Rocker Road Estates Lot 4 is 9.09 acres and is one of four home lots. coordination with the director of public works' drainage plans and recommendations Ph: 863-984-1375 ext 231. 27.71713, Welcome to the Ranch! 5. Located just East of the town of Dundee, Dundee Lakes Phase 1 is a beautiful new residential development located on Lake Trask in Polk County, Florida. BLDG. 1. No. Disclaimer: This Code of Ordinances and/or any other documents that appear on this site may not reflect the most current legislation adopted by the city. Downtown Landscape. Sec. One (1) tree shall be provided for every fifty (50) feet of buffer length. All proposed developments shall be governed by F.S. Ground cover: Low-growing plants, including grass, planted in such a manner as to form a continuous cover over the ground. Flush hydrants. Parks located in interior spaces surrounded by residential lots are discouraged. Traffic Study Tiers/Net External Trip Thresholds Species listed in Sec. Integrating new streets into the surrounding roadway network is favored over enclosed communities. The barricade shall be a wooden or chain link fence placed at the dripline of the Property Details: Site plan of the proposed development that shows the proposed access locations. Any activities that may disturb the root system within the barricaded area. No. color shown in Table 23-305D. There are 202 residential lots that are currently being entitled with full approvals expected in January or February of 2023.. 123 Broadway Blvd. of land shall be subject to the restrictions of the subsections herein and any conditions For Sale: 7 beds, 5.5 baths 3941 sq. Publix and Walmart - 4 Miles, LBF Ranch is a 2,240-acre well-managed working ranch in Central Florida with easy access to many amenities. Streets shall be designed so as to make them flood-free in order that properties served by such streets will not be isolated by floods. along public rights-of-way, or as may be determined by the fire chief. Community Development LDR - City of Auburndale The buffer shall be landscaped to provide a solid screen, such as a wall or hedge, a minimum of six (6) feet in height. storm water, sanitary sewer, potable water, reclaimed water and other facilities, 3. 1 or better as established by the Florida Department of Agriculture. 2006-24, 47, 6-6-06; Ord. Parking areas with access drives are required for multi-family and nonresidential buildings; spaces requiring vehicles to back into the street are prohibited. These records can include land deeds, mortgages, land grants, and other important property-related documents. The ranch has a perpetual conservation easement over it which prevents intense development. Background traffic shall be based on historical growth rates, calculated from historic average annual daily traffic (AADT) data at nearby FDOT count stations, or other historic AADT data, if available. Immediately following vegetation removal, existing slopes greater Such buffers shall meet the following width requirements, at minimum: abutting an arterial or major collector roadway: 25 feet, abutting a minor collector,local roadway or access drive or travelway: 10 feet, abutting a single-family residential property or zoning district: 10 feet, abutting a non-residential property or zoning district: 5 feet. necessary by the fire marshal. 23-423. The buffer shall be in a separate parcel or tract maintained by a homeowners' association or similar entity, in accordance with an approved landscaping plan. D.The use of invasive, poisonous, or commonly objectionable species is prohibited. Funds in the tree replacement fund shall be reserved for planting plans for public parks and streetscapes, including tree inventories, assessments and planting plans; and for the purchase, planting, and maintenance of trees and shrubs in public parks and streetscapes. 4847 SUMMIT VIEW WAY, Auburndale, Polk County, FL, 33823 Arterialhighways. 1. c. Except in the C-1and D-MU district, there shall be at minimum a three-foot wide strip of landscaped area (as defined in section 23-307) between the sidewalk and curb in which a tree as defined in section 23-307 shall be planted every fifty (50) feet, at minimum. 0000000776 00000 n r.D"&^WfVm36(.J(1.t9f&Y%!dwhj*ZH%")XO37i+01Wwk$cFLZi8Rm`"m{#A:3.?Qdz6R5iQ1ux=k'Y{i=7oQY1/~j9P!_>1b|2(o_u7~o63.WZJi_FWIp9*bI%8hm6UjF6yiFAw2 barricades must be placed and maintained around all trees that are required to have 0000001388 00000 n 23-307.3 Landscaped buffers. be guided by the standards established in the neighboring areas and the effect of Roadway improvements programmed within the first three years of an adopted work program, TIP, or CIP may be utilized as long as the improvement is funded for construction consistent with the proposed buildout year for the development, but no more than three years from the date of the study. 2. 23-306.1 Location of off-street parking areas. Provides a less highly developed level of service at a lower speed for shorter distances by collecting traffic from local roads and connecting them with arterials. Polk County Municipal Regulations of Florida eLaws | eCases | Florida State | Florida Administrative Code | Florida Courts | Counties & Cities of Florida | Code of Federal Regulations | United States Code | Your access is denied! The administrative official may waive up to twenty-five (25) percent of the required paved parking. Marking on private hydrants within private enclosures is to be at the owner's discretion. tested in the presence of the city fire marshal, and in service prior to construction Safe, adequately lighting and well-maintained pathways, Transit bus stops & transit stop amenities (i.e., bench, bus shelter, etc. In the event the information is not available, FDOT generalized level-of-service standards may be used upon confirmation by the City or designee. Internal capture estimates for mixed-use developments shall be based the methodology outlined in NCHRP 684. All dead-end streets shall have a T or L shaped turnaround area at the terminus unless a turnaround is required for fire apparatus per the following criteria. Access drives. City Code; Contact Us; Drinking Water Report; Emergency Operations; Financial Audit 2022; Job Openings; . New residential development or neighborhoods with no more than one hundred fifty (150) dwelling units proposed may be allowed to only have one (1) entrance, subject to the approval of the Development Review Committee. The property is fenced and well cross-fenced, allowing for rotational grazing, sod farming, seed production, and multiple herd management. c. Street jogs with center line offsets of less than one hundred twenty-five (125) feet shall not be made. POULTRY, BEES, FISH, RABBITS W/MISC. All trees shall be set or planted at least three (3) feet back from the curbline, and in cases where the lawn is more than six (6) feet wide, the trees shall be set along the centerline thereof. Tampa is a short 30 minute drive while Orlando is just under an hour away, and the ease of access to major roadw, Lake Easy Citrus Grove & Homesite is a 10-acre citrus grove with county-maintained road frontage on two sides and can be subdivided into two, five-acre lots. The street classification system is established consistent with the Transportation Element and map of the Comprehensive Planto ensure the expansion of a roadway network adequate to serve the needs of future development. Auto and truck repair or auto service stations. TABLE 23-303B The methodology letter shall include the following information: Multimodal Assessment 23-302.7 Natural and man-made features of the site. endstream endobj 35 0 obj <>stream Parking areas shall be striped or otherwise marked to designate individual parking spaces. Legal Description: BEAR BAY HILL ESTATES UNIT ONE PB 75 PG 6 BLK 1 LOT 48, LOT 49, LOT 5, LOT 6 & LOT 4 1. 2008-45, 9, 10, 12-16-08). LEGOLAND Theme park is less than 20 minutes away With the approval of the city commission, the neighborhood park requirement for a new development may be fulfilled through an equivalent contribution for improvements to an existing or proposed neighborhood park outside of the development, provided the park is within a quarter mile of the development and will be conveniently accessible for residents within the development and provided the level of service standard for neighborhood parks is met in the area. Maximum AM or PM Peak Hour Two Way Net New Trips. replacement requirement may be waived or reduced. c. Sidewalks, bikeways, and trails, shall be located no closer than 10 feet from the top of slope of the retention area and shall be a minimum of 3 feet from the curb or edge of pavement. [_a=FN7 QCe2e,d(^Q7}) n wy$ps|=ZE,Rwo7c&=eKK7eNw}1EXb/?GUA*9+^xj\nk-! In cases where existing right-of-way width is less than the requirement for the classification of the street (see section 23-303), reductions in setback shall be limited so that a minimum of fifty (50) percent of the required right-of-way width is reserved. 515 FT paved road frontage on Old Eagle Lake Road E. When an access way intersects a public right-of-way, all landscaping shall provide unobstructed cross-visibility at a level between two (2) feet and ten (10) feet within a cross-visibility triangle as defined below. 1. This assessment shall also discuss how the site plan encourages walking, bicycling and transit ridership through one or more of the following: Analysis Scenarios If a segment or intersection with a history of high crash occurrence exists within a study area, at the discretion of the City an evaluation of potential mitigating measures can be required. Compatibility in roof shape and material, signage, lighting and landscape material is encouraged. Cow pens, shop, offices, three-bedroom, two-bath modular trailer in great condition, shipping containers, the potential for airstrip with hanger turned event venue with prep room, two guest rooms, conversation room, two full baths and five half baths throughout the entire property all situated on 310+/-acres with two separate entrances off Moore Road. Zoned as Industrial Park property, it is surrounded by several highways, and Florida Interstate-4, the main thoroughfare traversing the desirable I-4 Corridor, is within a 30-minute drive. See Section 6 for additional details. a. Drainage easements shall be maintained so that their function is not impaired through An effort shall be made to identify and preserve trees of desirable species and good condition and to create an appealing park with shady areas. In addition to the painted top and nozzle caps, the All landscaped areas shall be provided with a permanent below-ground irrigation system. No building shall be permitted on a lot unless the lot has adequate access in accordance with section 23-303. f. Right-of-way. Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) issued for the project. IV, Div. from Buck Moore Rd. All landscaping shall be installed with sound workmanship and in accordance with good planting procedures. 3. The City of Lake Wales has expressed interest in annexing the property into the city limits. No. All landscaped areas shall be protected from vehicular encroachment. Comes with an 8 inch well with Jet irrigation. All applications and plans should be submitted to the Planning Division through our online portal. For Sale: 408409 - Residential, 4 bed, 2 bath, 1,820 sqft at 4562 GRANDVIEW GLEN DRIVE in Auburndale. The owner, tenant and their agent, if any, shall be jointly and severally responsible for the maintenance of all landscaping in such condition as to present a healthy, neat and orderly appearance. A. A. Tower Blvd. This property is now under auction terms. The design of structures on outparcels shall be coordinated with the main structure on the parcel. For multiphase developments include analysis of future No Build and Build scenarios for development phase. Storage of construction materials. Land for sale in Florida's Polk County recently totaled around $546 . Peak hour LOS analyses shall be conducted for study intersections under AM and PM peak hour conditions. 17(CR 17-A), Central Avenue between U.S. 27 and S.R. shall be submitted with the report. No. PDF LDC 13T 08 Ordinance Shrubs shall be a minimum of two (2) feet in height at time of planting. Home facts updated by county records on Jan 25, 2023. Polk County Property Appraiser. 2. and standards for recreation areas in this section. Vehicular wheel stops or barriers shall also be properly located along the edge of the required separation strip. The maximum radius of a center island on a cul-de-sac with a minimum sixty-foot radius shall be twenty-four (24) feet., Kelly Downing A waiver may be granted in cases where the where the applicable permit granting authority deems the sidewalk to be unnecessary because of adequate pedestrian accommodations in the development or neighborhood or deems the cost of the improvement to be unreasonable in light of the magnitude of the change triggering the site plan review. with a plan approved by the city commission. If mitigation is needed to achieve adopted standards in the Future No Build or Future Build scenarios, additional scenarios, including the mitigation improvements, will be required. Commercial and industrial developments. This site is perfect for Residential Development. Choose a municipality or county below to see its zoning map and zoning code. The minimum grade of all streets shall be 0.3 percent unless specifically approved by the director of public works. wires and related appurtenances is required in all new developments requiring subdivision, After construction. Secondary entrances are those that provide access to a residential development in addition to the primary entrance or entrances. Zoning, Land Use And Development Regulation, Article III. mh - platted: 0003: vac. The property is in the R-3 zoning district, the maximum density shall not exceed 10 dwelling units per gross acre. 23-214.b shall not be planted to meet landscaping requirements. Applicability. DOR Use Codes Descriptions Adopted Ordinances Not Yet Codified b. Waivers of strict compliance with this section may be granted by the planning board pursuant to section 23-222.5. duplexes, tri's, quad's in polk city, auburndale, lake alfred, winter haven area 10-49 units: 0353: . Call seller Sam see phone # attached Virtual Tour Full Property Details for 328 Polk St General Price: $1,900,000 Taxes: $6,462 (2022) Status: Active Type: Commercial Land MLS ID: A11322413 Updated: 2/28/2023 Added: 57 day (s) ago Location a. AM (if required) and PM peak hour analysis of existing traffic, plus background traffic (derived from growth rates, vested trips, or combination of both), placed on the existing network, plus all improvements funded for construction within the first three years of the state, county or local jurisdictions adopted work program, capital improvement plan (CIP) and/or adopted transportation improvement plan (TIP). A survey showing all trees which require a permit for removal under section 23-214 of these land development regulations shall be submitted with the preliminary subdivision SIGNIFICANT STAND OF OAK TREESAny stand of oak trees whose trunk diameters may be less than four (4) inches encompassing In all residential developments, recreation areas in the form of mini-parks shall be provided at a ratio of one-quarter () acre per four hundred (400) dwelling units at minimum. There are 1,300 feet on Hwy 630, 1,400 feet on N Lake Ready BLVD and 1,900 feet on Barr Road. g. Utility easements. Located in a high industrial and distribution area; there are existing industrial tenants in the vicinity of the property. Consists of all roads not defined as arterials or collectors; primarily provides access to land with little or no through movement. Planner-On-Call is a customer service provided to answer questions and assist citizens regarding the County's Comprehensive Plan, Land Development Code, and other planning topics. 2006-24, 10, 11, 6-6-06; Ord. Sec. No building intended for residential purposes shall be occupied or constructed on land subject to periodic or frequent flooding, nor existing building enlarged, repaired or altered on land subject to periodic or frequent flooding. 2020-30, 1, 12-02-20;Ord. specifically waived by the city commission or planning board, as applicable. SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE | Land Development Code | Polk County, FL (300) feet separation, measured along the roadway, whether public or private. Where a cul-de-sac exceeds one hundred (150) feet in length, an approved turnaround for fire apparatus shall be provided at the closed end. There are no upcoming events at this time. span, danger of falling, proximity to existing or proposed structures, and interference All street pavements shall be of a stable type. The site contains 80% uplands and 22 acres of Tifton 44 hayfield. 2. Sec. Prior to commencement of site development, including any clearing or grading, protective within a utility easement without the written approval of the director of public works. Block lengths shall not exceed one thousand two hundred (1,200) feet or be less than four hundred (400) feet. Fx: 863-984-2334. 1. If signalization is proposed as a mitigation measure, a signal warrant analysis (including FDOT signal warrant summary worksheets) and a Stage 1 Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE) shall be provided for the location(s) proposed for signalization. 1624 ARCHERS PATH, Lakeland, Polk County, FL, 33809 Any off-site discharge shall meet the requirements of the permit under the National 1.Development in Flood Prone Areas as applicable. No building shall be erected on any lot unless such lot has the required frontage on a dedicated public road or a road shown on an approved and recorded final development plat. b. Alteration of easement: No structures, including fences and walls, shall be constructed Street pavement shall be as required by the director of public works. b. Additionally, the pe, The property has Zoning of C-3 & R-3 and Future Land Use of Commercial & Residential Low Density. Land Development Code Primary entrance roads shall be designed to meet the standards for a minor collector street, with no driveways to individual lots located on the entrance road. The removal or lack of maintenance of vegetation See Section 4 for additional details. Section A101 - Purpose and Intent (Rev. CABLE COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS Chapter 5. Angled parking spaces shall measure a minimum of ten (10) feet in width and twenty (20) feet in length, except where wheel stops are placed at the edge of a landscaped area at the head of the parking spaces, parking spaces eighteen (18) feet in length may be permitted. Root barriers shall be approved by the Administrative Official prior to planting. ), Removal of natural and/or built barriers that discourage walking, Compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements, Buffering between vehicular areas and sidewalks, Linkage to existing or future walkway and/or bikeway network and transit route. In certain cases, if the proposed project does not include residential uses, the requirement for AM peak hour analysis may be waived by the City. 3. Adequate access. To the extent you use, apply or implement this information for your own purposes, you do so at your own risk. of a species which normally grows to an overall height of at least fifteen (15) feet in this area. Driveway access points and all signalized intersections and major unsignalized intersections for which an approach leg is a study segment. The features of this property are ideal for someone looking for a recreational get-a-way where they can spend ample time with their family while enjoying the ability to have a few cows or horses. Polk Avenue between S.R. C. Portions of landscaped buffer area not planted with trees and shrubs shall be finished with ground cover or other landscape material. Proposed trip distribution in influence/study area. $4,794/mo Get pre-approved Beds Baths 1.32 Acres (Lot) About This Home 1.32-acre parcel located on busy S. Florida Avenue, where traffic counts are 43,500/day. 2. Construction Forms. No new residential lots or multi-family buildings shall have direct access to an arterial or major collector street. and Winston Avenue, Grove Avenue between 9th Street and 11th Street South, Hunt Brothers Road between US Highway 27 and City limit, Marietta Street from Lake Shore Blvd. The balance of the land is improved pasture with a light mix of woods and cypress pond. CODE OF ORDINANCES POLK COUNTY, FLORIDA SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE Chapter 1. Seller financing available. Development Special Magistrate Schedule 2023, Application for a Planned Unit Development, Application to Amend a Planned Unit Development, Application for Appeal of Special Use Approval Decision, Application for Development Review Committee, Application for Vacating Streets Alleys and Public Ways and Redirecting Traffic, Application for Vacating Public Easements, Application for Communication Tower Special Use Approval, Application for Alcohol License Zoning Review, Florida Chapter of American Planning Association, Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Southwest Florida Water Management District, University of Florida: Bureau of Economic & Business Research (BEBR), International City/County Management Association, Planners Web (Planning Commissioners Journal), Central Florida Regional Planning Council, Transportation Planning Organization (TPO), Accessibility / Email Disclaimer / Site Usage Policy, Create an account/Log into an existing account.
