If the exclusive use of the home is awarded to the party, the court, on written request of a party, may hold additional hearings at any time if there is a change in circumstances related to the primary residence. For more information, please reference A.R.S. The Court assumes no responsibility and accepts no liability tor actions taken by the users of these documents, M. The order shall include the following statement: This is an official court order. If you disobey this order, you will be subject to arrest and prosecution for the crime of interfering with judicial proceedings and any other crime you may have committed in disobeying this order. A person that you were previously or are currently involved with either romantically or sexually. If the Defendant does not want you to contact him/her, the Defendant has the right to request a protective order against you. A modified order is effective on service and expires two years after service of the initial order and petition. The Judicial Branch of Arizona In Maricopa County -2019. One of the parties is a parent, grandparent, in-law or sibling, Someone with whom you are having a romantic or sexual relationship, One party pregnant by the other party or someone with whom you have a child in common, Yourrelative, or your current spouse'srelative (contact the Court for specific relatives), The defendantmust have committed acts of harassment, Criminal Trespass - first, second or third degree, Prohibits a person from coming near a home, work site, school, or other locations listed on the court order, Prohibits a person from contacting you by phone, email, text, mail, or other means listed on the court order, Does not resolve landlord/tenant disputes, Does not change custody or visitation orders. For access to criminal and civil court documents in the Superior Court visit the eAccess portal . The first awards for this scholarship are . IMPORTANT: There is NO FEE to use AZPOINT. court@phoenix.gov If the individual that requested the Protective Order would like the court to consider dismissing the Order, they must go to theProtective Order Center with a valid picture I.D. AVISO IMPORTANTE: Comunquese con el tribunal para averiguar qu procedimientos se han establecido para celebrar audiencias por telfono o videoconferencia debido al COVID-19. If the Defendant disagrees with the Order of Protection, he/she has the right to request a hearing which will be held within 5 to 10 business days after a written request has been filed in the court that issued the order. Orders of Protection served on or after September24, 2022, are valid for 2 years. 13-1302); criminally trespasses or criminally damages (A.R.S. It is critical that you keep the Protective Order Centerinformed of any change in telephone or address. Your spouse's parent, grandparent, brother, sister, child or grandchild. Until you file your petition at a court, you will be able to return here to update your information if necessary. Also, the law may vary from state-to-state or county-to-county, so that some information in this website may not be correct for your situation. J. If the injunction is based on a dating relationship or sexual violence, there is no fee for service. If you wish to obtain an Order of Protection or an Injunction Against Harassment against a juvenile who is currently in secure care within the Arizona Department of Juvenile Corrections (ADJC), it is recommended that you do so a minimum of two months prior to the release of the juvenile. 2. Alternatively, you can useAZPOINT, the Arizona Protective Order Initiation and Notification Tool. A civil court order issued to prevent continuing acts of family violence. Brian BledsoeLaw Library Resource Center AdministratorContact the Law Library Resource Center, This page was last updated on: Thursday, November 10, 2022 12:22 PM, Address: You may file with a justice of the peace court, a city court, or a superior court. 4. U. Answers to general questions for obtaining protective orders. The plaintiff's address and contact information shall be disclosed to the court for purposes of service and notification. The information that you save in the portal will stay here for 90 days, andyou can come back to it as often as necessary. The State of Arizona has established the Spouse of Military Veterans Tuition Scholarship to provide for coverage of tuition and fees pertaining to undergraduate degrees at the University of Arizona. To make a payment for cases, please click here. 13-1303 and 1304); interferes with the custody of a child unlawfully (A.R.S. Public libraries, some local courthouses, and advocate agencies may have computers or devices that you can use. assaults, including use of a dangerous weapon or causing serious bodily harm; interferes with the custody of a child unlawfully; criminally trespasses or criminally damages; disorderly conduct or stalks; uses a telephone to terrify, intimidate, threaten, harass, annoy, or offend; Your address information (this information is confidential). Prescott, AZ 86303. All rights reserved. AZPOINT, the Arizona Protective Order Initiation and Notification Tool, has been designed to help you fill out a petition for an Order of Protection. Any order of protection sought against a person who is less than twelve years of age must be filed in the Juvenile Court. Go to Protective Order Centeron the 2ndfloorof the Phoenix Municipal Court. 2. A post-decree proceeding has been commenced but a judgment, decree or order finally determining the proceeding has not been entered. You will need your petition confirmation number to file your petition with a court. The agency with custody of the defendant shall make reasonable efforts to contact the victim and other specifically designated persons in the order of protection, if known to the custodial agency, who requested notification immediately on release of the arrested person from custody. The purpose of a Protective Orderis to restrain a person from committing an act of harassment or domestic violence against another person or persons. WWW.SC.PIMA.GOV/JURORS The Superior Court urges anyone contacted by potential scammers to immediately call the Jury Commissioner's Office (520) 724-4222, to verify whether a jury summons is in effect. you notice spikes in data use or increased charges on your phone bill, or If the Judge grants your Petition for Order of Protection, the court will send the Order of Protection and a copy of the petition out for servicetoday, unless the court delays it. If you decide to go ahead with your petition for a protective order, you must file it with a court. AZPOINT will help you figure out whether you and the person from whom you are seeking protection have a qualifying relationship for an Order of Protection. Think before you print! 01. Keylogger spyware records the keystrokes you make on a keyboard. An Order of Protection is a court order that is issued to stop a person from committing domestic violence or from contacting people protected by the order. are using have been updated. Someone you were involved with in either a romantic or sexual relationship (requestor can be a minor). A peace officer who acts in good faith reliance on a protection order is not civilly or criminally liable for enforcing the protection order pursuant to this section. Anexo a la peticin (en vigencia a partir del 1.1.22), 09. Notwithstanding any other law and unless prohibited by an order of the superior court, a municipal court or justice court may hold a hearing on all matters relating to its ex parte order of protection if the hearing was requested before receiving written notice of the pending superior court action. 12-1809:An Injunction Against Harassment is available if the conduct of any person is harassment; as defined by Arizona law: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT PROTECTIVE ORDERS:PUBLIC ACCESS: Only the information contained in the served protective order, not the petition, will be entered into the state computer system and will be made public on the internet. the battery is warm at rest; If you completed the Petition on AZPoint, you will provide your confirmation to court staff. Aviso referente a la posesin exclusiva de una residencia compartida, 07. Q. Please be aware that not all requests are granted and some may require a court hearing with the person you are seeking protection from before issuance. The supreme court shall maintain a central repository for orders of protection. Within twenty-four hours after the affidavit, declaration, acceptance or return of service has been filed, excluding weekends and holidays, the court from which the order or any modified order was issued shall enter the order and proof of service into the supreme court's central repository for orders of protection. Relationship between the parties pursuant to section 13-3601, subsection A and whether there is pending between the parties an action for maternity or paternity, annulment, legal separation or dissolution of marriage. You will be required to provide identification to court personnel at the time you complete the paperwork. You must follow the instructions set forth in the Procedures. Through an interview in AZPOINT, you can quickly and accurately fill out the forms that are needed to request an Order of Protection at an Arizona court. According to the sheriff's office's press release, Edwards was arrested on charges of "stalking" and "violation of an order of protection". Orders of Protection served on or after September24, 2022, are valid for 2 years. forms, and information for any lawful purpose. You will need to go to aLaw Library ResourceCenter location to complete and file a Petition for a longer Order of Protection, if you would like the order to continue. All files are under continual revision. If service of an order cannot be completed within fifteen days after the agency or entity receives the order, the agency or entity that is attempting service shall notify the plaintiff and continue to attempt service. Brian BledsoeLaw Library Resource Center AdministratorContact the Law Library Resource Center, This page was last updated on: Wednesday, January 25, 2023 1:18 PM, Address: 13-2916); The defendant can be anyone, whether or not related to you. The hearing shall be held at the earliest possible time. Order of Protection - A court order that is issued to stop a person from committing domestic violence or from contacting other people protected by the order. This system is a service available to victims, or their designees, who have been granted certain Court Orders of Protection. The portal will also help you figure out whether you (the plaintiff) and the person from whom you are seeking protection (the defendant) have a qualifying relationship for an Order of Protection. This filing shall be completed in person, electronically or by fax. Formulario de informacin sobre el emplazamiento. If a modification is requested after a hearing has been held on the original Order of Protection, a hearing will be set and notice of the hearing must be given to the defendant. Welcome to the Maricopa County Superior Court Protective Orders website.If you are in immediate danger, call 911. Your address andcontact informationmay be kept confidential (meaningonly available to court staff). An Order of Protection is a court order prohibiting a specific person ( defendant) from coming near a home, workplace, or other location listed in the document. Rental Assistance & Eviction Prevention Programs. The effectiveness of an order does not depend on its registration, and for enforcement purposes pursuant to section 13-2810, a copy of an order of the court, whether or not registered, is presumed to be a valid existing order of the court for a period of two years from the date of service of the order on the defendant. If exclusive use of the home is awarded, the hearing shall be held within five days from the date requested. Through an interview in AZPOINT, you can quickly and accurately fill out the forms that are needed to request an Order of Protection at an Arizona court. . It is recommended that you fill out this form in order to have all the information with you when you go to your Justice Court to fill out their forms. Options for victims are here. At any time during this 90-day period, you may take the next step of filing your petition at an Arizona court. 2. Once completed, you will meet with a judge to discuss your request. Stop an Income Withholding Order. Any of the following acts in which the defendant: You may request an Order of Protection at any of the Law Library Resource Centerlocations at the Superior Court, or go to one of the municipal courts or one of the justice courts. Save your answers often by clicking on the "save progress", "continue/next" or "save & exit" buttons. AZPOINT will help you figure out whether you and the person from whom you are seeking protection have a qualifying relationship for an Order of Protection. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. If you would like your personal information protected, it must specifically be requested.Please refer to the following website to locate an Arizona Order of Protection or Injunction Against Harassment Packet: Protective Order FormsPlease refer to the following website to find a court in your area that may be able to assist you with Orders of Protection: Arizona Court LocatorORDERS OF PROTECTION A.R.S. Family violence is defined as any act by one member of a family or household intended to physically harm another member, a serious threat of physical harm, or the abuse of a child. If you are not using these forms right away, or Site Map. REMEMBER - The ProtectiveOrder (either the Order of Protection, or the Injunction Against Harassment)is not valid until it has officially been served by police or a process server. Grant the plaintiff the exclusive care, custody or control of any animal that is owned, possessed, leased, kept or held by the plaintiff, the defendant or a minor child residing in the residence or household of the plaintiff or the defendant, and order the defendant to stay away from the animal and forbid the defendant from taking, transferring, encumbering, concealing, committing an act of cruelty or neglect in violation of section 13-2910 or otherwise disposing of the animal. If the judge issues the Order of Protection, the court will send a copy of it and your petition to law enforcement (city police, county sheriff, or constable) for service on the defendant. An order for release, with or without an appearance bond, shall include pretrial release conditions that are necessary to provide for the protection of the alleged victim and other specifically designated persons and may provide for any other additional conditions that the court deems appropriate, including participation in any counseling programs available to the defendant. 13-1502, 1503, 1504, 1602); disorderly conduct (A.R.S. Name and address, if known, of the defendant. NOTES: Internet Explorer 10 Users: Case details will not display properly unless you switch to Compatibility View. The AZPOINT portal is the perferred method of filing a Protective Order at an Arizona court. Avoid choosing obvious words or numbers for your password. Only a judge can dismiss or quash an Order of Protection. You are only allowed one hearing. While the Protective Order Petition may be completed on paper, you may be asked to recopy your information onto a multipart form or one that is specific to the courthouse where you file. Finally, the information contained on this website is not guaranteed to be up to date. Protective Orders served before 9/24/22 are in effect for one year from date of service. 7. This form is available in English and Spanish. AZCourtHelp.org:AZCourtHelp.orgoffers free assistance to all people who have legal information questions or need Click below for more information: Complete the paperwork for the judge to review. PHOENIX (AP) The Arizona Supreme Court issued a warrant to execute a prisoner even though the state's new Democratic attorney general tried to withdraw her Republican predecessor's request to carry out the execution. A protection order includes any injunction or other order that is issued for the purpose of preventing violent or threatening acts or harassment against, contact or communication with or physical proximity to another person. For the purposes of this subsection: 1. Examples of a requested Order of Protection would be filed against: An Injunction Against Harassment (A.R.S. This does not prohibit a court from issuing cross orders of protection. *If you do not have a qualifying relationship for an Order of Protection, you may be eligible to apply for an Injunction Against Harassment. An Order of Protection is a court order that is issued to stop a person from committing domestic violence or from contacting other people protected by the order. 13-3602, an Emergency Order of Protection See A.R.S. AZPOINT willhelp you figure out whether you (the plaintiff) and the person from whom you are seeking protection (the defendant) have a qualifying relationship for an Order of Protection. 13-3624(C), an Injunction Against Harassment See A.R.S. In your petition, you must describe one instance of sexual violence OR at least two incidents during the past year when you believe the defendant harassed you. (b) One or more acts of sexual violence as defined by Room 103. If there is an action for maternity, paternity, annulment, legal separation or dissolution of marriage pending between the parties, The Petition must be filed in the You must follow the instructions set forth in the Procedures. The information on this website is not legal advice. You are encouraged to speak to a victim advocate before you file your petition. if you plan to use them repeatedly, we strongly recommend that you check the site regularly to determine whether the files you Primary Business Address: 120 South Cortez Street. Regardless of where you reside in Arizona, generally, any court in Arizona may issue an Order of Protection. Name of the court in which any prior or pending proceeding or order was sought or issued concerning the conduct that is sought to be restrained. I. 201 W. Jefferson Street Users have permission to use the files, You must use the Notice regarding exclusive possession of shared residenceform. Phoenix, AZ 85003. effective for 1-2 years from service date.
