Use N/A for a Sear. Except there isnt a definition for Types of NFA Firearms. For some reason the ATF decided your DOB is required, but not worthy of having its own Box #. [34]. Caliber Always enter the caliber (or gauge) of the firearm you are going to build. The CLEO Copy is sent to the Chief Law Enforcement Officer (we will go into more detail on this near the end of the article). You do not need to submit another FFL application (Form 7). First, check the ATF Form 1 box at the top, fill out applicant name using the name and address of your trust. Depending on which type of applicant you are, the way you enter your contact information can vary. Common titles include: Settlor, Manager, Member, Partner, President, Officer, Director, and Owner, but there are many other possible titles. They will shoot your dog. Weve. Portland, Oregon 97208-5015. Additionally, because he is building the SBR from scratch, John will need to create a Model and Serial Number for the gun. This is your race. Type of firearm is Silencer. How To eFile Form 1 Suppressor or Solvent Trap, eFile Form 1 Fingerprint Card Instructions, Why is My Glock Not Accurate: Common Reasons and How to Fix, Why Does My Glock Shoot Low and to the Left? There are some directions on the Form 1 Application, but most of them dont make any sense.Many of the boxes have individual directions, but they are often contradictory to the directions at the end of the form. Before you start tossing stuff in the mail, there are some things you need to do: If you are submitting your Form 1 as a Trust, Corporation, or Other Legal Entity, all of the Responsible Persons need to fill out two copies of the Form 23 (National Firearms ACT Responsible Person Questionnaire). ", And thats when the figure lurking in the corner (Judy) spoke: "If you buy one more gun this month, youll find yourself sleeping on the couch!". Systematic retrieval of data or other content from the Article, whether to create or compile, directly or indirectly, a collection, compilation, database or directory, is prohibited absent express prior written consent from the Trust Shop. has different requirements. 3b. This is the type of firearm you are applying for: Short-barreled rifle, short-barreled shotgun, silencer, machine gun, AOW, destructive device. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives ATF Form 5320.23 and our example filled out form below. Box 5015 3e. They will shoot your dog. You have all the stuff ready to go in a folder on the computer; the trust pdf, the responsible person pdf, the photo, you registered for eForms, and your 2 fingerprint cards are filled out and ready to go. We think what they meant to say is: Check one of the following. This is the model of the NFAfirearm you are registering. While reading through an article from one of the Trust Shop lawyers, John discovers that he will need to submit an ATF Form 20 before he can transport his SBR to his ranch (because it is in a different state). This is statethat you were born in. For example, you might not list yourself on the FFL if you were in the process of selling the business but the license had to be renewed before the sale processed. That means the SN needs to be at least 4 digits long, and must include at least one number. a. Number of Responsible Persons (see definitions) associated with the applicant trust or legal entity 16. The same two fields are obscured on the CLEO Copy, as well as a few additional fields; including: Box 4.g. The ATF has an eForms website that allows you to eFile form 1 and form 4 firearms including suppressors and SBRs. While youre reading through this guide, you are going to see a bunch of tiny numbers in red brackets that look like this: [##]. If you select the"Other Country/Countries" box, you areexpected to specify what your country/countries of citizenship is/are. Youll need an ink pad to roll your finger into and then roll your print onto the fingerprint card. That means John should enter the address for the ranch in El Paso (he will also need to enter the El Paso address in Box 3b.). You can also purchasethe .EFT File Service here. If your business grows between renewal periods, they may require the inclusion of new people in order to grant the renewal. Paying will bring you to another page where you enter all your card and payment info. x.className += " responsive"; Instructions 3C state: "Social Security Number (SSN) and Unique Personal Identification Number (UPIN). Do you remember when we told you that every time you build a Silencer, SBR, or other NFA Firearm, you are required to complete 3 copies of the Form 1 Application? Published By Law Office of David M. Goldman PLLC, How to Purchase a NFA Title II (Class 3) Firearm, Jacksonville Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog, Should I put AR-15 style and other firearms in my Gun Trust, Evacuation with NFA firearms and Form 20 Approval, Iowa (IA) What NFA Firearms can I own? 3b. Having a clear and concise ATF Form 5320.23 helps the ATF enter the information when the ATF Form 5320.23 application is received. If all of the information you need to enter in Box 4h. So why do the directions in Box 1 tell you to complete Box 17? )[18] get entered exactly as they are engraved on his Colt M4 Carbine. But a word of warning, if you thought the paper Form 1 was bad, you better hold on to your panties! However, this information assists with the, efficient completion of the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, background check. John loves the versatility of the 5.56mm NATO round and cant wait to convert his Colt M4 Carbine into a Short Barreled Rifle (SBR). This is your date of birth. Firearm Serial Number. Businesses that have multiple stores or a significant online presence often employ a compliance office who might be listed as a responsible person.. The ATF eForm 1 isn't the only form needed to apply for a NFA tax stamp. The form should be already digitally signed as well. You can download the original Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives ATF Form 5320.23 and our example filled out form below. A new page will appear that you need to fill out with all your information. Responsible Person Questionnaire (ATF Form 5320.23). Once you pay, youll be able to select the sign and submit button. Then 30 days later, they receive a letter from the ATF that says: "Your Form 1 Application has been rejected (or delayed) for the following reason(s):", The Name of Authorized Official does not match the name in Box 3b (or Form 23, depending on your applicant type). This needs to be clear and easy to tell it is you. Download ATF Form 5320.23 Filled out ATF Form 5320.23 Example. If you were born outside of the United States of America, you can leave this box blank. Options are: "United States of America" or "Other Country/Countries." In Example #5 John is going to store his SBR at the ranch in El Paso, Texas. Options are: "Hispanic or Latino" or "Not Hispanic or Latino". Last week, John and his buddy Jim Bob were 1/2 way through their 2nd case of beer, when Jim Bob offered to sell John his SBR. Name and Address of Maker, Manufacturer and/or Importer of Firearm. If youre a sole proprietor, you will be your own responsible person. If youre a partnership, youll probably have two persons. Federal explosives laws define a "responsible person" as an individual who has the power to direct the management and policies of the applicant pertaining to explosive materials. If you dont want to use a Model name, just enter: NONE. ),[10] Barrel Length (4e. If purchasing with a NFA Gun trust, you will write the name of the settlor and trustee after that, i.e. Box 15f2. Start of the ATF Form 23 Application - Page 1. John says that adding a 2nd upper receiver is "kinda like a toofer! Certification. Rather, you need to enter your information two more times on the two additional Form 1 Applications. The ATF FINAL RULE 2021R-08F was published to the federal register today, 1/31/2023. In this example we will discussing the details of the ATF 5320.1. Below are some instructions. The Rules of Behavior for ATFs eForms System must be accepted every 12 Months. Screen 1B: Form 5320.1 Intended Use of Form: Please be aware that refusal to provide this information, may result in a delay in the NICS background check process.". You will now have an item under the Submitted/In Process section of your eForms dashboard. 3c. 9c. 3. is answered incorrectly (checking "No" when it should be "N/A") more often than all of the other incorrect answers put together. The only problem is that he doesnt have enough room to list the Caliber, Barrel Length, & OAL for all five uppers in Box 4h. Absentee owners are another example; their general managers would be considered responsible. So, sticking with the "Im not really buying a gun" story, John decides to build his SBR from scratch (parts & pieces). Heres a video overview of the entire process with all the steps and links youll need below: Youll need to order at least two sets of fingerprint cards and fill them out. And lastly, you will need to enter the method in which you are paying. More people being responsible means a higher likelihood of compliance and communication with the bureau. Thisis yourUnique Personal Identification Number (UPIN). This is your date of birth. Additional paper with applicable information for all sections that require a yes answer. This is one of the most common mistakes made on the Form 1. So, it kind of made sense that the directions for Box 1.a. 2x2 photograph is affixed here with a paper clip. In this article we discuss the process of filling out the Form 5320.23. As I noted here, many NFA dealers are planning to offer in-store fingerprinting so you should check with your local gun store. The first 2 pages are sentto the ATF and the second copy without the picture and serial number are sent to the local CLEO. Box 14a Make the appropriate selection. Anyone with management power of your business in regards to firearms is a responsible person., Note that you dont have to list persons who arent associated with firearms. John likes the idea of building an SBR. The ATF Copy 2 To Be Returned To Registrant is the copy of the Form 1 that will be returned to you with your Tax Stamp affixed in the upper right hand corner of Page 1. Businesses change all the time. This is your ethnicity. We dont know about you, but reading that mumbo-jumbo crap is like reading Chinese! That way, I can mail this out same day or next day. Note: A copy of the list must be attached to all 3 copies of the Form 1 Application. The OAL is the distance between the Muzzle of the barrel and the rearmost point of the firearm. What should he do? So lets try to make things bit less confusing, by working our way through Box 4 one section at a time. Box 4c - Caliber or Gauge Enter either the Caliber or Gauge in this field. [24] But even then, you would most likely use a Form 2, rather than the Form 1. This will drag out your tax stamp and they will background check you even harder. Listen we know that sounds slightly conspiracy theoryish. I like to save the application number from the successful submission pop-up just in case theres a problem. Most of the time, you wont enter anything in this box. For Example: If you are building a rifle chambered in 300 AAC Blackout, youll want to enter 7.62 MM as the caliber. Remember our buddy John Smith? However, this information assists with theefficient completion of the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) background check. Fill out the rest of this page with your name, email, address, title (settlor), date of birth, sex, race, state of residence, birth state, and SSN. Most of the work for eFiling is getting everything ready ahead of time so when you go to file it can be all done in one sitting. 4d. As if legislation wasnt hard enough to understand, sometimes the ATF is forced to interpret laws that were left vague. You can make up the name of the Firearm Model and Firearm Serial Number but put the correct caliber or gauge. This is the serial number that is engraved on the firearm or the serial number that you will engrave on the firearm when you make it, (ATF eForm 1 silencer). You can read it straight through from start to finish (recommended), or you can jump to a particular section of the form by locating the part of the Form 1 Application that is giving you trouble (using the guide picture above) and scrolling down until you see the orange button that corresponds to that Box #. Companies are bought and sold. A formal commitment of a person to a mental institution by a court, board, commission, or other lawful authority. Click next to move on to the Electronic Documents page. ALL APPLICATIONS EXCEPT FOR an ATF FORM 5 and an ATF FORM 20 MUST BE MAILED TO THE ADDRESS BELOW: Mailing Address NFA Branch P.O. It happens so frequently that the ATF doesnt even bother with it anymore. [19] [20] [21] [22]. If you are applying with a NFA Gun Trust, select trust. Below are the links that is the fillable .PDF version of the ATF Form 5320.23 application. Do not use slang here. The same is true for an entity. Do not staple. This is the country that you were born in and might be differentthanquestion 9a. For example, John could enter: El Paso Police Department*El Paso County Sheriffs OfficeEl Paso County District Attorneys OfficeTexas Department of Public SafetyUnited States Attorneys Office for the Western District of Texas, * John can only use the El Paso Police Department as the CLEO if his ranch is located within the city limits of El Paso, Boxes 11-17This is where individual applicants enter their background information. Needless to say, the missed opportunity to expand his meager firearms collection (as well as the hangover induced migraine) sent John into a downward spiral of "I dont own an SBR" depression. Any applications for a Form 1, Form 4, or Form 5 postmarked on or after July 13, 2016 must also include Fingerprint cards and pictures. and the date. Quick question: Does anyone know what "Diners Club" is? Information located within this article is current as of September, 2019. You can take your own fingerprints or have them done at by the cops. Silencer, SBR, SBS, DD, AOW, and MG posts are all welcome here. I didnt do that. Okay, that sounds good, so lets scroll down to the definitions. People retire, change duties, or move on. Excellent, /u/nationalguntrusts this will be added to our new how to guides section and credit given to you. Plus, I named my kids as the beneficiary of the trust so the items dont get donated to big brother when I die. & c. are for government agencies (that have never, in the history of ATF Applications, submitted a Form 1 application) and we are simply trying to confuse you!". At the bottom of page 2 You should sign the document as a trustee . Gun laws and regulations can be confusing. And, what happens if you accidentaly check "No" rather than "N/A?" Additional Gun Trust / ATF Paperwork Services Menu. If filing as a trust (recommended) select Trust and click next. Instead of paying the application fee every time your business makes a change (which can be quite burdensome, depending on your FFL type), you can write to the ATF detailing your requested adjustments. Because you cant legally assemble your firearm until you receive your Tax Stamp, you will need to estimate this measurement. on the FORM 5320.23 does the ATF accept electronic signatures or do i have to print the doc sign the ATF and CLEO copy's and re-upload said documents. You can download the original Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives ATF Form 5320.23 and our example filled out form below. FBI Form FD-258'sPaper Fingerprint Cards can be ordered from the ATF here for Free. Dont start drilling or combining parts in any way that can be considered intent to manufacture until you receive your approved stamp. 2nd, answer "N/A.". This is the model of the NFAfirearm you are registering. If you arent paying with a credit/debit card, do not sign Box 20. In order to own an NFA regulated firearm, you need to submit your information, pay a tax stamp, and under-go a background check with the ATF. The ATF occasionally sends email correspondence, so make sure to enter an address for an email account that you check on a regular basis. The information in this article is for informational purposes only. 9b. 2. If you arent sure who should be a responsible person or who must be, you should speak to an attorney who deals regularly with federal firearms licenses. We have a separate guide on How to fill out the ATF Form 23 that describes the process in detail. We will give it to you: The answer is Individual Applicants. 4a. For example, the term "responsible person" has been defined, and certain provisions have made it easier to handle NFA firearms in the estate of a deceased person. All Responsible Persons must be listed on this page and their 5320.23 forms uploaded using the 'Choose File' button seen below. That, and the fact that the big screen TV is in the bedroom, meant John had to pass on the deal of a lifetime. They will be expected to uphold all of the responsibilities as the license holder, and can even be subject to potential penalties (license revocation, fines, and even prison time for extreme violations). The ATF Form 5320.23 - Responsible Person Questionnairepaperwork requires you to submit fingerprint cards. Additionally, depending on which type of applicant you are (Individual, Trust, Corp, etc. Yes, the government made this process so expect this type of thing. If you are building a firearm from scratch, you can use any Model name you want. Reactivated? P.O. Firearm Serial Number. 5. (ii) If the Director determines that the responsible person or employee is one of the persons described in any paragraph of section 842(i) of the Act (see 555.26), ATF will notify the employer in writing or electronically of the determination and issue to the responsible person or the employee, as the case may be, a document that confirms the determination; explains the grounds for the . I don't have a printer scanner, but have adobe pro so could do this all pretty easily if they take e signature. [28] Instead, you (and all of the other Responsible Persons in your trust, corp, etc.) Select ATF Form 1 from the list to continue. Boxes 7,8 & 9 Simply Brilliant You are 1/3 of the way done with your Form 1 Application and the ATF wants you to sign your name, swearing (under penalty of perjury) that your application is complete & accurate.
