The poor economic conditions made people search for alternative leaders. The emperor similarly sent a eunuch emissary on repeated tribute-seeking missions to Tibet and Nepal and a civil servant across Central Asia to Afghanistan and Russian Turkistan. China's rulers purposely abandoned the drive to extend Ming power and prestige overseas, and increasingly sought to limit and control contacts with the outside world." why was yongle vulnerable as china's ruler . The Yongle emperor fathered three other sons and five daughters. After taking control of China in 1949, the country's communist rulers engaged in fierce debate over . A. Not only had he sent seven missions of the enormous Treasure Ships over the western seas, he had ordered overseas missions northeast and east, had sent envoys multiple times across desert and grassland to the mountains of Tibet and Nepal and on to Bengal and Siam, and had many times raised . = 2 1/4. 6 2/3 In 1380, at the age of 20, the prince of Yan took up residence at Beijing. Thereafter, the emperor maintained amicable relations with Timurs heirs at Samarkand and Herat, keeping the Central Asian trade routes open. Not only do we pay for our servers, but also for related services such as our content delivery network, Google Workspace, email, and much more. Answer (1 of 8): Geography on a military level is the biggest reason. The Mongol conquest of China was a series of major military efforts by the Mongol Empire to conquer various empires ruling over China. Please submit your free obituary by email to, by phone at 843-937-5330 or by fax to 843-937-5503. The Weegy: A modal verb (also modal, modal auxiliary verb, modal auxiliary) is a type of auxiliary verb that is used to Why was Yongle vulnerable as China's ruler? A particular academic did some statistics, and found that the average lifespan o. Inheriting a stable state thanks to the work of his father, the Hongwu Emperor (r. 1368-1398 CE), Yongle made lasting contributions to Chinese history such as moving the capital to Beijing and beginning construction of the Forbidden City as an imperial residence. Terms in this set (8) What changes did the Ming rulers bring to China? = 45/20 Weegy: A basic position in American foreign policy has been that America must defend its foreign interests related to Weegy: 15 ? To protect Chinas northern frontier, the Yongle emperor personally led large armies north to the Gobi (Desert) on five campaigns. User: 3/4 16/9 Weegy: 3/4 ? The Yongle Emperor (aka Chengzu or Yung Lo, r. 1403-1424 CE) was the third ruler of the Chinese Ming Dynasty (1368-1644 CE). The Yongle Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, however, decided to proselytize Chinese civilization to the world. Slavery was abolished as a legally recognized institution, including in a 1909 law fully enacted in 1910, although the practice continued until at least 1949. World History Encyclopedia. It comprised 22,937 manuscript rolls . The Yongle emperor moved the Chinese capital to Beijing and gave the city its present name. The World History Encyclopedia logo is a registered trademark. Just as ruthless as his father had been in eliminating any dissent in the state bureaucracy, Yongle started with a clean sweep of any official he thought loyal to his nephew Jianwen. Iraq. Sixteen emperors ruled over the whole of China proper spanning 276 years. He embarked on a series of ambitious projects, including the lengthening and widening of the Grand Canal, which carried grain and other goods from southern China to Beijing. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. The three spot I noted is the three most common capital chosen, modern day Beijing, Xi'An and LuoYang For those with interest in military geography this picture already explained much. [ -is why Yongle becomes vulnerable as a ruler. In 1410 the Yongle emperor resumed the aggressive extramural patrolling in the north that had preoccupied him as a prince in the 1380s and 90s. Extensive trade networks had already existed in Africa before the Portuguese arrived. A. Whenever an individual stops drinking, the BAL will ________________. 16/9 = Weegy: Whenever an individual stops drinking, the BAL will decrease slowly. A. Xuande and his successors would continue the work of Yongle and ensure Ming China became one of the richest and most powerful states in the world, more than doubling its population to around 200 million people. The Yongle emperor was originally given the posthumous temple designation Taizong (Grand Forebear), a designation traditionally given to the second emperor of a dynasty. in david cook blockbuster biographyGeneral; why was yongle vulnerable as china's ruler . Answer: An interesting question. why was yongle vulnerable as china's ruler. The emperor fell ill while returning from his campaign of 1424 into Mongolia and died at the age of 64 in August, when the army was still en route to Beijing. The Forbidden City also included government offices, all arranged strictly according to the rank of officials. Chinese Admiral in the Indian Ocean. Yongnuo's entry-level manual flashes are those in the YN560 range. It was also contrary to God's rule over nations. Chinese civilisation stretches back to least 2000 BC. Yongle died aged 64, and he was succeeded by his son, known as the Hongxi Emperor. (pg. How to Healthy Eating. More vigorously than any other ruler in Chinese history, he sought recognition from faraway potentates in these regions. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. Its founding ruler, Zhu Yuanzhang (Emperor Hongwu), was a peasant leader of the Red Turbans who helped expel the Mongol Yuan rulers from China. After 14 years of construction, the Forbidden City was completed. Children who were born during a marriage that was later annulled were historically considered illegitimate. Nanjing is totally located on . = 2 1/4. 04 Mar 2023. Yongle vulnerable as China's ruler -He was considered an illegitimate ruler because he was not a rightful descendant. ]. the master's seminary find a church. Throughout his reign tributary missions regularly traveled to China from overseas, including local kings of Malacca and Brunei. ac valhalla chepeham barred door; ibew jurisdiction map iowa; neil brown jr workout routine; les experts : miami saison 2 streaming vf; why was yongle vulnerable as china's ruler. The one-child policy B. Whenever an individual stops drinking, the BAL will ________________. World History Encyclopedia is a non-profit organization. Even if the parents later married, the child would still be considered illegitimate. 4. At the outset of his Beijing-based insurrection in 1402, the Yongle emperor had sought and won the support of the Mongol tribes directly to his rear, in northeastern China. = 15 * 3/20 Although the Ming benefitted from the divisions within the Mongol state - generally split into six competing groups - there were still sporadic attacks on Chinese territory throughout Yongle's reign. I Answer (1 of 2): In fact, no, it's not. No fewer than 24 emperors would reside in the Forbidden City. As a consequence, the capital was moved to the north, as already mentioned, and the Great Wall of China was also repaired as a defence against Mongol raiders. Yongle, Wade-Giles romanization Yung-lo, temple name (miaohao) (Ming) Chengzu or (Ming) Taizong, posthumous name (shi) Wendi, personal name Zhu Di, (born May 2, 1360, Yingtian [now Nanjing], Jiangsu province, Chinadied August 5, 1424, Yumuchuan [now in Inner Mongolia], en route to Beijing), reign name (nianhao) of the third emperor (140224) of Chinas Ming dynasty (13681644), which he raised to its greatest power. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. 534) Why was the Indian Ocean world as a . Influenced by Confucian scholar-officials, he instituted a series of reforms unsettling to the newly stabilized government. -is why Yongle becomes vulnerable as a ruler. Corrections? Answer (1 of 2): If he killed both the generals and his sons, then who would be left to serve the emperor? Whenever an individual stops drinking, the BAL will ________________. The Jianwen emperor had disappeared. Please note that some of these recommendations are listed under our old name, Ancient History Encyclopedia. Explanation: you just copied it from google Advertisement Ultimately, the voyages of Zheng He only managed to woo East Asian rulers to consistently pay tribute, but Zheng certainly brought back plenty of knowledge of foreign lands and customs, and he did ship back such exotica as giraffes, gems, and spices. why was yongle vulnerable as china's ruler . - Gotta Know These Chinese Dynasties Chinese Muslim admiral Zheng He commanded the largest fleets and the largest ships ever to sail the Indian Ocean until World War II, leading seven 15th-century expeditions that must rank as the earliest state-sponsored efforts to seek out new lands, markets and spheres of political influence. Vulcan Electric Convection Oven Manual. Why was Yongle vulnerable as China's ruler? It is the largest of all Asian countries and has the largest population of any . B. In 1421, the Ming emperor Yongle proclaimed China's new capital, Beijing, on the site of the former Mongol city of Dadu. The campaign was successful, although the country would regain its independence 20 years later. More vigorously than any other ruler in Chinese history, he sought recognition from faraway potentates in these regions. The group that eventually drove the Mongols out of China was known as: Why was Yongle vulnerable as China's ruler-As part of his desire to expand Chinese influence throughout the known. Special interests include art, architecture, and discovering the ideas that all civilizations share. D. Answer (1 of 3): In fact ROC chose Beijing (Beiping ) as its capital during 1912-1928, then a coup broke out. He killed the generals to remove potential source of instability, not to remove everyone with capability. Answer. New answers. In 1949, the People's Republic of China was proclaimed at Tiananmen, directly in front of the Forbidden City. Why does Chinese government so care about the independen. The reason why Yongle supported ocean voyages because Zheng He brought back spices, gems, medicinal herbs, an dexotic animals such as zebras . Cartwright, M. (2019, February 14). But in 1419, when the shogunate brusquely denied responsibility for any piratical activities and refused to resume the former tributary relationship, the Yongle emperor was too preoccupied with other matters to do more than grumble. = 2 1/4. World History Encyclopedia. Because no Tran heir seemed available, the Yongle emperor in 1407 transformed Dai Viet from a tributary state into the new Chinese province of Annam. Therefore, it is vital that the emperor possess the approval of heaven. B. Other halls spread outwards from this central point, all built along a north-south axis. This reflected and symbolized the emperors and the countrys shift of attention from the southern oceans to the northern land frontiers. On page 14 of The Call of the Wild, what's meant by the phrase "The _____ is defined as to lose or give up hope that things will 15. Question|Asked by angelboii Why was yongle vulnerable as chinas ruler? Inheriting a stable state thanks to the work of his father, the Hongwu Emperor (r. 1368-1398 CE), Yongle made lasting contributions to Chinese history such as moving the capital to Beijing and beginning construction of the Forbidden City as an imperial residence. . Yongle Emperor. [ ] Expert answered| emdjay23 |Points 205578| Log in for more information. The poor economic conditions made people search for alternative leaders B. A. It is the world's largest palace complex, covering more than 7.75 million square feet (720,000 square meters) and separated from the rest of Beijing by a 171-foot-wide (52 meters) moat and a 33-foot-high (10 meters) wall, with gate towers guarding . What did Admiral Zheng He Do? = 15 ? User: 3/4 16/9 Weegy: 3/4 ? World History Encyclopedia, 14 Feb 2019. von | Eingetragen bei: sas enterprise guide tutorial | 0 . After further investigation, it was revealed the artefact, known as the "lotus bowl", is actually an artefact from the court of the Yongle Emperor, who ruled between . Slavery in China has taken various forms throughout history. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. A. [ ] Expert answered| emdjay23 |Points 205578| Log in for more information. It was based on a pride of nationalism. More than 120 square kilometers were taken up with Yongle's tomb when the population of China around 1400 (building of the tomb began in 1409) was about 65-80 million people. The founder of the Ming Dynasty was the Hongwu Emperor, and it was he, after 30 years of rule from 1368 CE, who sparked off a rumpus at the imperial court over who should be the next ruler. Zheng He (Chinese: ; 1371 - 1433 or 1435) was a Chinese mariner, explorer, diplomat, fleet admiral, and court eunuch during China's early Ming dynasty.He was originally born as Ma He in a Muslim family and later adopted the surname Zheng conferred by the Yongle Emperor. Vaguely aware of this, the Yongle emperor alerted his commanders in the west to prepare for trouble; but Timur died in 1405, and the expedition was canceled. During the early years of the Yongle emperors reign, the northern frontier, traditionally the zone of greatest danger to any Chinese regime, was relatively quiescent. Yongle Essay. Enlarged the capital city, Beijing. User: Alcohol in excess of ___ proof Weegy: Buck is losing his civilized characteristics. Committed to ventures on a grand scale, he influenced China and East Asia for generations to come. 308 Main St. Whitmire, SC 29178. The emperor also opened up China to the world, notably sponsoring the seven voyages of the explorer Zheng He. Read on to see the story behind it. Over the next two decades various proposals were made to raze or reconstruct the Forbidden City to create a public park, a transport interchange, or "places of entertainment". Thus the prince of Yan found himself steadily more isolated and endangered, and in August 1399 he rose in rebellion, declaring it his avuncular duty to rescue the inexperienced emperor from his malicious advisers. User: She worked really hard on the project. Mark is a full-time author, researcher, historian, and editor. The YN and Godox RF (Radio Frequency) protocols are incompatible therefore each brands transmitter can't talk to the other's RF receiver. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. Correspondingly, Chinese Diaspora groups expressed their outrage at what they called ethnic violence and abuses of human rights. Yongle vulnerable as China's ruler -He was considered an illegitimate ruler because he was not a rightful descendant. Looking at maps of the square, walled inner-city of old Beijing, with the palace at its center, the influence of . Zhu Di also built the Forbidden City and led a number . = 15 ? The rebellion lasted from 1399 into 1402 and devastated much of western Shandong province and the northern part of the Huai River basin. Yongle vulnerable as China's ruler -He was considered an illegitimate ruler because he was not a rightful descendant. Yes it's possible to fire units from both brands together but it won't be as convenient as when all units are part of the same system. There were many cities with large populations, is how Europe in the early Middle Ages similar to ancient Rome. He was entombed in Changling (), a location northwest of Beijing. In the Iconoclastic controversy, church and state leaders argued over whether icons should be allowed in worship. Yongle's Vision and Chinese Empire Added 1/2/2021 3:29:14 PM. The Yongle emperor became the only ruler in Chinese history to be acknowledged suzerain by the Japanese, under the Ashikaga shogun Yoshimitsu. History Grade 10 - Topic 1 The Ming Dynasty. Updates? On 12 August 1424, the Yongle Emperor died. = 45/20 Astute diplomacy was also relied on during these years to keep the Mongols fragmented and to establish at least nominal Chinese authority over the Juchen (Chinese: Nzchen, or Ruzhen) peoples in the far northeast, as distant as the Amur River (Chinese: Heilong Jiang). Fernandina Beach, on Amelia Island at Florida's northeast border, hosts the popular Isle of Eight Flags Shrimp Festival and is known for great golf. IV, The Suez canal is located near which country? WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. The death toll ran into the thousands. Yongle vulnerable as China's ruler -He was considered an illegitimate ruler because he was not a rightful descendant. why was yongle vulnerable as china's rulerjames badge dale partner. User: Why was yongle vulnerable as china s ruler Weegy: As part of his desire to expand Chinese influence throughout the known world, Yongle sponsored the massive and long term treasure voyages led by admiral Zheng He. All Rights Reserved. While there is a need to break the silence about the atrocity; to . Score .9932 User: Many Africans political groups were organized into Weegy: African political group were organized into African . The poor economic conditions made people search for alternative leaders. The Yongle (or Yung-lo) emperor ruled China from 1402 to 1424. Last Update: Jan 03, 2023. The Moon He was the third emperor of the Ming dynasty, which he raised to its greatest power. GitHub export from English Wikipedia. What is the output voltage of a rectifier? One of China's greatest emperors, he sent a great 300-ship armada to the Indian Ocean and Africa, restored the capital to Beijing, built the Forbidden City with a million workers, and invaded Mongolia and Vietnam. as long as the battle ground is limited to Northern China. The presence of foreign ambassadors in the Forbidden City would also help Yongle legitimise his own position as emperor, taken as it had been by force from his own nephew. The Yongle emperor (reigned 1402-1424) of the Ming dynasty (1368-1644) was one of the most dynamic and aggressive rulers of China. joel osteen car collection; will levis height weight; uchicago photo archive; adeleke university 2021/2022 admission. He either never thought his own sons would rebel against his grand son, or believe. Why was Yongle vulnerable as Chinas ruler-As part of his desire to expand Chinese influence throughout the known. The site had a history as an ancient capital under various regimes, and it was also in the province that the emperor had personally commanded when he had been the Prince of Yan. His principal consort was the empress Xu, daughter of the great early Ming marshal Xu Da; she died early in his reign, in 1407. As China's best-preserved imperial palace, the Forbidden City proudly displays the essence and culmination of traditional Chinese architecture. Contribute to chinapedia/wikipedia.en development by creating an account on GitHub. Because it appeals to the very function of an emperor. -is what's meant by the phrase "The domesticated generations fell Weegy: A suffix is added to the end of a word to alter its meaning. [28] The man who became the third ruler of China's Ming dynasty (1368-1644) as Emperor Yongle (Yung-lo) (meaning "lasting joy") was the fourth son of Zhu Yuanzhang (Chu Yuan-chang), the dynastic founder. II User: 3/4 16/9 Weegy: 3/4 ? Key Takeaways. Why was Yongle vulnerable as China's ruler? In particular, newly formed women's political groups within the state called attention to the issue of state and military violence against women. There were three principal reasons for this decision. Bridge rectifier circuit design considerations As most bridge rectifiers use silicon diodes, this drop will be a minimum of 1.2 volts and will increase as the current increases. The Fateful Decision. Accessed by nine gates, the city was laid out on a regular grid plan. [1] China was ruled by a series of dynasties until 1911 and from 1368 to 1644, the Ming Dynasty ruled over China. Yongle vulnerable as China's ruler -He was considered an illegitimate ruler because he was not a rightful descendant. Used also by the emperors of the Qing dynasty, the Forbidden City was continuously extended and restored until reaching its present impressive spread of some 7.2 square kilometres. Zhu Dis father, the Hongwu emperor, had rapidly risen from a poor orphan of peasant origin through stages as a mendicant Buddhist monk and then a subaltern in a popular rebellion against the Mongol rulers of the Yuan dynasty to become a virtually independent satrap in part of the rich eastern Yangtze River (Chang Jiang) valley, with his headquarters at Yingtian (Nanjing). In the aftermath, Zhu Di tried to eliminate all evidence of his nephew's reign from the historical record. Forbidden City. Yongnuo Speedlite Manual Flashes - YN560, YN660, YN720, and YN860. Iran Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. 9, 1442 AH What bad things did Hongwu do?, Ancient History Encyclopedia - Yongle Emperor, China Knowledge - Persons in Chinese History - Biography of Ming Chengzu, Yongle - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). = 15 * 3/20 Omissions? This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. After his early years on the throne, the Yongle emperors attention was diverted from the south back to the northern frontier by the emergence of an effective new Tatar leader named Aruqtai. = 2 5/20 Why was yongle vulnerable as chinas ruler ? Islam has been practiced in China since the 7th century CE. Beijing was perhaps not the ideal site for the national capital: it historically had been associated primarily with barbarian dynasties such as the Yuan, it was far removed from Chinas economic and cultural heartland, and it was dangerously close and exposed to the northern frontier. This site is using cookies under cookie policy . Jordan The most notable domestic event of the Yongle emperors reign was the transfer of the national capital and the central government from Nanjing to Beijing. To Emperor Yongle of China in the early 1400s, it was (possibly) a qilin, a mythical creature that has been compared to a unicorn in Western mythology. Social Studies, 01.12.2020 04:30. Thank you for your help! World History Foundation is a non-profit organization registered in Canada. why was yongle vulnerable as china's ruler Only America Can Address the Threat Of Chinas Anti-Ship Missiles by Robert Farley Follow drfarls on Twitter L November 27, 2021. He drove the last Mongol emperor out of Beijing and then beyond the Great Wall and the Gobi. The Yongle (or Yung-lo) emperor ruled China from 1402 to 1424. Why was Yongle vulnerable as Chinas ruler-As part of his desire to expand Chinese influence throughout the known. As part of his desire to expand Chinese influence throughout the known world, Yongle sponsored the massive and long term treasure voyages led by admiral Zheng He. Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. D. He was constantly threatened by invading Korean armies. Yongle vulnerable as China's ruler -He. Its purpose was to consolidate his imperial power and protect his own security. God determines the boundaries and times of empires (Acts 17:26). User: 3/4 16/9 Weegy: 3/4 ? Rehabilitation and extension of old waterways in the north proceeded simultaneously, so that in 1411 sea transport vessels could enter the Huang He mouth south of Shandong and thus avoid the most perilous part of the coastal route; then Chen Xuan by 1415 successfully rehabilitated the southern segments of the Grand Canal, and sea transport was abandoned. For a short time the Japanese were so docile as to send their own subjects to the Chinese court for punishment as piratical plunderers of the Korean and Chinese coasts. Yongle married Ren Xiao Wen, who became the Empress of China, but Yongle had several concubines, as had always been the case. Related Content He was considered an illegitimate ruler because he was not a rightful descendent. 20/3 Accordingly the maximum voltage output that can be achieved is a minimum of 1.2 volts down on the peak voltage of the AC input. 1360 CE) who had high ambitions of his own. No fewer than 24 emperors would reside in the Forbidden City in Beijing. It was the emperor's fifth such campaign and he ultimately paid the price for leading his army in person on the battlefield, as he had done ever since his days as a prince. b. Humanism provided more scope for secular individuals to act in a changing world. Question We would much rather spend this money on producing more free history content for the world. = 15 ? The Weegy: A modal verb (also modal, modal auxiliary verb, modal auxiliary) is a type of auxiliary verb that is used to Why was Yongle vulnerable as China's ruler? Answer: Frustrated at his inability to catch up with his swift opponents, Yongle fell into a deep depression and then into illness, possibly owing to a series of minor strokes. The Manchus' Road to China. 20/3 It spanned six decades in the 13th century and involved the defeat of the Jin dynasty, Western Liao, Western Xia, Tibet, the Dali Kingdom, the Southern Song, and the Eastern Xia.The Mongol Empire under Genghis Khan started the conquest with small-scale raids . Knowledge of the reign of the Hongwu Emperor's successor, the Jianwen Emperor (1399-1402), has been almost entirely lost to us as a result of the civil war and coup d'tat launched by his uncle, Zhu Di (Yongle Emperor). Answers answered: anannanekejdjd Frustrated at his inability to catch up with his swift opponents, Yongle fell into a deep depression and then into illness, possibly owing to a series of minor strokes. The emperor did hesitate for almost half a year before designating his successor, but then he complied with tradition by investing the dead crown princes son Zhu Yunwen, then only 15 years old. The emperor then threatened to send a punitive expedition against Japan if it would not reform. After his death, his son Hongxi took over. Opublikowane w 30 czerwca 2022 przez . User: 3/4 16/9 Weegy: 3/4 ? Compiled by 147 scholars and then revised by another 3000, the work had well over 22,000 chapters; the index alone took up 60 chapters. why was yongle vulnerable as china's rulercovid 19 business grants oregon. why was yongle vulnerable as china's rulermartin luther on marriage. One of his major goals was to take regional power away from the princes, and in 1398-99 one prince after another was imprisoned, exiled, or driven to suicide. Whatever his fate, nothing more was ever heard of the Ming Dynasty's second emperor. [ -is why Yongle becomes vulnerable as a ruler. ] His personal name was Zhu Di (Chu Ti). Giraffe Tribute to Emperor YongleShen Du (Public Domain). User: She worked really hard on the project. He was considered an illegitimate ruler because he was not a rightful descendent. His natural leadership qualities clearly outshone those of his many brothers. There he built the palace complex known as the Forbidden City. [ ]. 5. world, Yongle sponsored the massive and long term treasure voyages led by admiral Zheng He. 'Great Canon of Yongle') is a largely-lost Chinese leishu encyclopedia commissioned by the Yongle Emperor of the Ming dynasty in 1403 and completed by 1408. Similar effects resulted any time a ruler based in China decided upon a program to repair and augment the wall. Titan Casket is an American company, ships for free, and will deliver a high quality casket or coffin to Hunter Funeral Home in as few as 1 business days. At the heart of the complex, on the most elevated site, is the Hall of Supreme Harmony, where imperial receptions were held. Dinosaurs, like Winnie the Pooh, have traditionally been depicted as having very small brains, and therefore not being very intelligent creatures.It is true that, in general, dinosaurs' brains were much smaller than the brains of mammals possessing heads of comparable size. By that time the emperor had lost most of his early interest in the southern regions, and the situation was allowed to deteriorate until his grandson, the Xuande emperor, realistically, albeit with some humiliation, abandoned direct Ming rule of Annam in 1428. By the early 17th century, China was seething with rebellions and the Ming rule was disintegrating. 1982 asian games athletics; women's straw cowboy hats; We are open for business! Why was Yongle vulnerable as China's ruler? Yongle Essay. The Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) was a time when bans against commerce with foreign countries were lifted. In the early years of his reign, he seems to have been fascinated by the regions beyond Chinas southern borders, perhaps in part because of rumours that the Jianwen emperor had escaped overseas. The campaigns culminated in only a few battles, in which the Chinese forces won indecisive victories, but they had the effect of forestalling the development of a new large-scale Mongol confederation that might have seriously threatened China. -is what's meant by the phrase "The domesticated generations fell Weegy: A suffix is added to the end of a word to alter its meaning. C. The people were angry that he could not bring the southern provinces under his control. Thus the prince of Yan found himself steadily more isolated and endangered, and in August 1399 he rose in rebellion, declaring it his avuncular duty to rescue the inexperienced emperor from his malicious advisers. = 15 ? This makes sense, because the Chinese had used the volley technique for crossbows continuously since at the latest the Tang Dynasty, and probably earlier. Other tribes beyond the northern frontierthe Eastern Mongols, or Tatars, and the Western Mongols, or Oyratswere too disorganized to do more than struggle among themselves.