Class 5: Heavy industrial uses, heavy manufacturing, truck terminals, mobile home sales, vehicle sales, vehicle storage and salvage, heavy equipment sales, facilities involving outdoor storage and outdoor commercial recreation establishments. A zoning location, together with all buildings and structures thereon. 2. Watercourse. [Gross Density = Gross Site Area * Maximum Development Density]. The notice will contain the time and place of such public meeting or hearing and a description of the agenda items that may be considered or reviewed. Provision of fuel, lubricants, parts and accessories, and incidental services to motor vehicles. The City of Liberty Hill is not responsible for the accuracy of information or plans provided to the City for its review or approval. All landscaping shall not obstruct pedestrian, bicycle or vehicular traffic. VETERINARY SERVICES. Sidewalk or Sandwich Sign. Approval Criteria. H. The lawful conforming use of land existing at the time of the passage of this ordinance, although such use does not conform to the provisions hereof, may be continued as a conforming use, but if said use is discontinued for a period of time in excess of six (6) months, any future use of said premises shall be in conformity with the provisions of the current regulations relating to the zoning district in which the property is located. F. No tree shall be planted in a public right-of-way without prior authorization from the City Administrator and any other applicable entity (e.g., Williamson County, TxDoT). Land within the 25-year floodplain shall not be credited against the parkland dedication requirement. Any building, structure, or use lawfully existing at the time of passage of this Code, although not in compliance therewith, may be maintained as provided in Chapter 4, Zoning, Section 4.14, Nonconforming Uses. Words not listed in this section shall be defined using the Websters Third New International Dictionary, unabridged. Fiscal Surety. lot area per living unit in multifamily and duplex development. The removal of single, scattered, mature trees or other trees from uneven-aged stands by frequent and periodic cutting operations. Plat. Bed and Breakfast. To the extent it is practicable, monuments should be installed in locations that will prevent disturbance or destruction of the monument by construction activities. A private or parochial school offering instruction at the elementary school level in the branches of learning and study required to be taught in the public schools of the State of Texas. Upon written receipt of an application requesting an Administrative exception or adjustment, the City Administrator may request the BOA to consider an administrative exception or adjustment. The careful and planned removal of trees, shrubs, and plants using specific standards and protection measures under an approved forest conservation plan. Section 3282.8 (g). D. Additional information as may be required by the Planning and Zoning Commission in order to determine compliance with this Code. New developments or improvements of existing developments should consult the City of Liberty Hill for compliance. Appropriately regulated, and properly installed, outdoor lighting will contribute to the safety and welfare of the residents, and will help preserve the historic and rural character of the City in keeping with the desired objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. No sign permit of any kind shall be issued for an existing or proposed sign unless such sign is consistent with the requirements of this Section (including those protecting existing signs) in every respect and with the Master or Common Signage Plan in effect for the property, if applicable. During said period City Council shall take action it deems necessary to provide municipal protection for ongoing projects from the adverse impact of unanticipated subsequent regulations. The total amount of acreage of raw land. A binding Site Plan for the Conditional Use Permit must be approved by the City Council in order to approve issuance of a Conditional Use Permit. Blocks shall be laid out to provide effective connectivity within and among subdivisions and neighborhoods. In addition to the penalties otherwise provided, any condition caused or permitted to exist in violation of any provision of this Code or any ordinance, which provision is intended for the protection of the public health, safety or welfare, may be determined to constitute a public nuisance and may be abated by the City as provided by law. One of a group of attached, single-family dwellings that are designed as single structures, with each dwelling unit separated by firewalls, fire separations, or similar party walls. Facade Easement. That granting the administrative exception serves an obvious and necessary purpose. I. Establishments primarily engaged in the provision of laundering, dry cleaning or dyeing services other than those classified as Personal Services. CONVALESCENT SERVICES. 4. After the City Administrator has approved the plat, the City Engineer has approved the Construction Plan and the subdivider has either posted fiscal surety and assurance of construction (see Chapter 6) or completed required provision of infrastructure and public improvements, the final plat shall be recorded in the Office of the County Clerk. That granting the administrative exception will not materially or adversely affect adjacent land uses or the physical character of uses in the immediate vicinity of the proposed development because of inadequate buffering, screening, setbacks or other land use considerations. 2. Intrafamily transfer. These documents shall clearly indicate the location of all improvements including the location of above-and-below ground utilities. The issuance or granting of a permit or approval of plans or plats, site or facility designs, or specifications shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any provision of this Code or any other City ordinance. Vehicle Storage. Simultaneous Submission of Related Applications. The applicant would suffer a hardship in the absence of a variance that is not the result of the applicants own negligence; and, 2. Upon completion of installation and construction of all required improvements, the landowner or developer may seek acceptance of all public improvements by the City by submitting the required number of copies of as-built plans and a one- (1-) year maintenance bond as specified in the terms and conditions above. I. A building surrounded by an open space on the same lot. However, overly bright lighting emitted from a structure will be subject to this Code if it is determined by the City Administrator that it creates a nuisance or a safety hazard as defined in the References section of this Code. Subdivision Preliminary Plan. A sign that is either expanded to its full dimensions or supported by gasses contained within the sign, or sign parts, at a pressure greater than atmospheric pressure. COCKTAIL LOUNGE (BAR or TAVERN). An applicant may only appeal the specific reasons given for the administrative disapproval or denial. The duplex or two-family district is intended to provide opportunities for two attached single-family residences at a maximum density of 8 units per acre. Veterinary services and hospitals for animals. B. This is allowed with a Special Use Permit. The actual start of construction is the placement of slab or footings, piles, columns, or actual placement of a manufactured home. In addition, cross-access easements may be required between adjacent lots to encourage a secondary circulation system. The building height shall be measured from finished grade to the highest point on a flat roof or a mansard or the midpoint between the cornice and the eave on a pitched roof. In the case of adjacent frontage or service roads for state and federally designated highways, the property owner shall dedicate sufficient right-of-way and make authorized improvements in order to provide an adequate road network to serve the development. Common Usable Open Space. For example, a variance might be justified because of topographic, or other special conditions unique to the property and development involved, while it would not be justified due to inconvenience or financial disadvantage. The proposed use is in accord with the objectives of these regulations and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 4. Interior Sign. In many cases, the total number of units that can be placed on a site, after considering the land area needed to accommodate infrastructure and environmental factors (right-of-way, drainage, floodplains, steep slopes, impervious cover limitations, minimum lot size standards, yard setbacks, and maximum lot coverage) will be less than the amount based simply on the maximum development density. Permits for such use and occupancy must be granted by an incorporated city for the replacement of a mobile home within its corporate limits with a HUD-Code manufactured home. (Texas Revised Civil Statues, Article 5221 f(4A)). A junk or salvage yard includes an auto wrecking yard, but does not include uses established entirely within enclosed buildings. An agent of the City who inspects building construction for plan/permit compliance. The applicant shall provide the City Administrator with a completed application together with a permit application review fee required by the City and two (2) copies of any documents applicant is relying upon to establish vested rights. The penalties in this section shall be cumulative and are not exclusive of any other rights or remedies the City may have or pursue. The parkland shall be dedicated to the city by general warranty deed, and acceptable evidence of clear title and evidence that all taxes have been paid shall be furnished by the city. Pursuant to such authority, all chapters and sections of the UDC shall apply to all areas within the city limits of Liberty Hill. Failure to comply with Consent Agreement. Trees to remain after construction is complete shall be protected from possible injury during construction. D. The City Council membership and bylaws have been established by Texas Local Government Code. Merchandise displays shall not be considered window signs. B. A dwelling that is entirely surrounded by open space on the same lot. Loading Space or Loading Zone. Land used or intended to be used for the burial of the dead and dedicated for cemetery purposes, including columbariums, crematoriums, mausoleums, and mortuaries when operated in conjunction with and within the boundary of such cemetery. However, these lot standards shall apply to areas previously outside the City limits after they are incorporated and then . A tract of land designated on a subdivision plat for future development, or not designated for any specific purpose, that has not been evaluated for compliance with the requirements of this Ordinance Code [sic] for adequate facilities or zoning requirements and is, therefore, not useable as a legal building site. Any sign that is directly lighted by an external source. In order to have the review period officially changed, the City Council must adopt a resolution establishing the extended review period at that meeting. If the landowners determine to either fund in advance or fund more than their pro-rata share, the City shall credit the developers future fiscal posting. A dormant project, as defined in subsection 4.17.02, above, shall expire on one of the following dates, whichever comes later: A. Site. Premises. Typical uses include truck dealerships, construction equipment dealerships, mobile home dealerships, and sales (but specifically excluding dismantling or salvage of vehicles). A summons or notice may be issued by any police officer or code enforcement officer employed by the City of Liberty Hill, an employee designated by the Fire Marshal, or an employee of the City authorized to issue tickets for parking violations. Any Nonconforming Sign that has been destroyed or damaged to the extent that the cost of repairing the sign is more than 50 percent of the cost of erecting a new sign shall be removed or shall be brought into compliance with this Chapter within six months from receipt of an order from the City Administrator. To protect the abutting and surrounding residential areas, certain restrictions are placed on the intensity of uses and emphasis is placed on standards for lighting, buffering, parking and location of driveway access. A right to land generally established in a real estate instrument or on a recorded plat to permit the use of land by the public, a legal entity, or particular persons for specified uses. Dedication of land and community facilities, 11. PUDs are appropriate in areas where the Comprehensive Plan reflects the specific uses proposed in the PUD or where the Comprehensive Plan reflects mixed use as a land use category. 20% of the land with a gradient of more than 25% and not more than 35%. E. Like material. All text amendments shall be in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan. No requirement or the procedure of the Planning and Zoning Commission action may govern if it is in conflict with specific provisions of this Code. Lodging with or without meals is provided for compensation on a weekly or monthly basis. A library, museum, or similarly registered nonprofit organizational use displaying, preserving, and exhibiting objects of community and cultural interest. A principal traffic artery within residential areas that may provide routes to local facilities, serves as the main entrance to a sizeable development, or a combination of developments. Visible. Typical uses include television studios, telecommunication service centers, telegraph service offices, film recording, sound recording, and cable television operations. A side yard which that [sic] adjoins a public street. C. Public Conveniences and Litter Control. Phased Project. 3. 3. E. Corner markers shall be a one-half inch iron rod, or three-fourths inch pipe, two feet in length, and shall be installed flush with the ground. Open-air storage, distribution and handling of materials and equipment. A use involving the on-site extraction of surface or subsurface mineral products or natural resources. A barrier made of wire, wood, metal, masonry, or other material used as a screen or enclosure for a yard or open space. To prohibit all signs not expressly permitted by this Section; and, 5. (2) The owner of the premises upon which the sign is located. Noxious Plants. The Board of Adjustment (BOA) shall review Variance requests. Canopy Sign. Front Yard. If the Comprehensive Plan is amended, the Code should also be amended if found to be necessary or advisable by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Best Management Practices (BMPs). An application may be made to the City Administrator for recognition of vested rights for a particular project by completion of a form provided by the City Administrator that indicates which permit or permits are being relied upon by the applicant for establishment of vested rights. F. A lapse of a period equal to or greater than the period set forth in Table 3-2 shall cause the related approvals or permits to expire and be of no further force and effect. The architectural style, design, and general arrangement of the exterior of a historic resource, including the color, nature, and texture of building materials, and the type and style of all windows, doors, light fixtures, signs, or other similar items found on, or related to, the exterior of a historic resource. Off-Premises Sign. The subdividers professional engineer certifying the plans is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the documents and the soundness of the designs as submitted for review and actual construction. Land used for the burial of the dead, and dedicated for cemetery purposes, including columbaria, crematories, mausoleums, and mortuaries, when operated in conjunction with and within the boundary of such cemetery. Back-to-Back Sign.. A sign constructed on a single set of supports with messages visible on any side. Repair of trucks, tractors, construction equipment, agricultural implements, and similar heavy equipment. Accessory Structure, Building or Use. D. Geometric Design. Final plat review is required to ensure that a final recorded plat includes final engineering diagrams and descriptions that conform to the preliminary plat as approved by the City Council. Common law vested rights shall be acknowledged by the City Council or its designee after consultation with the City Attorney if the applicant for common law vested rights does not demonstrate entitlement to statutory vested rights as provided in subsection C, below. The growing of horticulture and floricultural specialties, such as flowers, shrubs, or trees intended for ornamental or landscaping purposes, but excluding retail sales. Temporary uses, as identified in Chapter 4, are required to obtain a temporary use permit from the City Administrator. Compliance with the general development plan and development agreement or ordinance governing the parcel of land to which the site plan is related. The same as hotel, except it is designed to accommodate any number of guests, the building or buildings are designed primarily to serve tourists traveling by automobile, and ingress and egress to rooms need not be through a lobby or office. Calendar day, unless otherwise specified. Marquee Sign. C. Violation by Act or Omission. A plat prepared by a licensed surveyor or registered engineer and submitted to the City for final approval which that [sic] is duly acknowledged by the owners or proprietors of the land, or by some duly authorized agent of such owners or proprietors, in the manner required for the acknowledgement of deeds and which that [sic] is to be filed for record in the office of the county clerk of Williamson County. If the City Administrator fails to establish review periods for each procedure, the default review period will be ninety (90) days unless State law imposes a shorter period, in which event the shorter period will prevail. A use providing professional or consulting services in the fields of law, architecture, design engineering, accounting, and similar professions. Buffer Width is based on the following Buffer Intensity Classifications: Class 1: Cemeteries, golf courses, passive recreational areas, wholesale nurseries, day care homes. Rezoning of newly annexed territory may begin upon completion of annexation of the area, while staying within guidelines set forth by the State. The maximum density for this district is 20 units per acre. The tract of land subject to the application is adequately served by public improvements and infrastructure, or will be adequately served upon completion of required improvements. A. Initiation. C. Building Setbacks. H. The City Administrator may waive application requirements when appropriate, but may not require additional submission requirements after an application has been determined to be complete. The parties may suggest persons, organizations or governmental units that should be requested to participate. The applicant proceeded in good faith, and no approvals or permits have lapsed or been revoked; and. Snipe Sign. Flood Protection Elevation (FPE).
