perhaps this has some orientals giving rise to this whisper underlying and playing off the sweetness? Very moist out of the tin, you may prefer a little dry time, although I did not do that. I have lately been exploring Lakeland Scented Flakes, and this one was high on the ?to try? Pretty good tobacco once it dries enough to accept flame. It is tangy, and maybe has a little tonquin action going on, but again, none is noted. It deserves it: it's a masterpiece of the dark flake genre. This is a great Latakia, Virginia with a nice rum note. Yet I love it. Once in a while they get some Dan Tobacco or CAO tins, but that's about it unless you actually have them order it for you which is still hit or miss as to whether or not they actually will. I'm down to one opened and one un-opined tin of baccy. Both are done conservatively in my estimation and exploit both the tanginess of the Virginia as well as the spiciness of the Kentucky respectively; brilliant blending from a great tobacco house. The initial aroma is of Dark Chocolate just like the tin aroma, maybe just a hint of something fruity too, it slows down after the beginning of the bowl though & becomes just a delicious, very dark Virginia flavor. Picture this, you are strolling down a beach, you reach into your pocket, and , In 2022, a key component of any product is customisation. I was just happy that the soapy taste was totally absent from this Lakeland. Frankly, the "soapy" taste leaves me cold. Minimal Virginia undertones. I'm amazed I've not yet reviewed this flake, which may be my favorite tobacco of all time. Best after lunch or dinner. Nice on a rainy Saturday morning when there is nothing much to do. This stuff is too strong. Great Stuff! Still it is a pretty strong tobak. I have increased the time to a full hour for this review smoke. 1.800.364.5126 Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm EST Tobacco Pipes Cigars Accessories Consignment Specials Apparel Chew Tobacco Samuel Gawith: FULL VIRGINIA FLAKE 8oz Sold Out Samuel Gawith: ST. JAMES FLAKE 8oz Sold Out Samuel Gawith was the son-in-law of Thomas Harrison, a snuff manufacturer who moved his trade and equipment to Kendal, Cumbria, England from Scotland in 1792. . Due to the "board" reviews here, I chose to sample Braken Flake before giving 1792 Flake a try. BF burns slowly, even when bone dry, and there is no tongue burn. I might get it again, but it won't be something I'm craving after. I also recommend reading the other reviews for this blend. The ingredients declared are no more than Kentucky, dark-fired Virginias and a mystery "long-used" essence. I've been pretty distraught since I learned it was discontinued, and am making my remaining stash of it last. This also allowed the slight smokiness of Bracken to shine (a dry smoke, peperry smoke, not campfire-ish), due to the DFK i suppose (at this moment i was reminded a bit of MacBaren Old Dark Fired). It's absolutely the same approach of 1792 Flake, and while I understand that some may love it (especially those who like strong bodied cigars or Toscanos), it puts me off. Bracken flake ghosts your pipe big time. This one is not my prefer tobacco, but i find it very interesting, complex and enjoyable. A sweet smooth smoke is offered all the way through. The smell in the tin IMO smells like pine tar or cedar oil.The taste of the smoke is quite different however and I (almost) like it,though I tasted no black cherry. GQ Tobaccos, we often get quizzed about cigars and , Samuel Gawith - Grousemoor - 50g Loose Pipe Tobacco, Samuel Gawith - Cabbies Mixture Loose - 50g Pouch, Samuel Gawith - Lakeland Dark Pipe Tobacco - Loose, Samuel Gawith - Reunion Series - Brown House Roll Cut (Loose), Samuel Gawith -Bothy Flake Pipe Tobacco - Loose, Samuel Gawith -Perfection Pipe Tobacco - Loose, Samuel Gawith - Navy Flake Pipe Tobacco - Loose, Pipe Tobacco Sampler - Samuel Gawith Bestsellers - 40g Total, Pipe Tobacco Sampler - Samuel Gawith Flake 1 - 40g Total, Samuel Gawith -Best Brown Flake Pipe Tobacco - Loose, Samuel Gawith - Lakeland Dark - 50g Tin, Samuel Gawith - Black Cherry Pipe Tobacco - Loose, Samuel Gawith - Celtic Talisman - 50g Tin, Samuel Gawith - Kendal Cream Flake - 50g Tin, Lighting Procedure for Dunhill Tobacco Pipes. This is a very dark, almost black, flake with a pronounced fragrance. Virginia tobaccos with a small amount of Latakia pressed in flakes that are thick and stunning to look at. While the aroma of this flake may be intimidating, the flavor, smoked slowly, is amazing. This is the real thing! By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. I just get tobacco. This was one of my first entries into the SG Flake arena. I found this flake to be dark and moist, and quite pungent in the tin, much like 1792 and Full Virginia Flake. It burns rather fast and produces a darfk grey ash and just a touch of dottle at the bottom of the pipe. Though, to again quote the email, it has been "permanently" removed from their inventory). I wanted a strong tobacco. Gawith inherited this equipment from Harrison, and the company has been crafting premium tobacco since, with one of Samuel's two sons continuing the brand while . I would not recommend it to those (like me) who enjoy heavy Latakia blends like Pirate Kake. It is a minimum of 5 years old (on the shelf 5 years. Love this blend and will keep it in my rotation. Drying a tobacco out wont make it harsh. Some have criticized the look of the flake, uneven, thick/thin torn. Many people compare this to 1792. This is a mild smoke with no bite. This probably be another fun from pipe tobacco, to mix your own! Slow burning, sips nicely. Individual reviews are the opinion(s) of the contributor and do not reflect the opinion(s) Update; I still don't like this. But rather than Tonquin, Bracken Flake brings it's own essences: chocolate, menthol, cedarwood, liquorish even? As a regular V Flake smoker with occasional touch on English mix, my first try on this Flake was really harsh, I thought id never finish this 50g. I also get a bare essence of vanilla from the tonquin. Free shipping! It was fine. Fire-cured Tanzanian leaf and steamed and pressed Virginias are pressed then steam-pressed to further marry and caramelize the flavors before being cut into decadent flakes. The online store is always open - you can shop with confidence at all hours of the day, from anywhere in the world. BF is extraordinarily cool and has wonderful side-stream aroma. Once you get it lite it's quite good. If there is, it is below the radar. Cause They Don't Make 'Em Like That Anymore. Tin aroma: The first thing that is apparent when opening a tin of Bracken Flake is that it is fairly heavily scented. That is not a bad thing. I sampled a few draws before lighting but could not discern the taste which was very slight. As others have said, it does need a little drying to bring out the best. Samuel Gawith: Squadron Leader - English blend 1.75oz pipe tobacco. I will say that mid bowl when the flavor really starts to culminate it tastes a bit like a good cigar. It is peppery and leathery, with an underlying sweetness. This burns moderately well, yields a good volume of smoke and is more than satisfying from one bowls worth of indulgence. Here lies another departed tobacco from the old world. It said Samuel Gawith found a few remaining tins, had badged them with a simple white label (due to the previous artwork being redundant), and My Smoking Shop bought the lot! I would perhaps recommend this to pipe smokers who also enjoy dark, robust cigars. Two of four stars. I tried it few more times after some extensive drying periods, not so much to let it dry but to let the casing dissipate and then it was somewhat better to smoke but not much. I just keep on trying the SG flakes and each one keeps coming up a winner. It is made from the finest tobacco leaves by artisan Eduardo Ribera. This is a very full flavor english blend. Unlike their straight VAs etc this one stays on the shelf for a while before selling out. I was curious about the lakia, but I don't taste it at all Not an all day smoke, but depending on your proclivity for this type of product, you can easily repeat it - more so than many others with this type of strength. But I think that's a given when you look at the constituent tobaccos and consider that Samuel Gawith is the blender. Obviously not a close relative of 1792. There is a definite layer of sweetness which seems like virginias working, but also a dryer, "smokier" effect, ala latakia. Description Description. It leaves me perfectly satisfied. This is a weird one when I opened the tin, the first thought that came to my mind was soap. Thus I feel confident in stating with a degree of certainty that the width of the flakes has a decisive effect on the flavor of this blend: the thinner the flakes, the more the unique essence of Bracken comes through; thicker flakes are more difficult to smoke, and are not as flavorful. UPDATE (a day later): No, I have to give it four stars. This stuff was strong, even stronger than 1792, in my experience. I can only recommend it to people looking for strong experiences with their pipes. As someone else here as correctly stated "this is for lumberjacks". But smoked slow and respectfully, it will give you a very unique and great experience. Having enjoyed Grousemoor so much, I decided to try several SG Flakes, Bracken and Bulkan Flake. If you like French cigs Gitannes and Gauloises you will love this flake. EDIT: Since falling head over heels in love with Kendal Cream in the tin I purchased a pound in bulk and what a difference the bulk was compared to the tin. Fex puffs and down to the ashtray. Still surprised to find none of the tin aroma flavours in the smoke. I almost feel sorry for SG: it can't be easy meeting such a great demand for their quality products using such ancient machinery. She sets at my feet and chews her bone. Can you hear me, Samuel Gawith? When you give us your Personal Information we use it only to fill your orders and to communicate with you. As usual Pipestud hits the nail on the head, and thus I have little to add. The bowl settled down to an easy,strong and unflavorfull smoke.The tobacco burned dry to the bottom leaving a grey ash. Model: Navy Flake. Monochromatic, if not for the spice. Please note though that if you choose shipping via first class, your package is not trackable and we are not responsible for lost packages. A tobacco that should be stocked up on as age can do incredible things to the flavor of this spectacular blend. Smoked, this was very good. It seems that "our long national nightmare is over". Today, they still produce a huge range of flavoursome blends whilst still implementing the same traditional methods and, some of the original machinery from 1792. A first class smoke in every respect. But I am now curious to discover what surprise awaits me in each tin UPDATE 11/27/13: I've lost count on which tin I recently opened, but my current tin is like the first few I went through: the flakes are all uniformly thin. I can't quite put my finger on it, but, I swear I detect a hintI mean HINT, of black cherry. 4 Rope 50g Pipe Tobacco Product Number: 003-059-0011 Samuel Gawith was the son-in-law of Thomas Harrison, a snuff manufacturer who moved his trade and equipment to Kendal, Cumbria, England from Scotland in 1792. Samuel Gawith Balkan Flake Pipe Tobacco 50g (Tin) . Bracken Flake has quickly become one of my primary go-to flakes and entered a place in my top-ten desert island choices. I bought a tin wanting to try a Lakeland style back in 2009. While it's not as strong as Black XX Twist - which literally feels like you're having a bowl of cardiac arrest - it's still not advised for the newcomers. 1-800-494-9144 Sign Up for Email Specials Request a Catalog Stay connected and sign-up for emails to get exclusive deals and event info. While I haven't completely given up on Bracken Flake, I hesitate to recommend it to Virginia tobacco lovers. Samuel Gawith 1792 Dark Flake Pipe Tobacco (Loose) 3.99. No bite at all. Around mid bowl (and a few relights too many, i have to fight with this baccy ! Similar Blends: 1792, Kendal Cream Flake, Cobb plug, St Bruno, Condor. Rubs very easy, lites up easy and produces lots of smoke. Similar Blends: Samuel Gawith Full Virginia Flake with Perique.. 47 people found this review helpful. Really nice blend. However, I do not like Bracken Flake. It's not something I reach for every day. If flavors exist on some kind of continuum like colors do on an HSV scale, it's like the blenders changed the flavor lookup table of the base flake from sweet to dark. Whenever one of those appears here on tobaccoreviews.com, that usually means it is a stout tobacco. As for the tonquin present in and strength of this blend, Bracken Flake is more companionable than 1792 Flake, but BF is still quite full and best on a full stomach. Think I'm gonna YAK! If you chance on a tin and are a fan of the dark stuff at all, snap it up! The tin aroma is reminiscent of a muted Erinmore, somewhat liquorice-like in character, perhaps some anise? You could not believe how much this guy had cellared. I was devastated by the news, and am only now coming to terms with it. It makes for a rich and enjoyable smoke. SG Flakes are the best in terms of preparation and smoking qualities, that all adds to the overall 4 star ranking I give Bracken Flake. By mid-bowl the fragrant topping is pretty well gone and the Kentucky leaf is coming into its own. The harshness did fade a bit halfway through the bowl, and I was getting some nice flavors from small sips-the tobacco does burn well. Then discovered that no one has this in stock! but it sure has a strong room note.