The benefits of our work on governance are evident in all the areas covered by the SDGs, whether its climate action or gender equality. This experience has fuelled tension and social unrests . The methodology adopted for this paper is basically content analysis while making use of secondary data in comparative analysis. The scale and rapid pace of change necessitates decisive and coherent action by many actors at different levels to advance poverty eradication in all forms and dimensions. While religion and ethnicity are key issues of strife and conflict in . They apply for jobs, but owing to a lack of credentials, they are not hired. The gross domestic product (GDP) is one of the most important indices of a countrys economic health. Below are some of the difficulties impacting ethnicity in Nigeria, as well as proposed. These three development challenges often coexist within the same country, requiring tailored solutions that can adequately address specific deficits and barriers. Underpinning all three development challenges is a set of core development needs, including the need to strengthen gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls, and to . Nigeria has enjoyed relatively strong economic development over the past seven years but poverty is still a major concern. Since 2021, Nigeria is also unable to benefit from the surging global oil prices, as oil production has fallen to historic lows and petrol subsidy continues to consume a larger share of the gross oil revenues. Insufficient funds or capital can limit farmers from acquiring large hectares of land in order to practice mechanised farming. According to a 2016 report by the World Economic Forum, emissions caused by buildings and new construction are expected to grow. J)Ur{|5`:3;~g]yg[h7^ ,UBK)auL8.l5Ek&tW)5]kV&Jt2ZvYuA3%5.uIei 4)tfjSoxwh E26td -BL&W0%rI[UcH\MzD7B2e\A~^TbcsG. Even though the country has been together for almost a century, it has failed to fully integrate. f. The educational sector should receive enough funding. Diseases like HIV/AIDS have also been a major problem that has cost the government billions of dollars to address. Through USIPs ongoing Justice and Security Dialogue project, citizens at the local level collectively identify security challenges and organize dialogues that bring together internally displaced communities and police in Northeast Nigeria to develop practical and concrete solutions to address security concerns, build trust and foster accountability. You can email us at: or visit our contact us page. Many educational institutions are now founded and administered on political grounds in many states; entrance to universities, colleges, and polytechnics, particularly universities, is sometimes influenced by politicians rather than academic merit. 6. The government officials tasked with combating corruption are unconcerned about what is expected of them. During their schooling, many Nigerian graduates did not learn practical skills. 75 hydromet stations providing data for integrated catchment planning have been installed across the country, 2 stormwater master plans have been completed for Onitsha in Anambra State, Aba and Abakaliki in Ebonyi State, strengthening and streamlining the country's Environmental Impact Assessment process, Issuance of Nigerias second tranche of Sovereign Green Bond (for $42 million) after the first green bond, to finance climate change activities. Solutions to the problems of Nigerian economy. Reducing Fragility and building Resilience. The Principle of Federal Character, which stipulates that all states are represented in the federal government, was included in the constitution to address this issue. Introduction Development planning as a long-term programme designed to effect some permanent structural changes in the economy is connected with the involvement It is imperative to note that the economic benefits of green strategies do not show immediately, but the long-term view of implementing those strategies as alternatives to traditional methods. 8. Samuel is bent on changing the legal profession by building Web and Mobile Apps that will make legal research a lot easier. The planning process should include a range of input from city residents and other stakeholders, such as civic institutions and the private sector. 3. Farming activities are done on a small scale and usually for the consumption of the farmer and his family members. (Part 2), Nigerias Buhari Vows a Credible Election to Bolster Democracy. 2 0 obj Helped 1,200 beneficiaries from 30 communities save more than 22 million naira in 18 months from their conditional cash transfers. They are also more likely to be denied access to legal rights and basic services. The Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta is a good example (MEND). 13. According to Amnesty International, hundreds of oil leaks occur each year in Nigerias Niger Delta, owing to pipe degradation, sabotage, and carelessness on the part of oil firms. This intends to significantly reduce operating costs over the lifetime of a building while contributing positively to the environment and the people who use the facility. Nigeria also borders the Atlantic Ocean (Gulf of Guinea) to the south. The state-society gap is the divide that exists between a country's government and its citizens. Many cost-effective steps can be taken to make a community a better place to live and work. This negativity is one of the main reasons for crime among Nigerian youth; they turn to illegal activities since they have nothing better to do with their time or money. b. Nigerias multi-ethnic character has many advantages as well as disadvantages ethnicity issues in Nigeria. This is because corruption affects practically all Nigerians on a daily basis, not only crooked politicians. Despite all the development plans by the Nigerian government, a lot of setbacks has been encountered in the developmental process. HIV/AIDS and the Economy: HIV/AIDS have become a major treat to economy. UNDPs governance work spans a wide range of institutions, from national parliaments, supreme courts, and national civil services through regional and local administrations, to some of the geographically remotest communities in the world. If we scored ourselves so low like this, how can we be rated any better by foreigners? People cant prosper without reliable, safe, and affordable energy to power everything from lights to vehicles to factories to hospitals. About. UNDPs work, adapted to a range of country contexts, is framed through three broad development settings. Our sustainable energy portfolio spans more than 110 countries, leveraging billions of dollars in financing, including public and private sources. See Reasons. National development plans in Nigeria The problems of national development in Nigeria We have had series of development plans in Nigeria. UNDPs Signature Solutions are cross-cutting approaches to development for example, a gender approach or resilience approach can be applied to any area of development, or to any of the SDGs. Economic crisis: Nigerias economic situation has deteriorated significantly. Crises know no borders. Poverty. Your email address will not be published. According to Osakwe (2010) the nature of Nigeria's development strategy has contributed to the Due to the escalating costs of education (school fees, enrolment fees, the cost of books and other materials), students and even their parents will not want to be held behind by any type of deficit or failure in any of the needed topics, and would thus go to any length to avoid being held back. Recommended: How to buy land in Nigeria: Important documents you will need. Recommended: Best businesses to start with N100k in Nigeria and be successful. Without a clear statement of aims such as the Ashby Report represents, it is impossible to work out the economic implications and to develop final feasible policies. However, they also account for about 70 percent of global carbon emissions and over 60 percent of resource use. 1. endobj If you have something that impacts the lives of the people in the community, it would positively impact the housing sector. By Ya'u Mukhtar, Environmental hazards are global problems that exert tremendous influence on the sustainability and healthy living of human beings in various manifestations. Activities financed by the initial tranche of Green Bonds, such as solar plants in seven selected Federal Government Universities and a Renewable Energy Micro-Utility project in Torankawa community in Sokoto State, have been completed, SOCIAL SAFETY NET: The Community and Social Development Project has, Led to Institutionalization of Community & Social Development Agencies across implementing states, which serves as a platform for program sustainability by state government or further interventions by other donor partners, Recorded over 3 million direct project beneficiaries including Internally displaced persons in the North East of Nigeria, 4,662 new communities and over 1.8 million households have access to social services (of which IDPs constitute more than 10% of residents) as against 1,000 communities and 500,000 households baseline values respectively, 800 new poor communities with access to natural resource management services (of which IDPs constitute more than 10% of residents), Over 1,510 rehabilitated and 256 newly built health centers, Over 2,362 rehabilitated and 300 newly built classrooms, Increased school enrollment with records of over 18,000 Boys and 14,000 Girls enrolled in primary education schools, An estimated 36 million people in 13,299 cluster of communities have benefitted directly and indirectly from the original and additional Financing resources. As the name implies, construction waste refers to waste generated from the construction, clearing, renovation, and demolition of buildings. Cocoa is very labour-consuming culture. Border settlement inside the country is still a work in progress. Nigeria's urban development plan, to the extent that there is even a semblance of planning, does not cater for the poor. 7 Topics | 1 Quiz Constitution Development in Nigeria III | Week 6 . 5 Social Issues Dividing Nigeria. The administration has also pledged an equitable transfer of wealth to the people, which should be implemented. One of the major problems which Nigeria is facing today is poor leadership. The government also needs to take a holistic approach to tackle these challenges by developing an innovative, long-term vision for their cities to thrive. This essay examines the nature of corruption as one of the banes of underdevelopment in Nigeria's democracy. This organization has filed a lawsuit against the government for control of money derived from the sale of crude oil produced in their territory. Violence is being perpetrated in northern Nigeria by a group known as Boko Haram, which is fighting for a state-controlled by Sharia Law. In addition, the GDP has decreased during the last few months. With 189 member countries, staff from more than 170 countries, and offices in over 130 locations, the World Bank Group is a unique global partnership: five institutions working for sustainable solutions that reduce poverty and build shared prosperity in developing countries. impact of manpower development on efficient management of parastatals (a case study of nigeria railway, eastern division enugu) by nwakodo johnson kelechi pa/ 2006 /106 department of public administration, faculty of management and social sciences, caritas university amorji nike enugu, enugu state in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of bachelor of science ( The role of the construction industry in developing sustainable communities cannot be overemphasized as there is a need for the implementation of a 3R approach to waste management. It is heartbreaking to learn that the government, which was established to strengthen the country and combat corruption, is taking from its citizens. Domestic output suffers as a result of these conditions, but frequent power outages also make it impossible for many international enterprises to do business in Nigeria. In Nigeria, there is the epoch by epoch examination of regimes as it is found in Adamolekun (1986), or a taxonomy which utilizes constitutional order (Simbine & Oladeji, 2010; Suberu, 2009). We work with one out of every three parliaments on the planet, help countries expand spaces for peoples participation, and improve how their institutions work, so that all people can aspire to a sustainable future with prosperity, peace, justice and security. d. Resource management should be prioritized so that groups like MEND can no longer exist in our country. It was the first time the inflation rate has risen since it began to fall in January 2017, when it hit a 12-year high of 18.7%. The countrys purchasing and selling situation are dire and depressing. (1) Outline and describe the various problems of agricultural development in Nigeria. Presently, Nigeria has about 80 per cent of arable land but . Naturally, when it comes to ethnicity, Nigerians are extremely sensitive, with tempers frequently flaring and occasionally resorting to violence. Nigerian Institute of Training and Development Prizes/Awards 1) Best MBA graduating student in Entrepreneurship - Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry Prize 2) Best graduating student in Management (M.B.A . 5. A long-standing partner of the Global Environment Facility, and now with the second-largest Green Climate Fund portfolio, UNDP is the primary actor on climate change in the United Nations. Nigeria shares borders with the Republic of Niger to the North, the Republics of Cameroon and Chad to the east and the Republic of Benin to the west. Nigerians, nearly one-sixth of all Africans, will choose a new president next week in what may be Africas most consequential election of 2023. Conflict Resolution and Management | Week 12 . Conflict, sectarian strife and political instability are on the rise and more than 1.6 billion people live in fragile or conflict-affected settings. This is because in many countries of the global south housing is delivered more through private mechanisms, consequently this poses challenges to adequate housing delivery for most countries of the global south and the Nigeria populace. In 2019, the Network of Nigerian Facilitators (NNF) helped Kaduna and Plateau state peacebuilding institutions orchestrate a peace agreement to resolve a long-standing, cross-border violent conflict between Aten, Fulani and Takad communities in both states. UNDP works to ensure responses are multisectoral and coherent from global to local. 1. Females in Nigeria have a basic human right to be educated and this right has been recognized since the 1948 adoption of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights. The ruling elites have continued to palm-off and misappropriate the commonwealth at the expense of general well-being. create a genial climate clement for the much desired development in Nigeria. This is due to the fear of not getting profit returns. Nigerian education has a significant difficulty. While Nigeria has made some progress in socio-economic terms in recent years, its human capital development ranked 150 of 157 countries in theWorld Banks 2020 Human Capital Index. Projects Global data and statistics, research and publications, and topics in poverty and development, *Amounts include IBRD and IDA commitments, For project-related issues and complaints, The World Banks digital platform for live-streaming, Environmental and Social Policies for Projects, International Development Association (IDA), Country Partnership Strategy period (FY2020-FY2024), Commercial Agriculture Development Projec, Transforming Irrigation and Water Resources Management Project, West Africa Agriculture Productivity Project, Phone Survey Data: Monitoring COVID-19 Impact on Firms and Households in Nigeria, Statement: World Bank Statement on Support to Nigeria, Fraud Alert: World Bank Warns of Co-Operative Scheme Scam, Fraud Alert: World Bank Warns of Pan African Scholarship Scam, Statement: World Bank Statement on Nigeria Egbe Tragedy in Ekiti State, World Bank Nigeria Audit Firm Assessment Questionnaire. Throughout the pandemic, USIP convened a series of virtual roundtables with Nigerian federal and state policymakers and key stakeholders to examine COVID-19s impact on security and governance. 2301 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20037Tel: +1.202.457.1700, About Strengthening the Foundations of the Public sector. In 2018, 40% of Nigerians (83 million people) lived below the poverty line, while another 25% (53 million) were vulnerable. Around 258 million people live outside their countries of origin and 68.5 million are displaced. Between 2016 and 2021, over 30,000 Nigerian slum dwellers have been displaced. UNDP is looking at both inequalities and poverty in order to leave no one behind, focusing on the dynamics of exiting poverty and of not falling back. In Nigeria, like in many other developing countries, accommodation forms one of the biggest challenges, particularly in growing urban centers. %PDF-1.7 More than 1.6 billion people live in fragile and/or conflict-affected settings, including 600 million young people. This can be accomplished by learning one or two different trades. Poor Leadership. Search for experts, projects, publications, courses, and more. Ethnicity: Nigeria, Africas colossus, is the worlds most populated black country. The use of violence to combat violence is unlikely to succeed in eliminating terrorism since it will result in the deaths of many innocent people. Boko Haram kidnapped roughly 276 Chibok schoolgirls on the night of the 14th and 15th of April in 2014. Jide is a polymath who is passionate about solving complex problems that require multidisciplinary expertise. A survey of over 100 small business owners revealed that the number one issue that Nigerian business owners have with their business is finding quality and highly trained staff . - The Christian Science Monitors, Arab nations reach out to Syria for first time in a decade: Is this earthquake diplomacy? It is Nigerias most authoritative news media available on all platforms for the political, business, professional and diplomatic elite and broader middle classes while serving as the meeting point of new ideas, culture and technology for the aspirationals and millennials. As much as the private sector is instrumental in implementing green strategies, the government needs to rise to the occasion and do its part of the work. Education in Nigeria is a major challenge. As Africas most populous country, largest economy and most notable democracy, Nigeria is a bellwether for the continent. In one day, Nigeria can produce 2.5 million barrels of crude oil. This depends heavily on the real estate industry. Corruption must be combated as a team effort. It is not enough to have a development plan if it is not matched by the funding needed to implement it. The use of violence to combat violence is unlikely to succeed in eliminating terrorism since it will result in the deaths of many innocent people. Nigeria has a total land area of 983,213km square occupied by about 200 million people. The Nigerian government requires a rebirth.