Because you are so magnanimous in spirit, you find it hard to believe ill of others. However, Libra suns can also be indecisive and may have a hard time making decisions when there are multiple options. Or maybe youre looking for more than an Eiffel Tower of stability and drama-free fun. They are extremely attractive both physically and emotionally. Copyright Ryan Hart Publishing LLC - All Rights Reserved - Privacy Policy. The Leo Sun Capricorn Moon individual is dignified, strong, stoic, capable and solid. This combination can encourage a domineering characteristic and a sense of duty. Life Changing with Your Jupiter or Saturn Return. You sense that loneliness is the immense solitude imposed on humans by nature and eternal laws. Leo Sun Capricorn Moon - Rising Signs, Compatibility, Man, Woman This is one of the most powerful combinations. It also encourages egotism, arrogance, snobbism, conceit, pomposity, and condescension. Im able to see both sides of every issue and Im constantly striving for harmony in my life. They are very aware that rules drive society and respect those who make them as long as those rules make sense. When you understand your Leo rising sign, you can use it as a tool to help you better understand yourself and your place in the world. This could make them appear wishy-washy or fickle. They like to keep up with fashion trends and want their style to be admired by others. No matter what disappointments today may bring, Libra Rising individuals fantasize about happy tomorrows and look forward to living them. You may enjoy work dedicated to theological and moralistic themes. Meet the ambitious, passionate, and headstrong yet chill Capricorn/Leo mix: a blend of ambition from their Sun in Capricorn with an extra sprinkle of heart-on-sleeve emotion thanks to their Leo Moon sign. Just learn to tone down your act slightly and temper your arrogance, and you will never have trouble winning the admiration and respect your ego demands. Tim has been writing about these topics for almost 15 years, and he loves learning about meditation and how it plays a big role in his daily life. Insults or minor affronts to your vanity or dignity are often met with disproportionate anger. Not only are you grounded and focused from your stable Capricorn side, but with a dash of daring Leo flair thrown in for good measure this charismatic combo will take you places few dare venture into. Well done. Fortunately, most Leo Sun Capricorn Moon individuals do get their share of homage. But, she has traits and weaknesses just like everyone else. ago. Were you born on a Leo Full Moon? With a Leo Sun Capricorn Moon, you take yourself with utmost seriousness, and no one who knows you would dare make fun of you. They tend to be very patient and persistent and this is why they are often able to accomplish those things that others find too difficult. Parties, holidays, laughter, fun, and good times are what Libra Rising individuals revel in. You may be pulled toward certain personality traits or ways of thinking. They are often able to defuse tense situations with their tact and diplomacy. CAPRICORN (DECEMBER 22 - JANUARY 19) AQUARIUS (JANUARY 20 - FEBRUARY 18) PISCES (FEBRUARY 19 - MARCH 20) As the Sun is the brightest force in our solar system, so, too, is it the most radiant. Another feature that characterizes you is your absolute reserve. Those who have a Leo rising are typically very outgoing and magnetic, and they tend to be natural leaders. Your presence alone inspires the confidence of others. The Capricorn Sun Libra Moon person is someone who is ambitious, patient, and easy-going. We are also able to use our determination and hard work to achieve our goals, without sacrificing our relationships. Capricorns are resilient, patient, kind, and tolerant. At all times, you maintain your aura of dignity and decorum, and your stare alone can frighten off some weaker souls. Though youre forever innocent in your approach, your ultimate aim can be merely to enhance your own position and gain power. The maladjusted Leo Sun Capricorn Moon individual can give new meaning to the martyr complex. Although he may appear reserved or detached, hes actually quite unique and rare. You are self-confident and have a resolute faith in yourself. Your practical approach to life helps you laser-focus on the projects that matter most. They are very serious and reserved, but they have a very good sense of humor. My Leo rising gives me a natural charisma and confidence. You may also enjoy taking risks and pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone. Not a damn thing. Plus, its no secret that everyone is so drawn to those with such authoritative qualities as yours naturally compassionate mentors make all the difference! What you want more than anything is simply to be adored and appreciated for the wonderful human being you know yourself to be. Exploring & Understanding Your Natal (Birth) Chart, The Astrology of Your Most Ideal Locations, Discover Your Moon Signs Unique Personality Type. The Moon Phase you were born under further refines your Moon Sign, revealing more about your inner nature than you could possibly imagine. The two signs of the Libra Sun Capricorn Moon combination are in conflict, which suggests you probably had a difficult or unhappy childhood. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. You are indecisive. She is often a contradiction herself, being both romantic and practical, ambitious and reserved. It can give clues as to the kind of first impression you make. Leo Rising individuals seem surrounded by luck in money, career, and friendship. You idealize to the extreme. Libra Rising individuals are refined, neat, and discriminating. Leo is the lover of the zodiac. Taurus makes you loyal and reliable, but those characteristics do not develop well in a cold and calculating sign such as Capricorn. Leo also enriches your personality and makes life complete, interesting and socially active. The Libra Moon person is drawn to beauty. Your body is usually curving or round, though not necessarily fat. Capricorn and Taurus are both earth signs. For the individual with a Leo Sun Capricorn Moon, underneath that tough exterior and those exaggerated displays of grandeur is a very sensitive and often insecure individual. Libras have extracting standards when choosing a partner and are attracted to form and beauty first and foremost. If youre an individual with a Capricorn Sun Leo Moon, excessive pride can be your undoing. The Sun in Capricorn, Moon in Libra woman is a very confident individual. She likes and strives for good appearance and manners. All human beings are brothers and sisters to you. With a downright complexity, you can behave like a science fiction character. To find out what your Moon Sign & Moon Phase reveal about you, Get a Free Personalized Video Moon Reading here. They may have difficulty making decisions when there are multiple options available to them. They may suffer with dry hands or hands that tend to hurt at times. With Libra Rising, you gravitate toward artistic and creative endeavors, but sometimes your artistic flair lies dormant and unused, for you dislike hard work and prefer to take the easy way out. Leo always imprints power to any sign. Approval is what you want most of all. Somehow you feel the intricate riddle of your soul can be solved by those around you; so you are continually activeromantically as well as sociallyforever seeking some groups, philosophy, or person that will provide the inner harmony you crave so desperately. 1 Having a Leo Sun Capricorn Moon, the world is your stageliterally. The influence of Venus bestows beauty, charm, social graces, a romantic nature, an appreciation for art, music, and decoration. She is deeply sensitive and emotional, but other times very reserved. You love to put on lavish displayswhether it is decorating your house with expensive and elegant things or dressing in attention-getting clothes or throwing a splendid dinner party. You breathe rarefied air. You expect others to be just as devoted to you. You have a happy and easygoing personality and are full of hope for the future. With such a powerful fusion working together in harmony within us all, it's no wonder why this select crowd is often seen as ultra-special! However, many times Saturns rigidity wins and gives rise to a cold being, devoid of affection. Even clothed in that outrageous outfit you may be wearing, you are capable of assuming tremendous responsibility. She seeks a safe, comfortable and beautiful place to call home. And a Scorpio rising combined with an ambitious Capricorn sun! Your captivating personality will surely win over anyone who gets close enough think of yourself as royalty radiating charm! This quality draws others to you and, in itself, attracts power and influence. Whatever your relationship needs, the Capricorn Sun Leo Moon Leo Rising trifecta covers you! You dont just work hard; you Moonwalk on the path to success with an unbeatable drive. Hes conscious of the impression he makes on others and how they perceive him. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. (This does not necessarily mean that you will stay married to the same person.) Born with all the charisma of a Leo and the ambition of a Capricorn, those rocking this potent mix are sure to live life liberated by their passions but ruled by an unstoppable power. Sun in Libra with Moon in Capricorn and Leo Rising Personality Traits: With a Libra Sun Capricorn Moon, you are a very serious and sensitive individual. The Capricorn Sun Libra Moon person is someone who is ambitious, patient, and easy-going. You may also have musical and artistic talents, although your need for instant recognition and approval can hinder creative development. Many of you are benefited by an inheritance later in your lives. We want to create balance and harmony in our lives, and we are willing to compromise to achieve this. Uncovering the Secrets of Libra Sun Capricorn Moon Leo Rising, Aries Sun Capricorn Moon: Restless Perfectionists, A Guide for Those With Leo Sun Libra Rising and Capricorn Moon. You are extremely social-minded and take pleasure in being with other people in a cheerful atmosphere. Those who have a Capricorn moon are often very driven and focused on their goals. Thats why it takes you a long time to find a partner. She has fine taste and an unwillingness to participate in acts that violate her personal sense of right and wrong. Ostensibly, your motives are to establish harmony, but your innermost (and often unrecognized) desire is to fee you ego, even if this involves deceit and manipulation. You may seem tough, detached, and ambitious, but deep within lies a gentle, sympathetic, and very giving individual. Leo Sun Capricorn Rising Health A Leo with a Capricorn Ascendant needs to do cardiovascular exercise and eat heart-healthy food. It also encourages egotism, arrogance, snobbism, conceit, pomposity, and condescension. At such times you simply put on your regal air and make sure the underlying knows in what contempt and low esteem he or she is held. Libra Sun, Capricorn Moon, and Leo Rising individuals are also known for their strong work ethic and determination. Would be curious to see what you think would be the best fit MBTI for each of these characters based on their sun/moon/rising combo. If they are involved in an activity where there is a freedom of expression, then this person will find happiness and success. The trouble is you dont have much perseverance, so a great many things go unfinished. The words that define you well are discipline and obedience, qualities that you also expect from others. Having a Capricorn Sun Leo Moon, willpower is your greatest strength. As a rule, you dont have a lot of children, but you take great delight in those you do have. Virgo Rising. ago. Sometimes, you can even overreach and go beyond what is allowed. With the Moon in Leo, you can expect a special swagger that commands admiration and warmth. Composed, refined, and quintessentially social, those born under this Moon share a natural skill for diplomacy. They have a taste for the finer things in life, and are . Capricorns born with the Moon in Libra are true artistic souls whose greatest fulfillment is to be surrounded by beautiful and elegant things, but they are not losing the practical vibe to things. To find your sun, moon, and rising, go to a birth chart calculator like this one and enter your exact time of birth (like, to the minutenone of this, "I was born in the morning" stuff), birthdate, and place of birth. Having a Capricorn Sun Libra Moon, you are very romantic, but you also tend to idealize your lover. I know my own worth and I refuse to settle for anything less than what I deserve. You likely have pragmatic instincts, a great attention to detail, and an inner need for structure. She handles her responsibilities well and achieves high success in both her career and social life. He believes hard work pays off and that few sacrifices should be made for any cause. If, due to your own stubborn intolerance, you dont receive the attention you must have, you may succumb to any variety of neuroses. Jovial, competitive, and optimistic, people with this sun-moon combination are full of positive energy and intellectual curiosity. The idealism of Mercury does not lighten the heavy Saturn, which makes realism prevail at all costs. Having a Leo moon a person may attract and crave a lot of attention from others. You dont struggle to find success; luck often comes to Libra Rising individuals through a partner, mate, or close association. And knowing about those predispositions can help you take advantage of them or avoid them. Your aloof quality is sometimes hard for others to figure out, but it will never leave you even though you function so well with other people. The danger lies in taking things to a fanatic level, or going down unclear, shady paths. You can be a good politician in search of recognition and fame. Once you have overcome or resolved your inner conflicts, you can put some of those insights of yours to work. This is one very compatible trait. You are interested in questions of faith. This is mainly because they love to hoard money, so they have time to spare for vacations, hobbies and leisure activities. This can create complications in love for the Sun in Capricorn, as he believes love should come before anything else, but also knows that his personal growth is extremely important to him. You have a wonderful sense of humor.

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