That includes all game animals, birds and furbearers, including bear, beaver, coyote, deer,. Ive occasionally seen them offered for sale on in the past, but not for a while. They tend to attack when they are intimidated. If you are handling or cuddling your otter, it will know if it doesnt have your full attention, and scream in order to get it. It could benefit the scientific community as well since little is known about their behaviors. [removed] When otters are agitated or stressed they can bite and become aggressive. Otters and most exotic pets may not like to be restrained, especially with strangers. Put up you have it off otters every bit pets uk How To Get A Pet Otter (Realistically) However, if youre still keen on the otter, and live in a state where you can legally own one, youre welcome to take the next step. Pet Guide: How to Care for a Pet Emperor Scorpion, Blue Parakeets: 5 Step Complete Care and Color Mutation Guide, How Long Do Budgie or Parakeet Live as Pets? Also They really have an annoying squeal. The oldest known otter lived to be 21 years old. It is important to exercise caution and practice good hygiene when interacting with otters or their environment. In most countries, otters are considered wild animals, and it is illegal to buy or sell them. They deserve to be out in the world in environments which we do't interfere with. When I worked for the park service, every year after easter people dump the bunnies,chicks and ducks they got for kids in the park because they grew up and couldn't handle them. Much more fun fact: Otter poop has an aroma that has been compared to jasmine tea. They also mark their territory by smearing their scent; which is known as sprinting. Its various extant subspecies, numbering a total of 13, can be found on almost every continent (its too cold in Antarctica, apparently), and come in a range of shapes and sizes, and levels of ferocity. But they are legal in some states. You can discover many popular videos of them interacting with their caretakers in ways other than direct contact. Call state wildlife officials to confirm. Guests must be fit and healthy, have full motor skill and intellectual capabilities. Is it illegal to have an otter as a pet in every country? Prohibited mammals, reptiles and amphibians You are not allowed to keep prohibited animals as a pet in Queensland. Rejoice in the sheer exuberance of otter life. If you don't provide sufficient environmental enrichment, they will likely find it for themselves, probably among your things. The IUCN guidelines don't even provide a the space for a single otter as otters are social animals that need at least one other otter for company. You can give them a complete cat food as the base, but make sure that over half of their diet is meat-based. But theyre probably more likely to bite unfamiliar people, like visitors! Even you own a river its not enough! !" EatRawPotatoes. Otters have an odor that lingers around them. She said yes . Poor animals in those cages, would you like to be in jail ? Instead, consider visiting them at a zoo or wildlife sanctuary, where you can observe and appreciate these amazing animals in a safe and responsible manner. (8 Best Scorpions Types as Pets), How Often Do Scorpions Eat? They're wild animals. Also do you own any dogs or cats? Unique or exotic pets. Food is expensive. I greatly agree that some animals are better of wild but I read somewhere as well that as more human encroach on their natural habitats, these animals need to be protected. Have a secondary pond/enclosure that I keep stocked with fish,frogs, and other native species that I would let my baby out in daily and go swimming with it. Remember to always treat otters with respect and caution, and support conservation efforts to protect these important animals. White ceramic money box Personalised. In such a case, the average dog run won't cut it. Can i legaly own a short clawed otter here in Ontario Canada? They live in freshwater wetlands and mangrove swamps in Southern Asia. Can You Have An Otter As A Pet In Australia. I was headstrong about owning an otter and this article actually dissuaded me people are insane nowadays, would you rather there I have not come across this information then got an otter and regretted? Living in captivity is simply not a good life for an otter. It is illegal to keep almost all otters as pets in North America, with one exception. Some introduced animals, have become serious pests in Queensland that attack pets and damage crops, the environment and the economy. Asian small-clawed otters - the only otter sometimes allowed as pets - need a mixture of land and water in their enclosure. You see, otters are members of the weasel family. Only one species of otters is not considered federally illegal in the US, which is the Asian small-clawed otter (Aonyx cinereus). amanda panda There are many exotic pets that people fantasize about owningbaby penguins, panda bears, dragonsbut they are often shocked to hear that some people can and do legally keep exotic pets like fennec foxes, wild cats, and marmosets. So, if you keep an otter as a pet, be ready to clean the potty of your otter several times during the days from different parts of your home. Health and safety risks: Otters can carry diseases that can be transmitted to humans and pets, and their sharp claws and teeth can cause injury. Otters are generally well loved in Singapore. The recommended space for a pair of otters is 60 m, roughly the size of an average apartment. Living inside comes with many challenges, like cleaning up otter feces and keeping your furniture intact. If I become rich in my future I will definetly buy a otter, This is great for kids like me to learn about otters, I just bought a baby otter and it is really scared and it attack me how to tame and make him bite me. Specifically, Missouri, North Carolina, Florida, Nebraska and a handful of other states appear to allow the private-ownership of otters. They thrive in social settings within their natural habitat. Otters are restless and do not like to be restrained or restricted. Answer: Yes, but you would have to be granted a permit, which isn't easy. Click to attach a photo related to your comment. Fencing needs to extend in-ground because they can also dig out. For example, in Nevada, lions and elephants are actually legal to own, but fennec foxes (which weigh 3 lbs) are not. Question: Are pet otters legal in Canada? Even if it weren't, keeping wild animals as pets is not a good idea. Cats and dogs were bred to be companions and we couldn't even handle that. Otters require a large enclosure with access to water, a specialized diet, veterinary care, and enrichment to keep them mentally and physically healthy. If you have adopted one, youll need to have the proper habitat for it. In the UK, otters are fully protected under Sections 9 and 11 of Schedule 5 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981[2]. When it appears that an otter is legal under one statute but not another, the animal may be regulated by several laws. Asian small-clawed otter: This is the only otter to have entered the pet trade. Question: Are sea otters legal in Kentucky? This doesnt make them automatically legal in every state. They have high exercise and socialization needs and require a large living space with access to water. Are otters legal pets? Smitten. However, owning an otter requires a permit, which can be obtained from the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission. SafePetsForJoliet. In the wild, otters can live up to 10-15 years, while those in captivity may live longer. Are otters good pets? I completed my post-graduate studies at Nottingham Trent University in 2021, securing an MSc Biodiversity Conservation qualification. Otters require specific conditions to live well: a large area to roam (the larger the better); a clean water source in which to swim, bathe and (ideally) catch live prey; and adequate daily nutrition. Because I love otters. In the U.S. there is only one otter species that can be kept in the home so to speak - the Asian Short-clawed Otter . Animals and mostly exotic ones are not our toys or our means to make money. There is a high chance of one of them getting bitten. However, it is important to remember that even trained otters are still wild animals and should be treated with respect and caution. can u own a otter in ohio or any other place please respond because im in highschool and i have plans to move to a place that allows pet otters please respond this important or my dreams wil be crushed to live a happy life, really i cant find any where to own one now i feel depressed so where, cus im planning to move to a state that allows them whith a friend. And then you need to give all your time. If you want to have an otter as a pet, make sure that they have a pond or a lake filled with their food, or you can manage to bring them fresh one from the market. Giant otter: Native to South America, these otters are very large, quite noisy, and actually very social. 3. This can be fed irregularly with a "scatter" method to ward off stereotypic behaviorsomething that occurs when certain animals are fed at specific times. If left untrained, they can leave many droppings around the house. However, they also mark territory with scent glands at the base of their tail. This could devastate our unique environment. Australia boasts a huge variety of animals. They are all semiaquatic, aquatic or marine mammals, and subsist on diets mainly based on fish and invertebrates, such as mollusks. However, if you have ever seen one having a snooze while going down river, opening up lunch on their bellies or rollicking in the water with their friends, only the meanest of the mean wouldn't find them enchanting. The fact that these otters require a tropical climate may be why they tend to be kept mostly by zoo professionals. Captive otters are also required to have a registered veterinarian who is happy to see them whenever required, which is hard to find at the best of times. Can you have a pet otter in australia. All rights reserved. I have grown up in the redwoods of California. But can you keep one as a pet? Can you have a pet penguin in Canada? But there are many factors to consider. In the wild, they mostly eat fish, while sea-dwelling otters use stones to break open mollusks. Since otters are not legal to buy, its difficult to give a price range. Listen people, trying to stifle information will only lead to more of that thing your trying to stop dont be ignorant. That being said there are no breeders , otters are poached from the wild. This breed was thriving in the 12th Century and was used to hunt otters. States where Otters may be legal, New York. 12:34. Yes, in some cases, you can adopt an otter. Otters can be destructive and are difficult to housetrain. Pool should make up about 30% of the enclosure. The upfront cost of purchasing an Asian small-clawed otter is approximately $4,000 unaffordable for most individuals. Retrieved from. 2005 - 2023 WebMD LLC. Due to their high fish diet, an otter's excrement is particularly foul. Feel free to share this guide with anyone who loves otters! While they were not the first country to open a pet caf (this was Taiwan's honor), the idea gained significant popularity there. However, owning an otter as a pet is illegal in many states, so be sure to check local laws before purchasing. An otters diet can vary in captivity. Yes, otters can be trained using positive reinforcement techniques. If you have managed to acquire an otter, please make sure you know how to care for it properly and that you are committed to keeping it for the entirety of its lifetime. That way, youll get advice direct from the source! This article is accurate and true to the best of the authors knowledge. By clicking Subscribe, I agree to the WebMD, Smart Grocery Shopping When You Have Diabetes, Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Dogs and Cats, Smoking Pot Every Day Linked to Heart Risks, Artificial Sweetener Linked to Heart Risks, FDA Authorizes First At-Home Test for COVID and Flu, New Book: Take Control of Your Heart Disease Risk, MINOCA: The Heart Attack You Didnt See Coming, Health News and Information, Delivered to Your Inbox, Protect Your Cat From These Household Hazards. - Once you have that set, click "Add to Cart". If you still want to own this aquatic creature, the biggest obstacle you will face is this: Where can you find one? Otters can also be loud and destructive. Shes advising you not, To. Not only do you need the right enclosure and dietary resources to take care of a pet otter, but you need to have access to specialists in your neighborhood. Question: Where do you go to adopt an otter? Some species of otter exist discontinuously in patches unconnected by land because of over-poaching. Additionally, otters are considered indicator species, which means that their presence or absence can indicate the health of the surrounding ecosystem. -They are relatively low-maintenance, compared to other animals. Also it's diet would not only be what is in the ponds clearly but only then would I even think about getting an otter. Speaking from experience in both areas, the caregivers who work with them are not taking on an easy job - they're noisier than a Siamese cat on an airplane. There is little similar evidence to suggest otters want to do the same. Even with the best intentions we cant give them enough , enough playtimes, enough nutrition.l enough everything. Otters are considered to be wildlife, so you will need to follow the state guidelines for ownership. Lontra canadensis. It is not meant to substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, or formal and individualized advice from a veterinary medical professional. Lets look after wildlife, please! Do pet otters smell? 9 Affordable Pet Insurance for Low Income Families, Donating to organizations that support otter conservation, research, and habitat protection, Purchasing products made from sustainable materials to reduce habitat destruction, Volunteering at a local wildlife rehabilitation center or conservation organization, Advocating for policies and regulations that protect otters and their habitats. Dont take my word for it read this! Find out in this video all about the Asian Small Clawed Otter, Mr. Chow! Otters arent as cute as you might think. Otters are very territorial and live in family groups. They are not commonly available, and you would likely need to get on a waiting list. Not only does this depend on the country, the legality of keeping an otter as a pet will also depend on regions and jurisdiction within a given country. The only way to know for sure would be to contact your state's Department of Agriculture/Fish and Game, and even they sometimes don't know. Answer: Probably not. Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on December 16, 2018: Can you have an Asian small clawed otter as a pet in the state of Georgia. Stop being sensitive everyone. Otters are notoriously difficult to potty train, and even when they are, they may decide to go against their training. Otters can carry and transmit dangerous bacteria like Salmonella and Streptococcus phocae to you and your other animals. Question: Are otters legal to keep as pets in Georgia? Different provinces have different laws. So, here are some of the reasons you should not keep an otter as a pet: Above all, otters are wild animals that are happiest in their natural habitats and are not meant to be kept in our homes. Some animals are illegal to keep in Queensland. Non-Domesticated Since these animals aren't domesticated, they're not 100% safe to be around humans full-time without proper training. Its time to wake up and change, seriously. Question: Are otters legal to have as pets in North Carolina? Veterinary Secrets 2022 Bestie PawsLower Manhattan, New York, NY 10038, USA, Pet otters: the truth behind the latest wildlife craze. Most pet otters are actually owned by private zoos and animal educators. It is illegal to keep almost all otters as pets in North America, with one exception. Dv Kaufman's Adventures 44.5K subscribers OTTERS AS PETS?!? If not..why? Unless you do what Joseph Carter does for his mink to keep them busy, I wouldn't recommend them as pets to most people. For example, most states have bans on big cats, primates, and bears, but in states that allow more surprising species as pets, the majority of counties and towns don't allow it. Note: All information comes from online resources and personal knowledge. They are wild animals and do not like to be restrained., Owning an otter is a big commitment. Are there any health risks associated with otters? They have varying sizes across all species, weighing between 2.2 to 99.2 lb and having lengths between 2.0 to 5.9 feet. Many of these facilities have otters on display, and some even have interactive exhibits where you can watch them play and swim. The Asian small-clawed otter is the smallest species of otter. People's Trust for Endangered Species. A certified veterinarian giving advise on how to get an exotic animal to own as a pet? 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. They are mustelids which means they belong to the same family as weasels, minks and badgers, but form a part of the subfamily Lutrinae. When theyre captured and sold as pets, otters are not living their full, natural lives. An otter needs to have the life he was intended to have and need to be around their own kind in order to thrive. Mrs Smith, inform yourself, go back to University to learn the BASIC ethics of your job. They're very aggressive and bite, and they have very sharp teeth. On the 4 Asian species 3 are under protection because theyre getting extinct ! Otters are being poached from the wild to become pets in Japan and Thailand The Asian small-clawed otter has become a popular pet in Southeast Asia. Eastern Newt. All you say and recommend is ethically against your Vet degree! Taking feathers directly from the bird so the scent is present, and scatter them in various places. Otters are social creatures. Don't even get us started on baby otter pups. Under provincial and federal law, it is illegal to keep a wild animal, as designated under the BC Wildlife Act, as a pet.
