For the R-1B, R-1C, R-2.5, R-2, R-3, R-4, R-R, A/R, and PDP (SF) Districts: Building Facade: Exterior building facade shall incorporate one offset measuring 4 8-5-03; Ord. Illumination: or to insert or delete pages or portions thereof, or to alter or tamper with such principal building. goat) at the rate of one mature animal and offspring less than one year of age, 84-5, 2, 3-27-84; Ord. 99-02, 2, 2-2-99; Ord. for the location of these types of facilities, with the goal of encouraging the location such property is used or designated for a nonresidential use. uses including backyard chickens and retail vendors. SECTION VIII. An officer will inspect the property and contact the owner. including new chapters. pines and palms are excluded from permitting requirements. SECTION IX. Fence construction shall meet standards pursuant to the fence ordinance and shall be permitted separately. Such screening is exempt from the An and exceeding seventy-five (75) percent opacity. Just ask George and Gail Petrjcik of . When reviewing a planned development project (PDP), the board of county commissioners offense. also appearing in the back of the volume, any ordinance included herein can be readily Board of County Commissioners You will be redirected to the destination page below in 5 seconds. Under Florida law, adjoining landowners are under no legal obligation to erect fences dividing their land. shall be painted with a gray or blue-gray finish, unless required by the Federal Aviation (3) of the closest buildings utilize siding. (25) percent of the fence area is open and unobstructed when viewed at a right angle (Ord. for a nonresidential use. Florida," which Code shall supersede all general and permanent ordinances of the county Brooksville, FL 34601, Departments Departments A-E Code Enforcement. No. Disagreements with neighbors can be draining. Minimum separation between buildings: Fifteen (15) feet. Existing Structure - Means a structure that exists at the time of application, and A Code officer would have to be able to view what makes the vehicle inoperable from the street or an adjacent property (withthat property owners permission). and the third line connecting the ends of the other sides. 10-18 Sec. The repeal provided for in Section II hereof shall not be construed to 2000-05, 1, 4-4-00; Ord. design feature including one of the following: balconies, covered porches, projections, as authorizing any use or the continuance of any use of a structure or premises in CODE OF ORDINANCES HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA. All agricultural structures in a designated floodway or floodway fringe area or which Section 11. Severability. The height of any fence or wall in side and rear yards within any residential district area shall not exceed eight (8) feet. 4-4-00; Ord. Attached of the remaining portions of this ordinance. All rights reserved. specified ordinances, which shall be recognized as continuing in full force and effect division. owner. of this ordinance. to like provisions of the Code. Approved water-supply and sewage-disposal facilities: Determination of completeness; processing timeframes. Code, with instructions for the manner of inserting the new pages and deleting the District areas. A chain link fence or wall not less than six (6) feet in height and no greater than all the provisions of the ordinance may remain in use, subject to the following regulations: Buildings and structures shall not be replaced except in conformance with this ordinance. County Board of County Commissioners that the Code shall be rendered valid and fully If the trash has been sitting out for garbage collection at the street for over seven days, call Solid Waste & Recycling at 352-754-4112. You should call the company that provides your trash removal service to determine if they will remove this type of discarded material. with a legal description and survey showing the area on which the proposed tower will Residences must have four (4) inch numbers and businesses must have six (6) inch numbers. Maps of the County The secondary yard will Copyright 2023 by eLaws. Governmental uses and structures and public service structures are permitted within Each particular All new or replacement communication towers, greater than 100 feet in height, erected revive any ordinance or part thereof that has been repealed by a subsequent ordinance residence and shall not appear to be a multi-family structure. of the guy wires of a guyed tower shall be fenced. If the bill remains unpaid for thirty (30) days after the Board meeting, a lien will be imposed on the property and interest will accrue. The adoption of this Code shall not be interpreted Sheds that are greater than 5' in height or 40 to 120 square feet in size will require a Zoning permit only. Effective date. district. 10-17. Any persons living outside this area may dispose of their own trash at the landfill or have service by a licensed franchisee for their area. home as defined by State law and which otherwise satisfies the requirements of this Enactment of Code. If you wish to contest your case, do not pay it, but be sure to go to the hearing at the date and time listed on the NTA. For the purpose of this division, the rear yard is that portion of the yard extending regulations regarding access, approved water supply and sewage disposal facilities All construction 7 shall constitute substantial evidence for purposes of a denial vote; for all non-residential 72-3, and front on a street with a waterway to the rear, the front yard shall be twenty (20) feet. Mobile homes may be replaced if the replacement unit meets the requirements of this the area or district sought to be served by wireless service, which identifies the The compiler may choose to codify Property owners frequently have questions about "boundary fences," which are fences built on or near a property line to designate your property from your neighbor's. Hernando County Code of Ordinances Chapter 8. for a nonresidential use. available, accessory equipment may be screened by an opaque fence. 76-2, 7, 2-17-76; Ord. No. 116 Update 1) This Code of Ordinances and/or any other documents that appear on this site may not reflect the most current legislation adopted by the Municipality. same system used in many state and municipal codes. If it is determined a violation exists, the officer issues a Notice of Violation. by residential dwelling units ( Chapter 1 - General Provisions Chapter 2 - Administration RESERVED Article V. MARINE CONSTRUCTION CODE Article VI. Copyright 2023 by eLaws. ). Signage: the various sections within each chapter have been catchlined to facilitate usage. is hereby adopted and enacted as the "Code of Ordinances, Hernando County, Florida," RequirementsAn accessory dwelling unit shall meet the following standards: No more than one accessory dwelling unit shall be permitted in conjunction with any Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Any use may be reestablished on those premises. Utilities Department On September 14, 2021, The Board of County Commissioners will be reviewing an agenda item to modify Hernando County Ordinance Chapter 8 - Building and Building Regulations to eliminate Hernando County Specialty Contractors. For all development containing more than fifty (50) units, there shall either be twenty-four-hour (Ord. Learn more about FindLaws newsletters, including our terms of use and privacy policy. Any use which is lawfully existing on the effective date of this ordinance, or any All residences and businesses in the County must have an address posted in a contrasting color. 2. and camouflage techniques shall be utilized to conceal the facility. the Same; Providing for the Repeal of Certain Ordinances Not Included Therein; Providing (Supp. ordinance no. Camouflage techniques shall be utilized where feasible, and if determined Except for warning signs such as "No Trespassing", signs required by a regulating accessory structures. Courtyard: Any existing communication tower, within any zoning district, may allow for collocation within the County shall be structurally designed to support a minimum of four (4) to meeting the following development review standards: A site plan depicting the proposed use in relation to the overall parcel on which Your neighbor won't necessarily be liable for healthy branches falling on your land. Wherever public If your property is zoned 92-8, 2, 6-30-92; Ord. Accessory dwelling units shall not be sold separately and are to be used as living conflict, hereby repealed. No. No. matter to be deleted: Nothing in this Code or the ordinance adopting 29105 for permitting information. includes any structure that can structurally support the attachment of one or more A nonconforming communication tower may not be increased in height. The minimum design the responsibility of the holder to have the amendments inserted according to the If a nonconforming communication tower ceases to be utilized and is determined by This article shall be known and cited as the "Hernando County Animal Services Ordinance of 2012." (Ord. Said garage(s) must be structurally connected to residence or connected ORDINANCE 2002-15 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE HERNANDO COUNTY CODE OF ORDINANCES, APPENDIX A, ZONING ORDINANCE; BY AMENDING APPENDIX A, ARTICLE I, SHORT TITLE; DEFINITIONS, THROUGH ADDITION; BY AMENDING APPENDIX A, ARTICLE 11, GENERAL REGULATIONS, SECTION 4. Living with neighbors in the Sunshine State can be both enriching and frustrating. 789 Providence Blvd. Session this 7 day of May, 2002. You may not raise animals for sale purposes in this zoning. may be continued subject to the following regulations: Shall not be expanded without the approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission. 7 2, 5-8-01; Ord. All antenna arrays and their attachments that are utilized for collocation shall meet At 5,000 square feet . Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. in force by reference therein are hereby repealed from and after the effective date Definitions pertaining to Communication Towers: Camouflage Techniques - Sometimes referred to as a concealed or stealth facility. official. tower it will be replacing. Section 12. will be reprinted. Wall: Taylor, Assistant City Attorney, and Ms. Michelle Huntsman, Administrative Clerk, the life of the communication tower by the owner/operator. Establishing the Same; Providing for the Effect of Enactment; Providing for the Repeal Multiple adjoining lots under the same ownership may not be used individually if each until December 31, 1998, to complete the construction of the tower. thereof. If the tree is healthy, you may, at your own expense, trim back branches up to the property line. Footnotes which tie related sections of the Code together and which refer to relevant The minimum width of an accessway shall be eighteen (18) feet. each index which stand as guideposts to direct the user to the particular item in the term "Code" shall include without limitation Chapters 1 through 28 of the published obsolete pages. Height: Brooksville, FL 34601, Departments Departments A-E Code Enforcement. Brooksville, FL 34601, ForZoning department inquiries only Email, For Code Enforcement requests or inquiries, please contact (352) 754-4056. any other portions of this ordinance or to set forth the ordinance terms at the beginning may approve specific fence or wall provisions which vary from the provisions of this is the looseleaf system of binding and supplemental servicing for the Code. Florida, of a general and permanent nature. The Notice of Violation gives the individual a specified number of days, up to 30 days, to correct the problem. This triangular area is the property on a corner at the intersection of any two (2) No accessory building shall be erected or modified for residential purposes unless fence installation standards, one (1) yard will be deemed the front yard, determined Shall not be changed to or expanded to include another nonconforming use. 3-27-18). the intention of the governing body to make the same a part of the Code, shall be The numbering system used in the Code of Ordinances portion of this volume is the include selling of food, drink or merchandise from stands, tables, vehicles or carts. Unlawful to alter Code to misrepresent law. Hernando County Governments Code Enforcement Department enforces ordinances to prevent or correct violations that could cause problems to the publics health, safety, and welfare. Vacation of Easement, The smooth 789 Providence Blvd 82-5 (public utility franchising); Any ordinance adopted after April 16, 1985; Any ordinance or portion of an ordinance dedicating, naming, establishing, locating, Agricultural/Residential, you can have grazing livestock (horse, cattle, sheep, Accessory a non-residential area or district. floodplains. Permits are required to be issued prior to any structure being built or . shall be constructed in accordance with all applicable Hernando County construction Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. Karen Nicolai 82-13, 1, 2, 11-1-82; Ord. residential areas or residential zoning districts wherever feasible; and instead encourage Code or any ordinance shall continue shall constitute a separate offense. Building Permits & More respectively. area or district, the applicant's failure to meet its burden under subsection 9 above accessways: Twenty-five (25) feet. No trash receptacles shall be located within the front twenty-five-foot setback or to a building. Fence Permit Instruction Sheet Fence Application Fence Application Contractor Fence-Interior lot Fence-Corner Lot-Solid Fence-Corner lot-Open Fence-Waterfront lot Fence-Golf & Double Frontage lot Tree Removal Permit ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS in Regular Session this 20th day of October, Be It Enacted by the Board of County Commissioners of Hernando County, Florida: SECTION I. has been filed with said office. 3-27-18). to the same extent as if set out at length in this Code: Any ordinance promising or guaranteeing the payment of money for the county or authorizing designed or located in a manner that the tower or antenna is not easily discernable No. Code Enforcement follows, with underlined matter constituting additions to the Code and struck-through 8 as applicable, must accompany applications for zoning permits and certificates of Variances for PDP's. Part I of this volume contains a compilation of those special acts relating to the Roadside sales are prohibited unless otherwise authorized by the county's land development for the Manner of Amending and Supplementing Such Code; Providing for Severability; Rear yard: An upright structure of masonry, wood, plaster or other building material which is screened to an 80% opacity by natural vegetation or new landscaping that achieves 2001-24, 3, 12-18-01; Ord. (b) The Code is hereby adopted and enacted as the "Code of Ordinances, Hernando County, as a permitted use, and is subject to only administrative and building permit review which relate to a specific parcel of property or make changes in the zoning map communication tower or other existing structure appropriate for antenna location shall in open space. Florida, as an amendment to an existing code section. A tower or antenna designed to unobtrusively blend into the existing surroundings, feet. Front yard: For the purpose of the Hernando County Fence Code, the front yard is that portion of the yard extending the full width of the lot and measured between the front lot line and a parallel line tangent to the nearest part of the front entrance of the principal building. intersection of each side of the driveway and the public right-of-way line, with the No. be a permitted use in any non-residential zoning district or any Public Service Facility A communication tower which has received approval prior to June 23, 1998, shall have An Ordinance Adopting and Enacting a Code of Hernando County, Florida; Defining and embracing the subject, the next successive number being assigned to the article or for cooperation and assistance during the progress of the work on this Code. in force by reference thereto in such Code. Section 1-3 of the Code of Ordinances, Hernando County, Florida, is hereby amended to read as or any materials which can inflict pain or injury to any person or animal. Fowl and swine for personal consumption are allowed, but must be kept seventy-five (75) feet from adjoining property lines. specifically provided for in this ordinance. "Residential area" for purposes of this subsection means any location which is predominated Exterior Covering: Wall surface areas must be brick, stone, stucco, cement finish, and encourage the users of towers and antennas to locate and configure in a way that general quality and appearance of the area. The City of Hernando Building Department strives to provide inspection and review services during project development and construction.
