Let me just say this: my liberal neighbors already knew they hated Ron DeSantis back in October 2021. Fourth he fights back against those who attack him without hesitation, but does it calmer, much more intelligently, and with better vocabulary than the only other guy known for fighting back. Literacy, numeracy. Wake up people!!! Web The Governor and First Lady DeSantis are loving parents to daughter Madison 5 years old son Mason 4 years old and . Is anyone else noticing an increasing number of apparently illiterate and innumerate teenage cashiers out there? Today, they are the parents of three children. They welcomed a baby girl into the world, Casey DeSantis announced on Monday. I have decided though, Im not a resident of Florida, but I like the idea of DeSantis anchoring Florida. DeSantis was ruthless in stripping the various privileges that the state had long granted to Disney in response to their opposition to Floridas so-called Dont Say Gay bill. As opposed to those of which politician? CONTEXT - After months of promoting Ron DeSantis to become the 2024 GOP nominee, which includes the efforts of Rupert Murdoch (and family) via a multimillion-dollar Harper Collins book deal for the Florida governor; lengthy friendly interviews with DeSantis on every program; a full feature infomercial running on Fox News to present him to the national audience . Very disappointing. Train derailment in Springfield, Ohio as residents ordered to shelter in place, Rape survivor 'sobbed seeing Gabby Petito bodycam vid after same cop did nothing', Daughter of murdered couple linked to Delphi case reveals paranoia, Serena Williams stepmom's debts continue to spiral amid crumbling home battle, 2020 THE SUN, US, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | TERMS OF USE | PRIVACY | YOUR AD CHOICES | SITEMAP, Ron DeSantis is married to Casey DeSantis, Credit: Photo courtesy of governor's office, Ron DeSantis has three children with his wife . This was the saddest assertion in the article. It will be defined by people like DeSantis, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Matt Geatz, JD Vance, etc. The Boomer Democrats are aging out. is totally right. Not sure if anyone saw Richard Baris on his latest presidential polling analysis, but he seems to think I am not the only one who will no-show if it isnt Trump in 2024. Ron Desantis, a Representative from Florida; born in Jacksonville, Duval County, Fla., September 14, 1978; graduated from Dunedin High School, Dunedin, Fla., 1997; B.A., Yale University, New Haven, Conn., 2001; J.D., Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., 2005; United States Navy, 2004-2010; United States Navy Reserve, 2010-present; author; One thing to control Florida where you are loved. Karl Rove has been running a Draft DeSantis campaign in FL since before his re-election in November. They first welcomed Madison in 2016, Mason in 2018, and finally Mamie in . L'arbregnalogique Dowling avec plus d'un demi-million de parents,contient des milliers de photos et GeneaStars. All Family Trees results for ron desantis. Empty words of DeSantis? This reporter is poor and I dont see anyone agreeing with him, that said his opinion, and that is all it is, is an fair as an any other, I dont like his opinion but Im glad it can still be shared and the view of progressivism hasnt yet censored everyone. What ever happened to loyalty ! Trump disowned his administrations most impressive executive achievement the vaccine roll-out Ron deserves to be jobless for resigning to be president and loosing that race. According to The Sun, Casey grew up in Ohio and obtained her Bachelor of Science degree from the College of Charleston in South Carolina. Wherever you work, youll end up running the place. People . gnalogique Dowling avec plus d'un demi-million de parents, This is an underappreciated sentiment. Boris Johnson won the red wall in northern England and then completely squandered the political advantage by not delivering on very obvious economic/material issues housing, transport etc for the North. Philip Rogers, pastor of St. Charles Borromeo Parish in Boardman. Or, if their woke dreams are dashed, when the Baby Boomer finding dried up, where they will vent their frustrations. Perhaps why a clueless Trump could not be tolerated. Though the book is generous with praise for Donald Trump, the unstated premise of DeSantiss run is that he can do what the former president once did but without the outsize flaws. We CANT let him screw up Trumps run. He promised fl to be governor for 4 years when he ran as governor. So that amounts to a endorsement I guess. He obviously has good people around him that are very much a part of his success. DUNEDIN, FLA. - A Mass of Christian Burial will be held Monday, May 25, 2015, at 11 a.m., at St. Charles Borromeo Church, Boardman, for Christina Marie DeSantis, 30, who died unexpectedly on Tuesday, May 12, 2015, in London. Scale for size. Brian Kilmeade is a puffed-up terminal bore. That would show a wonderful new growth. But even if he succeeds in getting a law passed, much will depend on the sincerity and effectiveness of enforcement. 2016) Biden was installed like a toilet and is just as full of crap and Obama is calling shots from the basement just as he said in the interview in a third term. Thats being a shill, and more often a Democrat. Florida doesnt need him and will survive without him. Ill bet $100 to your $10 that if DeSantis made it to the White House his tone would radically change to that of the folks who got him there. The surname Desantis is patronymic in origin, meaning it was based on the first name of a forefather. hes is totally right. And firstly its not progressive what is happening in USA, I would argue its the counter to this, they are turning authoritarian like the Chinese government. Web In this case Desantis is derived from the Latin word sanctus meaning holy or devout thus the original bearer of the name was known to be a holy and devout person. He needs to go. If all the Democrats vote for him, which they will, it would be easy for them to cheat and win the election. I told them not to worry. Even more funny. And yesat one time I thought of him as the Best Governor Ever but I have read some things about him & Nikki Haley that have left me very disappointed in them both. Yes, parents have no patience for woke excesses, but neither do they endorse the other extreme, which results in the same pathologies (book bans,political uniformity) but in a conservative direction. Im going to need a list of states where the latter has happened. She was a member of Delta Zeta sorority. Chief among these were the authors of the Federalist Papers, Alexander Hamilton and James Madison. The Scot Adams thing shows just how the wind is blowing. Geni requires JavaScript! Explore DeSantis genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree. How about the budget surplus Florida now has? Turn our backs on authoritarians period. The problem with the 45thpresident, as I have argued before, is that he was not able to follow through on the authentically populist and nationalist instincts that won him the White House in 2016. Before Casey retired from the media industry, she worked as a local anchor for WJXT in Jacksonville and as a host for the Golf Channel's On The Tee and PGA Tour Today. TRUMP NOW!!!! If DeSantis truly wishes to displace Trump as the partys leader, he must prove that he is a superior vessel for the populist impulses that now predominate in the GOP (Trumpism without Trump). If Trump had won in 2020, you can bet that the vaccines would be referred to as the Trump vaccines to this day. Look the war on woke is a precondition for any progress on any front. He or Nikki Haley would be great presidents! According to her bio, Casey grew up riding horses and is a three-time National Champion equestrian. Man you should attend some of my debates and discussions. If the conservatives in America dont develop a civic-national-populist class based response to globalism and a class-based alternative to racial tribalism, they are buggered. I am rapidly losing interest in anything the Rino Republicans have to say. Ron DeSantis and other state politicians to register with the state.. State Sen. Jason Brodeur has submitted a bill titled . While Trump may be effective in another term, he will be just getting started when before you know it, 2028 will be here and hell be done forever. For instance sending 50 Illegals to Marthas Vineyard was just for optics. Jared Gans, "DeSantis releases new 2022 ad: 'God made a fighter'," The Hill (November 4, 2022); Amy Eskind, "Ron DeSantis' Campaign Ad Says He Was Sent by God to 'Take the Arrows . It is near Pistrino, a frazione of the commune of Citerna, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ron_DeSantis#/media/File:Ron_DeSantis,_Official_Portrait,_113th_Congress_(cropped_2).jpg. Web Getty Ron DeSantis family includes his wife Casey and two young children Madison and Mason. Of the four, my vote would go for the third. Somebody might have not done their job on J6, but it was Nancy, Mitch and you could make the case that the Republican half of congress failed us also. I only had to sit it out twice before in my life, and while its not pleasant, it was better than showing up with absolutely zero research done and information acquired to blindly vote a straight ticket just to say I voted. Sometimes, not voting is the best option, such as when youve had a life crisis and just could not find the time /mental energy to read up on candidates & issues. But there is an alternative in social catholic political economy of distributism..libertarianism not for individuals but for families. We dont want to be his sloppy seconds just b/c he realizes he cant win the presidency. I become very suspect when DeSantis is in bed with the likes of Rupert Murdoch, Paul Ryan & Karl Rove. I would recommend you read Matt Stollers excellent article on him if you would like to know more. The surname Desantis was first found in northern Italy, particularly in the regions of Piedmont, Lombardy and Tuscany. I dont have a lot of respect for this author, ,mostly because of his immature responses to comments on a previous article, but I was pleasantly surprised by this one. My great hope is Governor DeSantis will tell the never-Trump lobbyists to take a hike and pull a great move by throwing his full support behind President Trump. They were engaged and set to be married soon. How about the earlier than most opening of schools after the disastrous lockdowns? People can just see through the issues and the fallacies are debunked in almost real time. His. TRUMP IS STILL MY PRESIDENT!!! The info here is first rate! Daughter of Private and Private This might not sound like much, but it is extremely rare. The family ethnic heritage is at least partly Italian if not entirely Italian. They are NOT fair & balanced or We report, you decide., Florida deserves better. For this reason, we have decided to set up a scholarship to Florida State in her name. I was going to say the very same thing! Its no longer just a fad that flourishes in the hot house environment of academia. L'arbre I dont want to listen to his voice for 4 years. Meet Your Great-Great-Grandmother, Ron DeSantis Luisa would have preferred to never leave home. Youd fondly remember Governor DeSantis, and wonder where the heck President DeSantis did with the original body. RON DESANTIS is a prominent member of the Republican Party and has been serving as Florida's governor since 2019. There are 657 profiles for the DeSantis family on Geni.com. Then you can hire old people and kids who grew up on a farm. Whether he will stay this way under establishment pressure remains to be seen. Deceased persons are not concerned by this provision. Our regulations and laws are are cumulative building forever, not constrained much. Of all the 180 degree wrong comments here, your idea that Pence did what he should is the most foolish. However, when he says this: Just Wow! Casey is American and has kept the details about her family secret. Though, if youre going to drum up support through the culture wars, you could do worse than take the fight to the universities, as DeSantis is doing. Ultimately, winning for Republicans is about the American people, not about Trump personally. This guy is either utterly out of his intellectual depth, or just repeating others in media whove been told who the new target is. If DeSantis can secure those, he wins. The people pushing for Governor DeSantis to run for 2024 are probably his greatest liabilities. Once the duplicity of Fauci arrived, he would be justifiably quite angry with how he was played. Really buggered. Weve all seen what we already knew! He was truly everything to her and her to him. Trump also failed to grow his coalition by winning the support of moderates and independents, who are less likely to care about his partisan vendettas. If he should decide to run for President, he would leave Florida in good hands and remaining in Republican control. By the way, the back room boys have been beaten by both Trump AND DeSantis. DeSantis might be able to control the State of Florida but dont think hes capable of getting our Country back! In this case, Desantis is derived from the Latin word "sanctus," meaning "holy" or "devout," thus the original bearer of the name was known to be a holy and devout person. contient des milliers de photos et GeneaStars. He needs to stop name-calling Ron DeSantis, who made it has a lot of strong support from many conservative Republicans. Contributions may be made to an educational scholarship fund in Christinas name at gofundme.com/ChristinaDeSantis. While we may never comprehend why this happened, we can take peace in knowing that she was truly in love, happy and excited for the next chapter in her life. He was born in Florida to Ron and Karen DeSantis in 1978. Republican ideals are pro-democracy. Most of the drama came from Democrats in Washington D.C. They should never have reared their sneaky tongues. And then repatriation of industry from China. He should have immediately announced a high speed rail from Liverpool to Hull with spurs to Glasgow and Newcastle and the relocation of government departments to Leeds and Newcastle. Under the influence of institutional Republicans, his administration largely stuck to the standard party line, or else failed to deliver in the few instances when the presidents advisers did try to break free of Reaganite dogmas. Sentence that jumped out At the end of the day, most voters have little time for the ideological fixations that animate partisans of the Left and Right. https://thebaffler.com/salvos/hamilton-hustle-stoller. Every single assertion by this writer is wrong. They want blood. Try running a country when the swamp is trying to drawn you at every turn. Plus if a man or woman do something they have said they would not doin my book they havent kept their word! He grew up in Dunedin, Florida. UnHerd used to do better. "This is a blueprint for Americas revival. football program than Christina and few showed more Seminole pride. Wow! DeSantis is a very effective leader, there is no question about that, but he is not solely responsible for all his office has accomplished. Dowling But there is an alternative in social catholic political economy of distributism..libertarianism not for individuals but for families. Networking with Desantis Researchers. What emerges will be a new paradigm. ), https://truthsocial.com/users/realDonaldTrump/statuses/109949028186308151, President Trump CPAC 2023 Keynote Address, Livestream Video, Tucker Carlson Announces Next Week He Will Begin Broadcasting CCTV Footage from January 6th Capitol Hill Events, Wolverine Bloodline James OKeefe Speaks at CPAC, People Behind Biden Announce Creation of Formal National Surveillance State, Yet No One Seems Bothered, March 4th 2023 Presidential Politics Resistance Day 774. Hes definitely replaceable. Residence. Were there only 50 migrants in Florida at the time? There are no suitable replacements for him. I was a Democrat since 1984 I joined the Republican Party because I supported Trump, *not* DeSantis. Words cannot begin to describe our sadness by the sudden and unexpected loss of our beloved Christina. The author would rather Mr. De Santis be a progressive driving the speed limit. Finally, basic competent everyday governance. Read them sometime. The Dowling Family Tree with over half a million relatives, I also sometimes wonder what will come next. De Santis looks like an honourable man and a good candidate but how many squalid compromises will he have to make to raise the funds necessary to get to the White House? If the Davos set get their way, cash wont be a thing for much longer. Wasnt Levin a heavy Cruz guy in 2016? He made his bed now he can enjoy laying in it. Not yet. [2] [3] Desantis is going to drop Florida like a used condom it would appear. Did great things as a solid conservative Governor of a State (to prep the road/fool the rubes) then aligns with POS Globalist War Machine. Brian Kilmede is a chump. DeSantis needs to sit the hell down . Im so sick of seeing his face or hearing his voice from the media trying to push him so much. Few knew more about the F.S.U. Use your noggin. JACKSONVILLE, Fla. - A hearty "Congratulations!" is in order for Gov. And Sidney Powell has much more to add to what Mike Lindell has already shown! Please click here to view our media pack for more information on advertising and partnership opportunities with UnHerd. Born on September 14 1978 in Jacksonville Florida United States 44 years Born on. I also have voted for Donald Trump in both of his previous elections. Ron deserves nothing. As applicable elsewhere as in the US? I become very suspect when politicians start getting enormous book deals. It is hard to fathom how someone who was so happy and full of life could suddenly be taken from us. I Am still hopeful that this is all opticsand Desantis will not actually go up against Trump. For those who knew Christina, you undoubtedly bared witness to her insatiable passion for the Florida State Seminoles. Especially when George Soros through in his endorsement. Red meat is what part-generates the subscription. Web Ronald J De Santis found in Ronald J De Santis from tree DeSantis-Thayer Family Tree No publicly available family members 37 People 2 Records 2 Sources Ronald Desautels. And Robin Vos is a very thin-skinned King. Also, he needs to bury the hatchet with Mike Pence. as my priority and not check CRT as the top of my educational concern, although I would find it very important, that my kids dont get brainwashed by some woke philosophy. He also reportedly has $30,302 in the Florida Retirement System. After four years in power, it was only a few days ago (and now that he is about to run for president) that DeSantis came out in favour of universalising E-Verify though this was also his promise when he ran for governor in 2018. This statement is all I need to know to ignore you. I live in Florida. Democrats are probably gonna end up running Gavin Newsom for president. College of Charleston ( BS) Jill Casey DeSantis ( ne Black, born June 26, 1980) is an American former news and television show host and the current first lady of Florida, as the wife of Governor Ron DeSantis. In 1920 there were 65 Desantis families living in New York. President Donald J Trump accomplished many great things for Our Country; He Made America Great Again but he wasnt finished! I thought the world of Ron DeSantis & Nikki Haley! He was born in Florida to Ron and Karen DeSantis in 1978. That parents wont take the trouble to understand what is being taught to their children, and to push back if they do understand, bodes ill not just for the next election but for the future of the country. In his 2011 book, DeSantis identified with the founders who supported proposals for a strong national government, or what would eventually become the Constitution. (Apparently religious colleges are already becoming increasingly popular.). Fifth, DeSantis was willing to work with Democrat state legislatures and officials when it came to Covid. Finally, I know neoliberals like Cuenco love to crap on the Anti-Federalists and their Anti-Federalist Papers, but they are the only reason the American system of government has its checks and balances as well as the Bill of Rights. Good grief, the guy hasnt even announced, yet. Web DeSantis Genealogy DeSantis Family History. He cant run amok and call people like fellow Republicans names, and expect my vote. (Good advice for everyone here play the arguments, not the person). Those have weakened over time. Suggested reading. Share some things about the DeSantis name. Another thing all together to run an entire country both domestic and foreign. Boris Johnson won the red wall in northern England and then completely squandered the political advantage by not delivering on very obvious economic/material issues housing, transport etc for the North. If another blog post is added to a blog, the blogger would then be required to submit monthly reports on the 10th of each month with the appropriate state office. Not to worry. But if Paul Ryan or Robin Vos notice this, its likely going to be on the table here. There is far more substance to DeSantis than the biased media is prepared to acknowledge. keep the government from doing so much Quite so. We are all better people for knowing you and we will never, ever, forget your beautiful face, bubbly personality, incredible memory, intelligence and your Seminole pride. In that process please may we have a much more thoughtful reporter than Mr Cuenco? Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings to use this part of Geni. Visiting East Palestine was a good move along these lines. Mike Lindell has shown the voter Fraud!!! Web Ronald Victor Served in the Army 1957- 1966 Desantis found in4 treesView all. An excerpt reads: The Florida Blueprint is a simple formula: be willing to lead, have the courage of your convictions, deliver for your constituents, and reap the political rewards. NameCensus.com, The Political Graveyard: Alphabetical Name Index. It is still too early to decide. [See Long Video Here] However, when Brian Kilmeade broadcasts live from the Metro Diner in Ponte Vedra beach to promote the DeSantis narrative, the diners at the venue did not go along with the anticipated narrative. Im fine with all sorts of opinions and arguments that counter my own in fact, I welcome them, which is why I subscribe to UnHerd. No exceptions. A view from my Bubble should be the name of it. Act like you really are in favor of democracy. More information is included under the topic Early Desantis History in all our PDF Extended History products and printed products wherever possible. Third, he had populist economic leanings before he became governor. Look the war on woke is a precondition for any progress on any front. They really do hate this country. They have been married since 2009 and are the proud parents of three children, Madison, Mason, and Mamie. As Bloomberg reported, E-Verify Laws Across Southern Red States Are Barely Enforced Even the most anti-immigration states dont like cracking down on business. It seems as if DeSantis (like Trump) wants to come across as an immigration hawk for culture-war purposes but without offending the business-donor class. The First program that took newsmaxs slot? The Desantis family name was found in the USA, the UK, and Canada between 1891 and 1920. Sister of Ron DeSantis, 46th Governor of Florida. Web Ron DeSantis Family and Parents Family Tree Ronald Dion DeSantis was born on September 14 1978 in Jacksonville Florida the son of Karen and Ronald. First Lady Casey DeSantis. It may be that the culture war doesnt resonate with voters. At the end of the day, most voters have little time for the ideological fixations that animate partisans of the Left and Right, and simply want an America that can deliver stability and opportunity for all. Not to mention Ron DeSantis & Nikki Haley both have said they would not run against Trump; ( MY PRESIDENT ) Both are now running against him! At issue to me is the eternal overreach of government that needs some constraints that we hoped were in the amendments. Wake up America.. we are being sold out. She married Ron DeSantis in 2010 and they have three young . 1750 Curlew Road Palm Harbor. Let him actually prove himself. They are confounded by how to hand the bills and coins back to the customer. One thing about Trump supporters is our loyalty to the man who against all odds proved himself to be the greatest president of all times. The Trump-DeSantis showdown, if indeed it takes place, will be fascinating. The REST of the Republican party knows that President Trump is the candidate for 2024. He graduated high school in 1997. I agree. Because it would be burdensome on business. 1926), American Republican politician, Mayor of Glens Falls, New York, 1994-97, Salvatore C. Desantis, American Democratic Party politician, Candidate in primary for Michigan State Senate 2nd District, 1974, Sherolyn Smith DeSantis, American Republican politician, Member of New Mexico Republican State Executive Committee, 2002; Vice-chair of New Mexico Republican Party, 2002, Margaret DeSantis, American Democratic Party politician, Alternate Delegate to Democratic National Convention from New Jersey, 1980.