How Do You Purchase a Raccoon in A Legal State? They constantly monitor their health to guarantee they are in their best condition before adoption or purchase. You must provide raccoons with proper toys and activities to keep them entertained. It is important in these states that you obtain the correct paperwork and gets your raccoon the right medical treatment. 1. All exotic pet owners must obtain a permit before owning them. Baby white Raccoon, male, 2 weeks old Some centers do not give them extra attention to socialize them like a professional exotic pet breeder. For those in Ohio, I am also an Ohio resident. Approval process with contract. After getting an exotic veterinarians approval, you can receive a certificate of good health. and females in store and ready now! Large,fabulous temperments, socialized from birth and healthy. If what you have is less esoteric, you might want to look out for Grain-free dog food is a good staple food to give daily to your pet raccoon but you need to supplement the kibble with poultry, fish, or eggs along with a large amount of fresh vegetables, fruits, and whole prey items such as mice. Polled Nigerian Dwarf Goats For Sale Near Me, Used Riding Lawn Mowers For Sale Under $500 Near Me Craigslist. 4695 STATE ROUTE 151 TRLR 29, Aliquippa, PA 15001. A varied habitat (trees of different ages and types, brush, herbaceous vegetation) is ideal because it provides food during all seasons. They treat your future pet humanely and socialize them accordingly. By the time they are three or four months old, cub raccoons are large and independent enough to be on their own. Traditional x Albino babies, Post bath sunbathing and play time The Raccoon Dog Cute Wild And A Terrible Idea For A Pet Pets . This includes cabinets and cupboards, which often have dishes in them which will end up broken on the floor after your raccoon has found them. Long, sharp claws anchor slippery food items. Since only captive raccoons exhibit food-dousing behavior, scientists believe that washing food is simply a substitute for normal dabbling behavior, which has no other outlet in captivity. If you want to buy a raccoon, go through a reliable breeder who can guarantee they are healthy and social. Baby hedgehogs: Want baby racoon or opossum willing to pay. In the wild, raccoons do not exhibit food-washing behavior, but search for aquatic prey by dabbling and feeling along the stream or pond bottom. There are strict laws around raccoon ownership, including permit holding and approved enclosures. To own a raccoon in Indiana, you must purchase a wild animal possession permit. The best way to get a raccoon in Rhode Island is to capture one from the wild or purchase one from a local exotic pet store. As kits, they are typically improperly handled by many irresponsible employees or eager customers. The average lifespan is up to 20 years. Hey all! The fur on raccoon feet is light gray in color, and the soles of the paws are hairless. Research has shown that this food-dousing behavior only occurs in raccoons raised in captivity. That does not mean it wont be timid when you adopt them. My mom had one named Cricket growing up and I'm named after him. View pictures. Before buying a raccoon it should be known that they are very intelligent animals, known for their good memories and problem-solving abilities. Hi, im in ohio looking for a pet raccoon they are my favorite animal and never knew you could own one, how much are they and what are more details? Black and White, Chocolate, Apricot, Smoke and Albino. ****please check your state laws and regulations regarding ownership before contacting me. Raccoons from reliable breeders will be healthy and disease-free. It is legal in 16 states to purchase a raccoon. Males And Females Racoons puppies for sale. Myths have led people to believe that raccoons wash their food before they eat it because they do not have salivary glands. Some adoption centers may not socialize your raccoon enough, leaving them shy. We have raccoon babies for sale in the spring (march/april) and early fall (august) on occasion! Certain large primates, apes, baboons, and macaques are banned in arkansas, but other primate species appear to be legal. This gentle Giant wandered onto the property of a loving My story USDA and State licensed breeder of Skunks Raccoons,Virginia Opossums, Red, Gray and Flying Squirrels, Gray and Red Fox, Woodchucks, North American Porcupines. We work with gray, albino and blonde raccoons! Americanlisted features safe and local classifieds for everything you need! Ask them questions about getting a raccoon from their pet store. Michigan has an abundance of places to purchase raccoons, including exotic pet stores, breeders, and rehabilitation centers. You or your pet may inherit these contagious illnesses if you are not careful. Feeding your pet raccoon a varied diet could easily set you back $50-$100 per month. As a result, it is important that you learn from your local regulatory agency whether it is legal or not to have a raccoon as a pet before you get one. Raccoons puppy for sale . Just as is the case with many exotic animals, most veterinarians won't treat them. The bottom line is that they will eat whatever is available, whenever it is available. Food-producers such as grapevines, blackberry, raspberry and green briar patches, black cherry trees, oaks and beeches should be encouraged and maintained. It is a commitment that could last 16 years or more. male chocolate $750 Pick up only in Saint Augustine, Florida. My husband and I live on a 65 Acre farm near Brownsville, OH where I raise some domestic and exotic animals. Baby Virginia Opossums: Hell i'm interested in finding a pet raccoon to love and give a great home to. Raccoons originate from north america. The trouble, to begin with, is that in many areas of the country, they are illegal to have as pets. In most cases, your raccoon will need a full wellness exam and all shots to make them safe in a domestic household. For example, in north carolina, a vet must approve the animal before it is brought into the state. Raccoons! Main Menu. Many types of terrain provide suitable areas for them to live. It is not available in every state, but it is certainly the best option if you want a healthy and socialized pet. Very prepared to give plenty of care! Thank you, Im in the Dallas Texas area looking for a baby raccoon that I can bottle feed Im willing to drive however far needed. THEY ARE NOT AGGRESSIVE, Looking for a baby or young tame raccoon. Therefore they do not have common difficulties like problems in managing them, unexpected biting, and unnecessary destruction of property. The raccoon is a medium-sized woods mammal with the scientific name Our facility is both USDA and FWC licensed. If your raccoon has an emergency, it is unlikely a nearby vet can treat them. 17815 Home Phone-570-784-6058 Therefore, you can pick your future raccoons gender, fur color, or pattern. Raccoons are illegal to import or cause to be imported to Ohio unless they were imported before 2014 or they were obtained as a pet legally in another state with appropriate documentation (they must be disease free). Your raccoon's diet varies widely. Purchasing raccoons from a pet store can be bad because the pet may not be as social as a raccoon breeder. We are located in Tennessee and offer black raccoons, grey raccoons, cinnamon raccoons and albino raccoons for purchase. You may buy a pet raccoon from a local exotic pet store. Canadian Lynx, Bobcats and Eastern Coyotes. Every legal state has a rehabilitation center where you may adopt a pet raccoon. I came to the shelter as a My story Males and females coatimundi and raccoon babies ready to go!. In addition to your simplistic pet needs, suppose you are interested in a specific gender or appearance. In captivity and with good care, they can live as long as 20 years. Small, domesticated raccoons are also in danger of becoming attacked by aerial predators like hawks. As a result, treating your raccoon just as you would a dog or a cat, allowing them to just lay around the house, will not work well. they are so sweet and will need to find loving homes. Unlike woodchucks, raccoons are not true hibernators; they den up and sleep soundly when temperatures fall below about 25 degrees Fahrenheit, but emerge at different times throughout the winter during warm spells. Hiya, Im really interested in getting a pet raccoon, but I live in Wales/UK and dont know where to start looking to get 1 so does anybody know how to help me please? Raccoon is a 6 month old hound mix looking for his furever home. Raccoons are great escape artists. All species of bears are illegal to keep as pets. Any info would be appreciated im in Texas. Raccoons love to play. (clear) leisure time & hobbies. Hello, I'm looking for a baby racoon in the South Carolina area. These animals require a lot of space, upkeep, and supervision. located in Arkansas. See pricing and listing details of Bessemer real estate for sale. You can trap, purchase, and adopt pet raccoons in Arkansas, making Arkansas one of the more lenient states for keeping wild game. The only real limitation is not to use a small pen for his area. Female Kittens; Male Kittens; Exotic Monkeys Menu Toggle. All raccoons must be taken to an exotic animal veterinarian to be examined and treated for any diseases. Important mortality factors are lack of food in a hard, long-lasting winter, parasitism, overharvest and disease. Breeding raccoons is not legal in every state, so you must stay cautious of your state laws. Please contact Brittney at 6105334141. Raccoons are adept climbers, and, being nocturnal, they spend most of their daylight hours in trees. Looking for a baby raccoon in New Jersey! You can get a pet raccoon from the following states: In most states, owning a raccoon is considered exotic wildlife, requiring a permit or certification for legal ownership. I've had two before and they are absolutely great pets. I am a handsome guy who is just a little over a year old. Raccoon animals available for sale in pennsylvania from top breeders and individuals. Hey guys I live in Tulsa Oklahoma and Im looking for a boy raccoon where should I start looking. Every legal state has an adoption center. It is illegal to keep them in many states. However, individuals do not defend fixed territories or ranges against other raccoons. 1 Baths. I breed for hobby and to improve the species, so I can place quality rats in good homes. Wess Exotic Animals - Skunks Foxes Raccoons Patagonian Cavies Opossums. 4. We will not have any more raccoon babies until spring/summer 2023. You may purchase raccoons from the following exotic pet stores: Raccoons are readily available in Florida from many wildlife rescue centers and breeders. Please send one now Im so desperate. If you plan on getting an exotic animal, you should expect to spend more than a domestic animal. Since raccoons are exotic animals, few commercial food options are designed for them, which also means that youll have to put a varied and healthy diet together for your raccoon, yourself. You should have disposable income ready to spend on your pets medical needs. Available to USDA licensed facilities: compatible M/F ASC otters, easy to work around. The Raccoon Dog Cute Wild And A Terrible Idea For A Pet Pets The Guardian. Traditional x Albino left Gemma Ballinger UK x, Intersted in pet raccoons for sale (any age) anywhere in New England. The nutria, a large, herbivorous, semiaquatic rodent, isn't a pet that's allowed in Pennsylvania. A large piece of property on which you may build an enclosure is perfect for owning a raccoon. They are a good option for someone who wants to save money on long-term investments like their enclosure and a veterinarian fund. Email:; Phone: 570-784-6058; Website:; Address: 119 Oman Rd, Bloomsburg, Pa. Baby skunks for sale. Powered by Prety Exotics. Keeping Stoats (Short-tailed Weasel)/Ermines as Pets. Under Indiana state laws, these permits allow you to keep any exotic animal as a pet, including raccoons. This washing behavior has nothing to do with cleanliness or moistening of food. Raccoons have excellent senses of hearing, sight and smell. You will both be happier for it. As with many wildlife species, humans view the raccoon with mixed emotions. Bloomsburg,Pa. We provide raccoon kits for sale that have been bred and raised in a TWRA state and USDA federally licensed facility. Website: She was born on 5/20/13. Thank you for any and all assistance. Both Blondes. She is friendly and playful, he prefers to be left alone but is not aggressive. View 1263 homes for sale in Bessemer, PA at a median listing home price of $135,000. They love to explore. Most raccoons that live in the wild have never had a positive interaction with humans. Although mishandling often happens in pet stores, it is common in adoption agencies when unskilled people care for raccoon kits. A raccoon will wade up a small spring run in search of crayfish, aquatic insects, minnows and other food. According to Wyoming law, you may purchase or adopt a raccoon without obtaining a permit. I breed for temperment and health foremost. How Do You Know if A Raccoon Seller Is Legal? Although you do not need a permit to own a raccoon in Wyoming, you will need to submit an application to a local game warden for review. They are seasonal meaning they only have spring/summer litters and can. Exotic animals are more difficult to treat, and fewer vets are experienced in treating them. Raccoons are found throughout Pennsylvania, often near waterlakes, streams, rivers, but also on ridges and in suburban areas. $500 for the pair. To see this page as it is meant to appear, please enable your Javascript. Search results for "baby raccoons" Pets and Animals for sale in Allentown, Pennsylvania. Wild raccoons are far more likely to have medical problems like rabies, distemper, and parvovirus. View listing photos, review sales history, and use our detailed real estate filters to find the perfect place. Browse search results for baby raccoons for sale in Allentown, PA. AmericanListed features safe and local classifieds for everything you need! Affortable prices. Im willing to travel need be! Raccoon Township, Pa Farm Land For Sale - Landsearch. You may only keep up to six raccoons in captivity if you capture them yourself from the wild. Therefore it wont be easy to form a good connection with your raccoon. Usually by late November the winter coat has replaced the shorter summer fur. #341336 has a great personality. The bushy tail is marked with alternating rings of light and dark fur. Buy healthy and well-trained raccoons (raccoons for sale), you never have to be alone, buy a raccoon companion to always keep you company. For example, in arkansas, a person cant own more than five raccoons at a time. Go to my website for details. Something important about reliable breeders is how they raise your raccoon. The young adult raccoon was there for at least 4 days, alone, and unable to get out. Furthermore, veterinary bills are more expensive for exotic animals than the bills of domestic animals. 8143865048. Very few states will allow you to own a raccoon without some form of documentation. Hi looking to add a Racoon to my family. 2- 8 Wk Fennec Fox females $2800 ea. Raccoons are wild animals who need a lot of space to roam and forage for food. Location: Florida. 1 year health guarantee for all our exotic pets on sale. Small raccoons found in the fall are the result of this late breeding. Step one of our adoption process, follow simple instructions. This is just a partial list, though. Males are generally larger and heavier than females. In arkansas, a person cannot own more than five at a time. Only a few left for this year, get yours today! Even if you have a fenced in yard, it is good to keep your raccoon inside of an enclosed pen with a top on it. Some states do not allow raccoons to be imported even if they are eligible for keeping as pets. racoons for sale in pa where is madeira citrine mined. Currently on the bottle and doing great. Many raccoons are also killed on highways. racoons for sale in pa. Posted at 20:01h . In the states where owning a pet raccoon is legal, those looking for a pet raccoon should look additional regulations for owning a raccoon. Along with our advice and guides, you will have the perfect pet for your home. Early generation African Serval Cat hybrids (Savannah Cats) as well as Cheetohs. There are no legal raccoon breeders in Deleware. After about 19 days their eyes open, and when four weeks old they begin to accompany the female on short feeding forays. This little guy is as sweet as can be. BHHS FOX & ROACH WAYNE-DEVON. You may purchase raccoons in Texas from the following exotic pet stores: West Virginia allows anyone with a permit to keep raccoons as a pet. Purchasing from exotic pet stores is dangerous because your pet is unlikely to be socialized properly. If you want to keep raccoons as pets, you must keep all males and females separately to prevent reproduction. Get Females Racoons puppies at low price on NO SHIPPING - pick up only in Saint Augustine, Florida We have 2 Blonde males, and a few standard gray male You can obtain a noncommercial wild animal propagation license from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, annually renewable. Usual litter size is three to five young, with four the average. It's fitting that the common . Rat breeder dumbos, hairless, multi colored etc. The listing broker's offer of compensation is made only to participants of the MLS where the listing is filed. Some raccoons live in cities, where they den in storm drains and attics and raid garbage cans and pet dishes. Step one of our adoption process, follow simple instructions. Phone: 3863971464. Website: Raccoons are wild animals; it is illegal to keep them in many states. States that do allow raccoons as pets usually require permits. Raccoons, financing & shipping available! , im looking for a baby raccoon in el paso. Proudly founded in 1681 as a place of tolerance and freedom. I'm looking for a baby raccoon preferably nearby to Rhode Island, any info would be helpful! can you let me know what your procees to adapt one as a pet. You must have a license or permit to own a raccoon or capture a raccoon from the wild and keep them as a pet. We are aware how much work they are, but also how much love and fun they give. Dabbling behavior in water is a fixed motor pattern in raccoons. A raccoon that is treated like any other house pet is a bored raccoon, one that will find himself in trouble a lot. Most states require specific documentation for the state and county. People who think they can just dump a pet raccoon back into the wild when it gets too wild (surprise!) We are a USDA and Pa Game Commission licensed facility! For this reason you should provide them with a box or some other bedding area. Im looking for a raccoon in my area! The environment for a raccoon will be more expensive to build than the typical environment for domestic animals like cats, dogs, ferrets, and more. Exotic Critters Ronald Derr 119 Oman Rd. Raccoons in rehabilitation centers will typically have recently healed from an illness or physical ailment. Keystone State. to handle, are just sentencing it to a slow and cruel death. Owning pet raccoons requires patience and a time commitment. Before buying a raccoon you should know that it requires a lot of maintenance and they are also unpredictable. The common names raccoon and coon are anglicized versions of the Native American word arocoun. Its fitting that the common names evolved from a Native American word, as the raccoon is strictly a New World animal found in North and Central America. By late fall, young raccoons follow their mother away from the den nightly in search of food. Raccoons have well-developed salivary glands and have no need to wet their food before eating it. At night, they descend in search of food. Im looking for a baby raccoon I can bottle feed and Im looking for one near North Carolina!!! 17 hours ago. Raccoons are strong swimmers. Must have License to own. Did you know rabbits are considered exotic? Making things even more complicated, their diets often change throughout the season. Our captive bred, hand raised animals make excellent pets and are sought after ambassador animals in petting zoos across the US and internationally. At that time the hairs reach their maximum length and density. Our vet had us rehab them. Contact us via email for more information. If for some reason a female doesnt breed in winter, she may become receptive later in the spring and bear young in the summer. From your backyard a walk into Delaware Water Gap National R. Browse search results for baby raccoons pets and animals for sale in harrisburg, pa. 960 Sq Ft. They will give you the right permit for owning or trapping wildlife. Laws and permit requirements change, so check your states regulations before acquiring a raccoon. Pending. WebZillow has 35615 homes for sale in Pennsylvania. Although it experiences occasional setbacks, Pennsylvanias raccoon population is stable. Super tame male fennec (currently great program animal). You may also trap raccoons to keep them as pets. I am a Hobby Breeder & I breed/Raise guinea pigs. Unfortunately, safe and healthy adoptions are not always possible. Permits are relatively easy to obtain if your raccoon is healthy. Breeders are the best way to get a raccoon. staycm1430. E-Mail Facebook Wess Exotic Animals or Pat Wess. However, many states also allow you to capture raccoons to keep them as pets. Sorry, you have Javascript Disabled! You can get raccoons in Nebraska from Exotic pet stores or by trapping them. Population concentrations vary with habitat; researchers have estimated one raccoon per 0.63 acres of excellent habitat and one raccoon per two acres of good habitat. Copyright 2023 Compound Exotics All Rights Reserved. I live in Arkansas. A raccoon makes a variety of sounds, including barks, hisses, a wailing tremolo, a Exotic Critters. Owning raccoons as pets is not very popular in Rhode Island, so you should not expect that every exotic pet store has them at all times. Exotic veterinary bills are significantly more expensive than domestic pets. On warm, bright days they like to sun themselves while lying flat on horizontal limbs, in squirrel leaf nests or curled up in the crotches of trees. Locate a reputable raccoon breeder. You must also keep your animals vaccinated. We are located in Tennessee and offer black raccoons, grey raccoons, cinnamon raccoons and albino raccoons for purchase. Laws and permit requirements change, so check your states regulations before acquiring a raccoon. Still, several state regulations increase the expenses of exotic wildlife ownership. Once you find a veterinarian who will treat your raccoon, treat him right since he will be a great source of help to you in the future. If they are raised with another animal, they are usually calmer, but when they get older, they will tend to calm down. Please enable scripts and reload this page. Grassy openings are excellent sources for insect food. Texas will let you have several exotic animals in your household if you have an exotic animal permit and maintain the correct exotic animal enclosures. Domestic Short Hair - Punkin - Medium - Adult - Male - Cat raccoons can be great pets since they are curious, mischievous, and most often plain old fun to watch and be around. Beaver dams benefit raccoons as well as many other wildlife species by producing plentiful aquatic food. Find raccoon animals on www.petzlover. In general, habitat improvement for turkeys, squirrels or deer also benefits raccoons. We had 2 males and 1 female. Keeping Stoats (Short-tailed Weasel)/Ermines as Pets. Many online services help with the online adoption process. Adopting from a rehabilitation center can be a good option if you are okay with treating an ailment at the beginning of your adoption. Wild raccoons get attention from rehabilitators. I did find them to be more cuddle bugs. They do not store food. Available Raccoons pups all ready and very friendly , Friendly 12 weeks old Raccoon pups with papers Text, Raccoon puppies pet for sale Text or call, RACCOONS PUPPY FOR SALE . Florida is also populated with many exotic vets, making it one of the best places to get and own raccoons. Its also debatable whether or not its humane to trap a wild raccoon to keep as a pet. Buying an acre of land in Raccoon Township, PA costs $224,359 on average based on the listing price of 1 acres of land for sale. Contact, Lovely and health Racoons pups for sale Text, Home trained Raccoon pups for sale message, 11 weeks of age raccoon puppies available, kindly contact for more inf, Raccoon puppies ready now just two left Text, Raccoons puppy for sale . We breed Silver Fox Rabbits, Mini Lops, New Zealands, Flemish Giants and are expanding to include even more! But, fortunately for you, some states still allow you to own a raccoon as a pet. Local populations may fluctuate because of severe weather, food scarcities, development of rural land, hunting and trapping pressures, outbreaks of rabies and distemper and habitat changes. Buy Raccoons at Frazier Farms Exotics.