The availability of the human and mouse genome sequences provides an opportunity to explore issues of protein evolution that are best addressed through the study of more closely related genomes. The next step of the project, which is already underway, is to convert the draft sequence into a finished sequence. The line the name comes from, "the best laid schemes of mice and men gang aft agley", summarises one of the principal themes of the book, that everyone needs a dream, but no matter how well planned or thought out that dream is, it can go wrong. Notably, these three measures of interspecies divergence are also correlated with recent substitutions in the human genome, as measured by the density of SNPs identified by the SNP Consortium265 (Fig. SINE and LINE densities were calculated for 4,126 orthologous pairs with a constant size of 500kb in mouse. Comparative analysis of human and mouse development - ResearchGate 268, 7894 (1997), Hogenesch, J. This is the context within which you place the two things you plan to compare and contrast; it is the umbrella under which you have grouped them. A. What accounts for the smaller size of the mouse genome? This is an update of Fig. The ratio for autosomes shows a mean of 0.91 but the ratio varies widely, with the mouse genome larger for 38% of the intervals. Sci. Lets check out the benefits of the analysis. For the six such di-, tri- and tetramer SSRs (AG, AAG, AGG, AAAG, AAGG, AGGG), copies with at least 20bp and 95% identity are 1.6-fold longer and tenfold more common in mouse than human. By many criteria, the assembly is of very high quality. Genomics 12, 627631 (1992), Toth, G., Gaspari, Z. To broaden the scope of our comparative study of mouse and human placentae across gestation beyond a handful of markers, we performed genome-wide microarray-based RNA profiling and compared gene expression both across time and between species, using 54 normal human placenta samples collected between 4 and 39 weeks gestational age, and 54 mouse ChartExpo is an add-in you can easily install in your Excel to access ready-made and visually appealing Comparative Charts in Excel, such as Multi Axis Line and Radar Charts. In all of these cases, it was clear that genome sequence information could markedly accelerate progress. Trends Mol. The frame of reference may consist of an idea, theme, question, problem, or theory; a group of similar things from which you extract two for special attention; biographical or historical information. A higher rate of interspersed repeat insertion does not explain the larger size of the human genome. Biol. Moreover, the analysis does not exclude the possibility that chromosomal breaks may tend to occur with higher frequency in some locations. & Bernardi, G. Gene distribution and nucleotide sequence organization in the human genome. It was made from minimal materials but cost the mouse a lot. Nucleic Acids Res. Nature. The mouse/human ratio has a mean at 0.91 for autosomes, but varies widely, with the mouse interval being larger than the human in 38% of cases (Fig. Most of the remaining 75 genes reported by ref. Large-scale comparative sequence analysis of the human and murine Bruton's tyrosine kinase loci reveals conserved regulatory domains. The initial human gene catalogue1 contained about 45,000 predicted transcripts, which were aggregated into about 32,000 predicted genes containing a total of approximately 170,000 distinct exons (Table 10). The candidate will be working with histology technicians, veterinary pathologists, research scientists, and a fully equipped state of the art Pathology lab. The enrichment is still highly significant even after accounting for the generally higher (A+T) content of the sex chromosomes (Fig. These elements include the genes that provide instructions to build proteins, non-protein-coding genes, and regulatory elements that control when genes are expressed (turned on and off) in different cells and tissues. 27, 311320 (1988), Mouchiroud, D. & Gautier, C. Codon usage changes and sequence dissimilarity between human and rat. 1, 215220 (1995), Hogan, B., Beddington, R., Costantini, F. & Lacy, E. Manipulating the Mouse Embryo: A Laboratory Manual (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Woodbury, New York, 1994), Joyner, A. L. Gene Targeting: A Practical Approach (Oxford Univ. In contrast, class I element copies are fourfold more common in the human than the mouse genome (although it is possible that some have not yet been recognized in mouse). Together, these techniques can increase sensitivity and specificity. This may reflect the fact that pseudogene insertion tends to proceed from the 3 end and often terminates before completion. Another notable cluster of probable pheromone genes was found on chromosome X. Aphrodisin is an aphrodisiac pheromone of the female hamster Cricetus cricetus that elicits copulatory behaviour from males223. Accessed 5 March 2023. Press, Oxford, 1989), Mouse Genome Sequencing Consortium Progress in sequencing the mouse genome. The average density of SNPs between B6 and each of the three strains was in the range 1 per 500700bp. J. Org. Initial sequencing and comparative analysis of the mouse genome A principal issue in the sequencing of large, complex genomes has been whether to perform shotgun sequencing on the entire genome at once (whole-genome shotgun, WGS) or to first break the genome into overlapping large-insert clones and to perform shotgun sequencing on these intermediates (hierarchical shotgun)46. Nature 419, 7074 (2002), Nelson, D. R. Cytochrome P450 and the individuality of species. Science 296, 22252229 (2002), Lindblad-Toh, K. et al. Would you like email updates of new search results? contracts here. By computer simulation, the ability of the RepeatMasker100 program to detect repeats was found to fall off rapidly for divergence levels above about 37%. Imagnate que eres una moda que se hizo popular a fines del siglo, XX. Lec. Together, these estimates suggest a count of about 225,189 exons in protein-coding genes in mouse (191,290 0.93/0.79). Recent segmental duplications in the human genome. The mouse and human genomes each seem to contain about 30,000 protein-coding genes. 63, 213227 (1994), Hudson, R. R. & Kaplan, N. L. Deleterious background selection with recombination. 1401, 177186 (1998), Lin, J., Toft, D. J., Bengtson, N. W. & Linzer, D. I. Placental prolactins and the physiology of pregnancy. 21, 18631872 (1993), Hamilton, B. In a remarkable example of conserved synteny, human chromosome 20 (a) consists of just three segments from mouse chromosome 2 (d), with only one small segment altered in order. The occurrence of many local rearrangements is not surprising. 228), Abp subunits221, the Gpbox homeobox cluster204,206 and submandibular gland secretory and proline-rich proteins229. 4c, f). 11, 778789 (1994), Mears, M. L. & Hutchison, C. A. III The evolution of modern lineages of mouse L1 elements. These categories fell within each of the larger ontologies of cellular component (a) molecular function (b) and biological process (c) (D. Hill, personal communication). Proc. A. et al. & Wilkinson, M. F. Rapid evolution of a homeodomain: evidence for positive selection. Only fourfold degenerate codons in which the first two positions were identical in both species were considered, so that the encoded amino acid was identical. Pennsylvania is constantly coming up with bills and eventually, these bills will be successful. You have maximum freedom to customize your charts and graphs to your liking. & Mikoshiba, K. Possible pheromone-carrier function of two lipocalin proteins in the vomeronasal organ. The single most prevalent feature of mammalian genomes is their repetitive sequences, most of which are interspersed repeats representing fossils of transposable elements. B. et al. Some of these are readily identified as pseudogenes, but 118 have retained enough genic structure that they appear as predicted genes in our gene catalogue. Some of the above differences in the nature of interspersed repeats in human and mouse could reflect systematic factors in mouse and human biology, whereas others may represent random fluctuations. The lower gene count was based on the observed and predicted gene counts, statistically adjusted for systematic under- and overcounting. The importance of these genes in reproductive behaviour is evident from defects in pheromone responses that result from deletion of the VR1 vomeronasal olfactory receptor gene cluster197. For example, both species have 7580% of genes residing in the (G+C)-richest half of their genome. These data clearly indicate substantial regional fluctuation. Here, we review the current knowledge of mammalian development of both mouse and human focusing on morphogenetic processes leading to the onset of gastrulation, when the embryonic anterior-posterior axis becomes established and the three germ layers start to be specified. b, Conservation near translation start site using the same data set as in a. All mammals have essentially the same four classes of transposable elements: (1) the autonomous long interspersed nucleotide element (LINE)-like elements; (2) the LINE-dependent, short RNA-derived short interspersed nucleotide elements (SINEs); (3) retrovirus-like elements with long terminal repeats (LTRs); and (4) DNA transposons. 2023 Jan 21;12(3):390. doi: 10.3390/cells12030390. Repeating the analysis on more stringently filtered alignments (with non-syntenic and non-reciprocal best matches removed) requiring different numbers of aligned bases per window and with 100-bp windows, yields similar estimates, ranging mostly from 4.8% to about 6.1% of windows under selection (D. Haussler, unpublished data), as does using an alternative score function that considers flanking base context effects and uses a gap penalty330. We also classified 2,030 other loci with significant similarities to known RNA genes as probable pseudogenes. Disclaimer. The mouse genome sequence is freely available in public databases (GenBank accession number CAAA01000000) and is accessible through various genome browsers (, and document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Our work is created by a team of talented poetry experts, to provide an in-depth look into poetry, like no other. Comparative analysis tries to understand the study and . Nature Biotechnol. When exon pairs do have different lengths, the differences are predominantly multiples of three (858 out of the 930 with different lengths), as expected from coding-frame constraints. Only four lineage-specific DNA transposon families could be identified in mouse (the mariner element MMAR1, and the hAT elements URR1, RMER30 and RChar1), compared with 14 in the primate lineage. At the end of each line, the pattern changes. In that case the distribution of S would be approximately normal with a standard deviation of 1. The fourfold degenerate codons were defined as GCX (Ala), CCX (Pro), TCX (Ser), ACX (Thr), CGX (Arg), GGX (Gly), CTX (Leu) and GTX (Val). Neutral sequences will tend to drift in different ways along each lineage, whereas selected sequences will tend to preserve specific sites. Slider with three articles shown per slide. The bars show per cent identity of the 15 bases to either side of translation start. The existence of four families in mouse provides independent opportunities to investigate the properties of SINEs (see below). The locations of the landmarks in the two genomes were then compared to identify regions of conserved synteny. The region of increased conservation is considerably longer than can be explained by the polyadenylation signal alone, suggesting that other 3-UTR regulatory signals, such as those that affect mRNA stability and localization, may frequently occur near the end of the mRNA. Male specificity of liver and kidney CYP4A2 mRNA and tissue-specific regulation by growth hormone and testosterone. The causative factors may include recombination-associated mutagenesis258,266, transcription-associated mutagenesis274, transposon-associated deletion and genomic rearrangement275,276,277,278, and replication timing279,280. Another example is the cytochrome P450 gene family, which is of considerable pharmacological and clinical interest. We identified about 14,000 intergenic regions containing such putative pseudogenes. 11, 685702 (2001), Rouquier, S. et al. Here, we report the results of an international collaboration to produce a high-quality draft sequence of the mouse genome. 22, 388393 (1999), Marra, M. et al. Genet. 2022 Oct;54(10):1643-1651. doi: 10.1038/s12276-022-00824-x. 29, 13521365 (2001), Hardison, R. C. Conserved noncoding sequences are reliable guides to regulatory elements. Starting from a common ancestral genome approximately 75Myr, the mouse and human genomes have each been shuffled by chromosomal rearrangements. The mouse seems to represent an exception among mammals on the basis of comparison with the small amount of genomic sequence available from dog (4Mb) and pig (5Mb), both of which show proportions closer to human136 (E. Green, unpublished data; Table 8). In fact, only a small proportion of the genome aligned to multiple regions (about 3.3%) or to non-syntenic regions (about 3.2%); the conclusions below are not significantly altered if we restrict attention to sequences that match uniquely in syntenic regions. The ratio of estimated length to actual length had a median value of 0.9994, with 68% of cases falling within 0.991.01 and 84% of cases within 0.981.02. In 6 out of the 15 CYP2C family cases, the localization of the genomic region from which they are derived remains unassigned. Immunity 8, 143155 (1998), Garcia-Meunier, P., Etienne-Julan, M., Fort, P., Piechaczyk, M. & Bonhomme, F. Concerted evolution in the GAPDH family of retrotransposed pseudogenes. When these sources are eliminated, the contrast between mouse and human grows to roughly fourfold. Intriguingly, the proteomics revealed extensive metabolic . The reason for the smaller number of predicted CpG islands in mouse may relate simply to the smaller fraction of the genome with extremely high (G+C) content99 and its effect on the computer algorithm. You need to indicate the reasoning behind your choice. No class II ERVs are known to predate the humanmouse speciation. This issue is better addressed through hierarchical shotgun than WGS sequencing and will be examined more carefully in the course of producing a finished mouse genome sequence. The main computational tool was the Ensembl gene prediction pipeline142 augmented with the Genie gene prediction pipeline143. Endocrinol. This is in accord with previous estimates of neutral substitution rates in these organisms. This reflects both the abundance of L1 elements in the mouse (G+C)-poor regions and the unusually high density of Alu in human (G+C)-rich regions. How to Conduct Comparative Analysis? Guide with Examples Our brains process visual data 60,000 times faster than texts and figures. The use of SNPs would allow the generation of an even denser map, which would allow mouse geneticists to fully exploit the recombinational resolution that can be achieved in large crosses. Nucleic Acids Res. Extrapolating from these results, testing the entire set of such predicted genes (that is, those that fail the test of having adjacent homologous exons in the two species) would be expected to yield only about 231 additional validated predictions. Approximately 83% of the exons in the catalogue were detected by SGP2, which predicted an additional 9,808 (6%) new exons. Epub 2022 Oct 21. Also conserved are the non-canonical GC-AG introns (mechanistically identical to the GT-AG canonical introns): in the set there are 23 non-canonical GC-AG introns in human and 23 in mouse, including 19 orthologous pairs. J. Mol. In this way, the proteins were assigned Gene Ontology (GO) codes180, which describe biological process, cellular compartment and molecular function. To test the accuracy of the ultracontig lengths, we compared the actual length of 675 finished mouse BAC sequences (from the B6 strain) with the corresponding estimated length from the draft genome sequence. Initial sequencing and comparative analysis of the mouse genome. USA 85, 64146418 (1988), Francino, M. P. & Ochman, H. Strand asymmetries in DNA evolution. In the last lines, the speaker mourns the state of the world and the lack of community between humans and non-human animals. Trends Genet. 23 for the 50-bp windows in ancestral repeats, representing neutrally evolving DNA. Google Scholar, Daly, M. J. Estimating the human gene count. George warns Lennie to stay away from her (job advice: stay away from the boss's son's flirtatious wifeunless she's really hot and you don't really need the job). The majority of shared genes encode proteins that participate in structural and barrier functions. The projected total length of the euchromatic portion of the mouse genome (2.5Gb) is about 14% smaller than that of the human genome (2.9Gb). 11). And, with his misfortune in killing Curley's wife, he is doomed to be destroyed and, with him, so is the "nest" of the dream of a ranch that he and George have--"Thy wee-bit housie, too, in ruin." The mouse sequence was identical to the normal human sequence for 90.3% of these positions, and it differed from both the normal and disease-associated sequence in human for 7.5% of the positions. Editors select a small number of articles recently published in the journal that they believe will be particularly interesting to readers, or important in the respective research area. The distribution of SNPs reveals that genetic variation among mouse strains occurs in large blocks, mostly reflecting contributions of the two subspecies Mus musculus domesticus and Mus musculus musculus to current laboratory strains. 21, 363369 (1999), den Hollander, A. I. et al. Comparative analysis of genomes should thus make it possible to discern, by virtue of evolutionary conservation, biological features that would otherwise escape our notice. This section will use a Multi Axis Line Graph (one of the Comparative Analysis Charts) to display insights into the table below. Our gene catalogue contains 656 of these gene predictions, indicating extensive agreement between these two independent analyses. 13b), although the relationship does not seem to be linear and it is not as strong (Spearman rank analysis, r2 = 0.45). PMID: 25409831.Mouse regulatory DNA landscapes reveal global principles of cis-regulatory evolution. Proc. 12, 832839 (2002), Krivan, W. & Wasserman, W. W. A predictive model for regulatory sequences directing liver-specific transcription. Biochem. 18 in the IHGC human genome paper1. 2, 538548 (2001), Georgiades, P., Ferguson-Smith, A. C. & Burton, G. J. When local (G+C) content is measured in 20-kb windows across the genome, the human genome has about 1.4% of the windows with (G+C) content >56% and 1.3% with (G+C) content <33%. The N50 supercontig size of 16.9Mb far exceeds that achieved by any previous WGS assembly, and the agreement with genome-wide maps is excellent. Learn how Google Forms and other tools help you master collecting survey data. Generation and comparative analysis of approximately 3.3Mb of mouse genomic sequence orthologous to the region of human chromosome 7q11.23 implicated in Williams syndrome. Rate of fixation of nucleotide substitutions in evolution. Genetics 141, 16051617 (1995), Maynard Smith, J. Mol. Several large-scale gene-trap programmes are underway worldwide15. In the next section, we show that gene predictions that avoid many of the biases of evidence-based gene prediction result in only a modest increase in the predicted gene count (in the range of about 1,000 genes). a, Conservation across a generic gene, on the basis of 3,165 human RefSeq mRNAs with known position in the genome. Trends Genet. Notwithstanding the high quality of the draft genome sequence, we are mindful that it contains many gaps, small misassemblies and nucleotide errors. New insights into the epitranscriptomic control of pluripotent stem cell fate. For each mouse chromosome, its (G+C) content is depicted as a greyscale (centre, right), with darker shades indicating (G+C)-richer regions. Such a deletion rate in the human lineage over about 75 million years is also roughly compatible with the observation that roughly 6% has been deleted over about 22 million years since the divergence from baboon, an estimate derived from the sequencing of specific regions in human and baboon (E. Green, unpublished data). Sci. It is small and scared of the presence of humans. Nucleic Acids Res. We annotated the current sets of mouse and human proteins with respect to the InterPro classification of domains, motifs and proteins using the InterProScan computer resource179. With just a few clicks, you can turn overwhelming tables and spreadsheets into stunning, insightful charts and graphs. ISSN 1476-4687 (online) 2, 868873 (1992), Feng, Q., Moran, J. V., Kazazian, H. H. Jr & Boeke, J. D. Human L1 retrotransposon encodes a conserved endonuclease required for retrotransposition. Insertional polymorphisms of full-length endogenous retroviruses in humans. Methyl-CpG is mutated by deamination to TpG, leading to approximately fivefold under-representation of CpG across the human1,95 and mouse genomes. 10, 758775 (2000), CAS 9, 815824 (1999), Suzuki, Y. et al. Complete genomic sequence and analysis of the prion protein gene region from three mammalian species. Third, de novo gene predictions from the GENSCAN program145 that are supported by experimental evidence (such as ESTs) are considered. In this analysis (as in those below), the differences in KA/KS were largely due to variations in KA (Table 12). Singer, Guy Slater, Arian Smit, Arne Stabenau, Charles Sugnet, Mikita Suyama, Glenn Tesler, David Torrents, John Tromp, Catherine Ucla, Jade P. Vinson, Claire M. Wade, Ryan J. Weber, Raymond Wheeler, Eitan Winter, Shiaw-Pyng Yang, Evgeny M. Zdobnov, Robert H. Waterston, Simon Whelan, Kim C. Worley and Michael C. Zody: Members of the Mouse Genome Analysis Group, Genome Sequencing Center, Washington University School of Medicine, Campus Box 8501, 4444 Forest Park Avenue, St Louis, Missouri, 63108, USA, Asif T. Chinwalla,Lisa L. Cook,Kimberly D. Delehaunty,Ginger A. Fewell,Lucinda A. Fulton,Robert S. Fulton,Tina A. Graves,LaDeana W. Hillier,Elaine R. Mardis,John D. McPherson,Tracie L. Miner,William E. Nash,Joanne O. Nelson,Michael N. Nhan,Kymberlie H. Pepin,Craig S. Pohl,Tracy C. Ponce,Brian Schultz,Johanna Thompson,Evanne Trevaskis,Robert H. Waterston,Michael C. Wendl,Richard K. Wilson,Shiaw-Pyng Yang,Asif T. Chinwalla,Lucinda A. Fulton,LaDeana W. Hillier,Shiaw-Pyng Yang&Robert H. Waterston, Whitehead Institute/MIT Center for Genome Research, 320 Charles Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02141, USA, Peter An,Eric Berry,Bruce Birren,Toby Bloom,Daniel G. Brown,Jonathan Butler,Mark Daly,Robert David,Justin Deri,Sheila Dodge,Karen Foley,Diane Gage,Sante Gnerre,Timothy Holzer,David B. Jaffe,Michael Kamal,Elinor K. Karlsson,Cristyn Kells,Andrew Kirby,Edward J. Kulbokas III,Eric S. Lander,Tom Landers,J. P. Leger,Rosie Levine,Kerstin Lindblad-Toh,Evan Mauceli,John H. Mayer,Megan McCarthy,Jim Meldrim,Jim Meldrim,Jill P. Mesirov,Robert Nicol,Chad Nusbaum,Steven Seaman,Ted Sharpe,Andrew Sheridan,Jonathan B. Mouse and human thus show similar degrees of homogeneity in the distribution of genes, despite the overall differences in (G+C) content. Mol. Initial sequencing and comparative analysis of the mouse genome. Many windows in the coding region get L-scores greater than 3, indicating less than a 1/1,000 chance of occurring under neutral evolution (Pselected(S) > 0.94; see Fig. We performed sequence comparisons of the entire mouse and human genome sequences using the PatternHunter program71 to identify regions having a similarity score exceeding a high threshold (>40, corresponding to a minimum of a 40-base perfect match, with penalties for mismatches and gaps), with the additional property that each sequence is the other's unique match above this threshold. The total number of substitutions in the two lineages can be estimated at 0.51. As we discuss below, transposition has been more active in the mouse lineage. Proc. The resulting picture, however, is nearly indistinguishable from that obtained by using all RefSeq genes with at least 40 base UTRs. Mouse OR proteins are G protein-coupled receptors that are expressed in the olfactory epithelium from which neural signals are propagated to the olfactory bulb in the brain ( 14 , 43 ). Comparative proteomics uncovered a profibrotic and inflammatory phenotype in human and mouse obstructed kidneys . 7, 111 (1938), Castle, W. W. Observations of the occurrence of linkage in rats and mice. More recently, Myers and co-workers48, and others, have developed efficient algorithms for exploiting such linking information. 29, 487489 (2001), Wolfe, K. H. Mammalian DNA replication: mutation biases and the mutation rate. To a Mouse by Robert Burns - Poem Analysis 30). A comparative analysis between the top human (n=666) and mouse (n=873) skin-associated genes (SAGs) revealed a total of only 30.2% identity between the two lists. As in any argumentative paper, your thesis statement will convey the gist of your argument, which necessarily follows from your frame of reference. 28). The genome assembly was based on a total of 41.4 million sequence reads derived from both ends of inserts (paired-end reads) of various clone types prepared from B6 female DNA. Genet. All three forces that alter the genome (nucleotide substitution, deletion and insertion) thus vary substantially across the genome. This simple analysis suggests that the observed proportion of alignable genome (about 40%) is not surprising, but rather it probably reflects the actual proportion of orthologous genome remaining after the deletion in the two lineages. A cross with 2,000 meioses divides the genome (with a genetic length of about 16 morgans) into approximately 32,000 distinct recombinational bins and it would be convenient to have an even higher density of genetic markers available for fine-scale mapping. The first class that we discuss is LINEs. The repeat content for mouse (blue) and human (red) in 50-kb windows is shown for a 1-Mb region surrounding the Zfhx1b gene (green). Nature Genet. B. S., Sprunt, A. D. & Haldane, N. M. Reduplication in mice. Unable to load your collection due to an error, Unable to load your delegates due to an error. 17, 481485 (2001), Kong, A. et al. If you think that B extends A, you'll probably use a text-by-text scheme; if you see A and B engaged in debate, a point-by-point scheme will draw attention to the conflict. Error bars depict standard deviation over all autosomes (circles). Mol. In both cases, the alignment skips over young/lineage-specific repeats (red boxes), but aligns through most of the ancestral repeats (blue boxes) and non-repetitive sequence (no colour). About 19% overlapped a CpG island. We carried out a systematic comparative . Mol. The apparent deficit of transposon-derived sequence in the mouse genome is mostly due to a higher nucleotide substitution rate, which makes it difficult to recognize ancient repeat sequences. 390, 99103 (1996), Burge, C. B., Padgett, R. A. Natl Acad. Initially, this involved the detection of restriction-fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs)32; later, the emphasis shifted to the use of simple sequence length polymorphisms (SSLPs; also called microsatellites), which could be assayed easily by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)33,34,35,36 and readily revealed polymorphisms between inbred laboratory strains. Most assignments tell you exactly what the frame of reference should be, and most courses supply sources for constructing it. Evaluating the differences and similarities in your data is one of the most straightforward analyses you can ever conduct. Curr. Here are the five elements required. To a Mouse by Robert Burns describes the unfortunate situation of a mouse whose home was destroyed by the winter winds. We sought to create a mouse gene catalogue using the same methodology as that used for the human gene catalogue (Table 10).
