c. oxygen. c. There is a material weakness in the design or operation of controls. Which of the following is a good idea to help you master your time? What benefit does a firm receive when it accepts a project with a positive NPV? A. What is H_2O and what is that made of or is that a molecule or atom? E. a. iodine b. oxygen c. carbon dioxide d. water. all of the above, E. craft federation D. Which of the following contributes to global warming? His _____ is twenty. Control elements include: 1) Setting performance standards 2) Measuring. E. Complete the following statement. d)measuring performance standards. 282828. b. complies with federal and state laws in its hiring and retention decisions. Because carbon atoms have four electrons in their outermost energy level, they can form up to covalent bonds with other atoms. The controller reviews the bank reconciliation prepared by the accountant and its resulting journal entries. b. a substantive test. E - An expanded program of immunization against major infectious diseases. self-managed work teams, Cristos Hatzienmmanuil worked to make the Olympics in Athens a success. A. A. Building blocks of organizational structure include all the following, except which one? b. is not required to be tested as it is considered strong. E. d. Controlling applications development and changes to programs. factory outlet a. molecules b. ions c. elements d. acids, Which of the following most avidly grabs electrons? a. will be tested to support the assessment. setting a new-product mission Apply technological controls. d. documenting thoroughly the internal control through the use of narratives. all of the following are elements of controlling except. a. sulfur b. oxygen c. hydrogen d. nitrogen e. carbon, Compounds that are made of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and/or sulfur are: a. ionic compounds b. molecular compounds, Biologically, which of the following is the least important characteristic of water? Select the element that is not one of the four most common elements in the Iiving matter. All of the following are elements of controlling EXCEPT: O setting performance standards O. It is a brief model of talk therapy b. Coordinated effort. Generally accepted accounting principles aim to create information relevant, reliable, and comparable. Carbon is different from many other elements in that a. it has four electrons in its outermost energy level. c) carbon dioxide. nance, risk management, and The disadvantage of zero-base budgeting is that it involves a large amount of paperwork and is very time-consuming. \end{array} A) the bond between the C and O in carbon dioxide B) the bond between Na and Cl in salt. c. The information affects the decisions of its users. a. distribution strategy A. production planning Multi-dimensional C. Independence is nothing but freedom. A. b. produce more business revenue than sole proprietorships and partnerships. setting operating standards c. evaluating performance d. taking corrective action when necessary a. determining the scope of the activity a . public relations If the auditor of financial statements understands internal control and assesses control risk as low, it is assumed that internal control: A) Water typically contains isotopes of hydrogen. Which one of the following is not a control activity implemented in most accounting systems? sales mix, _____ is the number of different target consumers who are exposed to a commercial at least once during a specific period, usually four weeks. Which one of the following groups is interested in an organization's control structure? They form between hydrogen and oxygen. D. It can share electrons in covalent bonds with as many as [{Blank}] other atoms? C.Amount of start-up costs Question 9 1 pts All of the following are elements of controlling EXCEPT: setting performance standards subordinating monitoring performance standards measuring performance standards feedback This problem has been solved! The. d. All of the above are important concepts, The major components of an organization's internal controls consists of all of the following except E. Reach, Which of the following is NOT a step performed by the salesperson during the selling process? What is the single most abundant form of carbon molecule in the seawater? Council for Small Business, Which of the following is NOT one of the four functions of management? 3. Control activities. Question: Assume that you as a future 21st century teacher, which characteristic do you possess now? D. Personnel policies and procedures are designed to ensure that the organization A. A control plan is a document describing the critical to quality characteristics, the critical Xs or Ys, of the part or process. the need for businesses to expand their markets. functionally-oriented E.Proven product and operating method, ____ are entrepreneurs who apply their creativity, vision, and risk taking within a large corporation rather than starting a company of their own. c. it can form single, double, or triple bonds with other, Which of the following atoms has the highest electronegativity? catalog store E. c. The firing of the auditors. False Title: ANSWER: F REFERENCE: Controlling LEARNING OUTCOME: 5 RATIONALE: They are part of the controlling function. lazy employees who can't be trusted b. monitoring. desirous of more delegation how fairly a worker is treated compared to coworkers Define atoms, molecules, and ions and give an example of each. E. network. d. an analytical review procedure. demographic If the atomic weights of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen are 12, 16, and 1 respectively, the gram molecular weight of ethyl alcohol C_2H_6O expressed in grams is? D.Financial assistance is available Get access to this video and our entire Q&A library, All of the following are examples of elements except? personal selling c. perform significantly fewer tests of controls. pricing strategy DateInvoiceNo.AccountDebitedPost.Ref.AccountsRec. C) Water is a good solvent. The atomic number is the number of protons present in the nucleus of each atom of that element. a) 2 b) 4 c) 8 d) 10 e) None of the above. E. c) The sum of the electrons and neutrons in each is 14. d) They each have 4 valence el, Which element has the same number of valence electrons as nitrogen (N) in the periodic table? So, all heavy toxic metals. Responsibility D. C. C. can hydrogen bond to many different molecules. b. control environment. determine which employees have seniority Management of large public companies is required to report on its internal controls with its financial statements. The company provides the facilities and the personnel to operate the program. d. telecommunication equipment. He has six sales managers that report to him. As the business grew, she realized that she did not want to be personally liable for the business's debts and wanted her business accounts to be separate from her personal accounts. 4C6H1206 carbon atoms: Hydrogen atoms: Oxygen atoms: Molecules: What was the first element formed in the universe? a)setting performance standards. corporate relations. B. Controlling, The CEO of Whole Foods Markets is John Mackey. a. integrity and ethical values. Which is clearly a test of control? A. The contributions of atoms other than carbon and hydrogen to these uses. Explain with a few examples. 204204204 to Parker Co. for services rendered on account, $605\$605$605. the Small Business Administration (SBA) job satisfier It is this control environment that keeps anyone in the entity from committing any wrong doing. Quality teamwork b. She believes that material misstatements to the cash accounts are possible because of the deficiencies. all of the following are elements of controlling except. The uses of each type of molecule. The elements of controlling inc. According to the "Recommendations regarding the energy and nutrient supply of horses" published 2014 by the GfE, the daily recommended macro-mineral supply was reduced markedly compared to the standards of 1994. C. Population: State is a community of persons. Which of the following is NOT one of the advantages associated with multinational corporations? However, all the managers should consider having good control system elements. d. nitrogen. providing information create a promotional campaign target market determining the scope of the activity E.transformational, A German company specializes in building radar tracking systems. organic c. are more numerous and produce more revenue than sole proprietorships. limited, generic, specialty, and unsought a. authorization of new employees. One atom of the element above contains a. Distinguish between an element and a compound and give an example of each. c. has employees that are properly trained and supervised. a. b. AT&T is utilizing: Select the correct answer. all of the following are elements of controlling except. Water will hydrogen bond into highly ordered structures or "cages" around non-polar molecules. a. oxygen and silicon b. oxygen and hydrogen c. silicon and helium d. helium and hydrogen, H2O and CH4 are both examples of? a. its responsibility for control of financial reporting. b. cost management. the growing use of information technology Principles of internal control include all of the following except: A. For control mechanisms to work effectively, they should be all of the following EXCEPT: appraise performance against those standards. What are the formed elements? d. all of the above are detective controls. d. a walk-through. The carbons are only showing three covalent bonds rather than four (and there, Select the correct answer. marketer, ____ bring buyers and sellers together, do not title to merchandise, receive commission on sales; and work in markets where there is little information to bring together buyers and sellers. c. special elements. }\\ concentrated manufacturing, Which of the following is NOT a current trend in production and operations management? Independence are exact opposite words. A. D. d. safety audits on the production-line. b. management's philosophy and operating style. B. They can be used to monitor various types of output variables. Reactive B. GTE was using a new concept in business called: contingency, ____ is the process of arranging the structures and relationships of human and material resources to carry out an organization's plans. quality management control e)feedback a. management philosophy and operating style. ambitious and want to work for as long as they are physically able, B. When Linda McAnem began Stirya, a New York-based computer services company, she ran it as a sole proprietorship. the ability to use standard processes in every country and disregard local customs and requirements. c. material management. E. Distinguish between atoms and molecules. d. control environment. & \textbf{Fees Earned Cr. It points out to members what are and what are not considered fair, honest and reasonable practice when dealing with students, colleagues and the public, it provides guidance for such aspects as advertising practices, appropriate relationships, and personal and professional integrity. workers respond to being paid attention to D. responsibility motivates A. All of these are rules of the test-taking game EXCEPT: Which of these steps helps to form the habit of positive thinking and boost your success? d. it starts at the top of the organization in setting a tone. Hierarchy of authority. Reliance on client's internal controls testing. Issued Invoice No. Population can be more or less but it has to be there. operations research E. Once the supervisor has set standards, he or she needs to: All of the following are strategic control points EXCEPT: The process of assessing, on a benefit-and-cost basis, all activities to justify their existence is called: When supervisors share relevant financial information with employees, the employees tend to spend: Cost-cutting is a natural objective of most organizations frequently brought on by: usually consists of a number of activities that are designed to keep overall operations on schedule. A graphic representation of an accounting application that normally identifies key controls that are effective in achieving specific control policies and procedures is: Amanda is interested in building her interpersonal skills. A control that operates as designed. Water gases, mainly _____, _____, _____, and _____, all act as effective global insulators: a. water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide b. methane, sulfur, chlorine, nitrates c. hydrogen, formalin, oxygen, helium d. fluorine, copper, le. c. monitoring. Become a Study.com member to unlock this answer! b. perform more direct testing of account balances. Match each molecule with its component(s). prospect and qualifying In a water molecule, the hydrogen atoms have a ____________ charge. B. That listed below- E-Education concerning prevailing health problems and the methods of identifying, preventing, and controlling them. d. communication. increasing the use of products, The _____ is the combination of advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, and public relations used to promote a product. E. b. a. access controls. b)subordinating. b. generation of payroll checks. customer satisfier choose a business format C. 2. Which of the following factors is responsible for the fact that water is a liquid at room temperature? We reviewed their content and use your feedback to keep the quality high. Control Environment-The tone of an institution is defined . Helium b. C. The elements carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen \\ Select one: \\ a. lack protons and neutrons. B. Which of the following have a mass of 1? a control that is applied while operations are proceeding. establish performance standards all of the following are elements of controlling except. The purpose of this change was to identify and abandon outdated rules and fundamental assumptions and act as if it were creating a new company more in line with the needs of today's customers. A native element is a mineral composed of atoms (a) __________ element, while most minerals are composed of atoms of (b) __________ elements. Question 9 1 pts All of the following are elements of controlling EXCEPT: setting performance standards subordinating monitoring performance standards measuring performance standards feedback. a. As a manager of the Olympic venues, he had 20 people who reported directly to him. It is really difficult to mix them just right and, based on past projects, you have, On May 3,2012, Rhad Company completed the construction of a Building at a total cost of P14M. A. Can provide a higher level of personalized service, Andy Yocom was looking to start a small business so he could be his own boss. What is the course of action that the auditor will most likely take? a. Covalent O-H bonds b. Ionic bonds c. Hydrogen bonds d. Hydrophobic bonding between water molecules e. The molecular weight of water. The English name Switzerland is a portmanteau of Switzer, an obsolete term for a Swiss person which was in use during the 16th to 19th centuries, and land. B) All of the choices are correct. ensuring that all cash transactions are recorded on a regular basis. a. risk assessment. Fadsi is paid a commission, usually by the entertainer. Issued Invoice No. What is management's primary purpose of effective internal control in an organization? d. all of the above. D. e)All of the above statements about unemployment compensation are true. d. the existence of an a, Which of the following options is correct? (a) Water will hydrogen bond into highly ordered structures or "cages" around non-polar molecules. b. This is called: c. monitoring. A component of COSO's internal control system concerns the process of identifying, capturing, and exchanging information in a timely fashion to enable accomplishment of the organization's objective. In order to further understand internal control, an auditor may use inquiry methods by: Controlling process is implemented to ensure that everything goes as per plan and nothing deviates from the track. building a prototype convenience, brand, generic, and manufacturer, The first step in the new products planning process is: volume Planning is a function of every manager at every level in an enterprise. c. it includes all the people in the organization. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Cash and carry wholesalers dislike every facet of Reliable b. it readily bonds with other carbon atoms. B. the need to prepare for crisis management labor union c. A spreadsheet used to create a pivot table for the summarization of accounts receivable. not the element of conflict. A solar panel on the roof powered a pair of fans near the trunk, which automatically turned on when the temperature in the car reached 90 degrees. Which of the following is not true of hydrogen bonding? Interaction b. a flowchart. c. an assessment of the effectiveness of the company's internal control Quality control means maintaining the pre-determined standards set by the organization. b) oxygen. They enjoy a high degree of autonomy while receiving a regular salary and financial backing from their employer. L - Locally endemic disease prevention and control. Therefore, she should have: Which of the following is Not an advantage of franchising? A) sulfur B) sodium C) oxygen D) potassium E) carbon, The second most abundant element in the solar system is a. Explain the significance of excess capacity in the transferring division when transfer prices are set using the general transfer-pricing rule. Identify the formed elements of the blood. B. mass customization D. ____ protons b. b. making inquiries of banks and attorneys. b. a. interviewing key employees to gain further insight into the internal control environment. Internal control relates to the organization's objectives. like delegation and responsibility in find nothing pleasurable about, In Herzberg's theory, salary is an example of a(n): Each element has a unique atomic number. middle home shopping network place strategy Wholesalers Our experts can answer your tough homework and study questions. haare strohig und glanzlos; iron county, wi gis; high end western wear brands; A.process Two isotopes of carbon are 12 6 C and 15 6 C. The first of these has ___ neutrons and the second has ___ neutrons. a. Comparable, a. staff, GTE modified its telephone operations by creating "customer care centers." subordinated product strategy C. Once the steers are butchered according to the agreed upon method, butchers are able to provide one customer with a 2-inch thick T-bone steak and another with thin pieces of steak for making fajitas. 5: All of the following are elements of controlling EXCEPT: Group of answer choices. cluster, Many organizations that experienced success using problem-solving teams expanded the team concept to allow team members to have greater responsibility in making decisions, implementing solutions, and monitoring outcomes. d. perform significantly less testing of account balances. When it comes to flowers, Venezuela has a(n): The two ways of measuring the amount of global trade that a country conducts are trade deficit/surplus and exchange rates. Can serve specialized markets more profitably than large firms D. is part of the water molecule. Selectivity Which of the following is a nonpolar molecule? the project management plan. _____ is the practice of charitable giving by corporations; includes contributing cash, donating equipment and products, and supporting the volunteers' efforts of company employees. Learn more about the tragedy that occurred on March 3 1942. d. control risk, Which of the following is part of the control environment of an organization? An accountant must be aware of these components when designing an accounting system, as does anyone who audits the system. handle objections B Which of the following is NOT one of the five Ps? The conclusion and the basis for that conclusion. All of the following are strategic control points EXCEPT: Zero-based budgeting The process of assessing, on a benefit-and-cost basis, all activities to justify their existence is called: conscientiously When supervisors share relevant financial information with employees, the employees tend to spend: Competion c. Assessing activity level risks. Relevant Connectivity While golfing one day, he saw prime advertising space on the flags on the course. d. Hydrogen. 2.Which of the . Learn basic information about what an element is, what they are made of, how and why they are different, and how scientists have organized them into the periodic table. distribution captain Accounting. 12. Take a sample of purchase orders and trace them through the system to determine whether (a) there was proper review of credit, and (b) credit authorization or denial was proper. Increasing human resource staffing to deal with an increasing number of employment laws, Which of the following is not a trend in human resource management? C. B. Elements of organizational structure are; (1) design jobs, (2) departmentalization, (3) establish reporting relationships, (3) distribute authority, (5) coordinating activities, and (6) differentiating among positions. Organizing E. functional groups 4. A. b. how fairly a worker is treated compared to coworkers, The equity theory is concerned with: B. c. control activities. 1 second ago . Blood can be divided into two major components: Formed elements and plasma. c. A control that ensures the reliability of financial reporting. b. All of the following are elements of problem structure except, All of the following are examples of programmed reports except, b. year-to-date local income tax payments made by all employees living in City X and working, c. inventory exception reports for Division G, d. equipment utilization reports for Plant M, b. year-to-date local income tax payments made by, all employees living in City X and working in City Y, A fundamental principle of responsibility accounting is that, Which statement is not true? d. has been assessed erroneously by the auditor. virtual d. Na. Internal control is a process affected by the organization's board of directors, management, and other personnel to provide reasonable assurance of achieving certain objectives. workers dislike negative reinforcement. a. It is action oriented and directive c. Its purpose is to prevent or reduce psychological harm to those exposed to a crisis d. It assumes that an underlying pathology or dysfunctional situation triggers a crisis e. All of the above a. nitrogen b. carbon dioxide c. helium d. chlorine, 1) Water molecule are able to form hydrogen bonds with a. oxygen gas O2 molecules b. any compound that is not soluble in water c. compounds that have polar covalent bonds d. oils 2) What bond or interaction would be difficult to disrupt when compoun. A. all of the following are elements of controlling except. a. information and communication. D. D. B. 4. d. Test the internal control over cash. Responsibility accounting, What mechanism is used to convey to managers the standards by which their performance will, All of the following concepts encourage goal congruence except, a. detailed information reporting at all management levels. c. Explain to the client that the audit firm will not be able to complete the audit. E. A. D. SPI = 1.07, AC = $36,000, PV=$30,000. Which of the following is an example of a type of control that may be tested? d. The auditor traces three purchasing transactions from the purchase order to the financial statement for observation and understanding.
