Just watched the Vinegar Syndrome explanation video they shared with the March slate. Protecting and preserving genre films since 2012. www.VinegarSyndrome.com. But now I find myself eager to do it all over again. Turn on the slow cooker. What about Subscriber related discounts during the Subscriber Week period? Vinegar Syndrome is a film restoration and distribution company with a catalogue of hundreds of feature films, produced primarily between the 1960s and 1990s. Also smart: Use lemon juice or apple cider vinegar as a marinade before searing meat. By and large boutique labels are setting the gold standard for physical media home video collecting - and Vinegar Syndrome is no different. |#Collector #ManVfilm #BoutiqueBluray Not that itll be the same but itll give me the idea. The benefits are absolutely massive. It was either place a big order for loads of releases I've missed or grab this, and I went with the releases I've missed. Sometimes I feel like they oversell with these hyperbolic generalized hints though lol, Dead Heat is SUCH a good VS grab! Simply put, the term 'vinegar syndrome' describes a chemical reaction that deteriorates motion picture film over . The VS Film Club is a subscription package of Vinegar Syndrome releases delivered to your door every month like clockwork. Our namesake is a constant reminder of what we're fighting against. Learn About Our Pro Search Subscription Service: You will receive a shipping confirmation email with tracking upon shipping. I'm going to delve into some Pros and Cons of the subscription platform and then speculate what it might be like if other labels adopted a similar option for physical media fans. We will be offering Subscriptions during this seven day period, along with all kinds of other goodies and deals. Still have a question? Can we pick up our orders at your retail stores in Connecticut or Colorado?The Archive locations in Bridgeport, CT and Aurora, CO will have all the new VS related releases in stock starting Friday, November 25th. From their description..no one here works for Vinegar Syndrome (that I know!) For more information on Black Friday sales at The Archive retails locations, please visit www.browsethearchive.com and/or follow the various social media accounts. All rights reserved. What a crazy sounding lineup though. VinegarSyndrome.com Deal: Free Shipping on US Orders Over $75, Canada Orders Over $150 and International Orders Over $225 at Vinegar Syndrome (Site-Wide) Applies Site-Wide. Please make all purchases in person at the stores. If you're someone searching for films in order to discover the inner meaning of the human condition - unless you're up for a variety of psychopaths - this really isn't for you. Intro:. Can I track it?We ship Internationally via FedExInternational.You will receive an email notification with tracking information once your shipping label has been created. #10. As an adult, I worked at one of the largest Hollywood Video stores in the country during the company's death rattle. As hard as I've tried in the past, I'm just not wildly into anime outside of a few select films. The first seven days of the new year will be a celebration of all things VS (especially since it will mark our 10 year anniversary!). When does Partners Only month start and end?December 1st at 12:01 PM EST thru December 28th at 11:59 PM EST. Posted by ImageMirage. The ultimate objective of VSL will be to see if these types of films will find an audience, and if so, pursue and release more of themand even if not, still serve as a means of restoring more of the weird, rare, and unusual movies you might not expect from Vinegar Syndrome. The VS Film Club is a subscription package of Vinegar Syndrome releases delivered to your door every month like clockwork. Immediately after completing checkout on a Subscription, qualifying products will automatically be discounted to 50% off SRP and future orders will automatically be added to your first Subscriber package for the month of January. SKU: VSU-002 BOX Quantity - + Over 1000 left in stock My checklist Have it Need it Contact us Details We're excited to finally reveal our second VSU release: Lance Mungia's late 90s iconic midnight movie/video store classic, SIX-STRING SAMURAI! VSP, or Partner Labels. But at the same time, I do pay out of pocket for a lot of favorite titles each month. Free Shipping: US/Canada orders over $100 & International over $200. How do I tell if a release is VS or VSA, VSU, VSL etc? And we're not done yet: All subscribers will receive exclusive 50% off SRPdiscounts good for each and every title released by our sub-labels in 2023:Vinegar Syndrome Archive (VSA), Vinegar Syndrome Ultra (VSU), Vinegar Syndrome Pictures (VSP), Vinegar Syndrome Labs (VSL) (see below!) On our website, the SRP is the higher figure dollar amount with the strike through. The caramelized burn that occurs when protein and fats in meats and poultry are cooked at high temperatures accelerates the formation of AGEs.Luckily, Mount Sinai research shows the lower temperatures and added moisture of slow-cooking curbs AGEs, making for healthier meals. Im terribly upset I wasnt able to afford the Halfway subscription for Vinegar Syndrome last weekends sale, it got me thinking though about the actual Black Friday sale, how much was last years full year of all the titles. And were not done yet: All subscribers will receive exclusive 50% off SRP discounts good for each and every title released by our sub-labels in 2023: Vinegar Syndrome Archive (VSA), Vinegar Syndrome Ultra (VSU), Vinegar Syndrome Pictures (VSP), Vinegar Syndrome Labs (VSL) (see below!) Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. One version of the Vinegar Syndrome subscription includes a range of their adult new releases. Well, logistically, combining pre-orders with sale orders has long been an extremely complex process that gets more and more difficult every year. Simply put, the term vinegar syndrome describes a chemical reaction that deteriorates motion picture film over time. The festivities at VinegarSyndrome.com will kick off exactly at 12:01 PM EST on Sunday, January 1st and will continue through Saturday, January 7th at 11:59 PM EST. All other orders will begin shipping out on Monday, December 5th. Do you have a day-by-day breakdown of what products will be added? For the first seven days of 2023, movie lovers can get a special subscription on the Vinegar Syndrome website, which will grant them all of the coming year's branded releases at 50% off the. Copyright 2023 Vinegar Syndrome. Inventory in this section may be limited, so it will be first come,first served. With the new year will come the introduction of a new VS sub label: Vinegar Syndrome Labs (VSL). And since they're sent right to me direct, I don't have to weigh options or wait for reviews and then hope to remember to circle back to them in time for a sale. VS Archive releases (and anything else for that matter) can be purchased separately from VinegarSyndrome.com and included for free in your monthly VS Film Club package by selecting the free 'Include with' shipping option. As the name implies, VSL will serve as a kind of testing area for releasing genres and eras of film that one might not immediately expect to come from VS. Short answer - yes it was for me, but it might not be for everyone. If your package has been stuck for 30 days or longer, then you can reach out to us and we can figure out a solution for you. In 2020, due to USPS service delays and bottlenecks, we decide to discontinue shipping via Media Mail. Old Favorites & New DiscoveriesI was a video store brat in my day. I paid for Priority shipping, why hasnt my order shipped yet?The term Priority refers to the 23 day shipping service provided by USPS. *By completing this form you're signing up to receive our emails and can unsubscribe at any time. There is nothing you get exclusively, so especially if you're new to Vinegar Syndrome i would advise against getting it. If you are still confused, check the individual products pages once the sale goes live to see whats include in your subscribership. Just pay for shipping on your first order, then select the free "Add to my existing order" shipping option throughout the week. The home video collector's market has shifted enough to Blu-ray that Vinegar Syndrome will only be releasing Blu-ray/DVD combos in 2019. The latest reviews on all things 4K Ultra HD, blu-ray. As a Subscriber, you'll not only get every single 2023 VS branded release (including all slipcover editions, mystery and surprise titles, etc.) Filter Sort by "I Do Not Care If We Go Down In History As Barbarians" w/SLIP $25.99 9 Lives of a Wet Pussy $22.99 A Climax of Blue Power $22.99 A Dim Valley w/SLIP $24.99 A Thousand and One Erotic Nights 1 & 2 $22.99 A Touch of Genie $22.99 A Woman's Torment What payments do you accept?We accept all major credit cards and PayPal.We also accept check and money order payments. Could label-specific subscription services be the answer for boutique outfits catering to enthusiasts while preserving classics on Blu-ray, 4K Ultra HD, and DVD? During the Partners Only month of December, ordering VS titles will be disabled, BUT all Partner Label releases will be fully available and shipping. Around 8:30, for a split second, a list of favourite movies pops up on the screen. When, where and what is the sale?Black Friday (BF) at VinegarSyndrome.com is a yearly tradition for fans of genre film! As with each of our sub-labels we are hoping to expand and defy expectations with the diversity of films we restore and release. #6. Powered by Shopify. Please allow up to 24 hours for tracking data to appear in Canada Posts website. App, Exploitation, frontpage, Horror, LTD-INSTOCK, max-qty-2, new-disc, slipcover, Thriller, VS, App, frontpage, Gothic, Horror, LTD-INSTOCK, max-qty-2, new-disc, slipcase, Supernatural, VS, App, frontpage, Horror, LTD-INSTOCK, max-qty-2, new-disc, Science Fiction, slipcover, VS, Zombie, 2023SUB, Action, App, frontpage, LTD-INSTOCK, max-qty-2, new-disc, slipcase, VS, 2023SUB, Classic Erotica, frontpage, LTD-INSTOCK, max-qty-2, new-disc, Peekarama, slipcover, VS, 2023SUB, App, Exploitation, frontpage, LTD-INSTOCK, max-qty-2, slipcover, VDAY2023, VS, 2023SUB, Classic Erotica, frontpage, LTD-INSTOCK, max-qty-2, Peekarama, slipcover, VDAY2023, VS, Classic Erotica, frontpage, LTD-INSTOCK, max-qty-2, partnersonly-disable, VDAY-SALE, VDAY2023, VS, VSFEST2022, App, Comedy, frontpage, Horror, LTD-INSTOCK, max-qty-2, slipcover, VS, Zombie, App, frontpage, Horror, LTD-INSTOCK, max-qty-2, slipcover, VS, App, frontpage, Holiday, LTD-INSTOCK, max-qty-2, Science Fiction, Shock, slipcover, VS, 2023SUB, Action, App, deluxe-box, frontpage, LTD-INSTOCK, max-qty-2, SW-JAN-2023, VS, App, frontpage, Horror, slipcover, SW-JAN-2023, VS, App, frontpage, Horror, LTD-INSTOCK, max-qty-2, slipcase, SW-JAN-2023, VS, App, frontpage, Horror, LTD-INSTOCK, max-qty-2, slipcover, SW-JAN-2023, VS, 2023SUB, Action, App, frontpage, LTD-INSTOCK, max-qty-2, slipcase, SW-JAN-2023, VS, 2023SUB, App, frontpage, Horror, LTD-INSTOCK, max-qty-2, slipcase, SW-JAN-2023, VS, 2023SUB, frontpage, Horror, LTD-INSTOCK, max-qty-2, slipcover, SW-JAN-2023, VS, Mexican Gothic: The Films of Carlos Enrique Taboada, Cranialvision - VS 10 Year Anniversary Red Foil Variant - Screen Print, Cranialvision - VS 10 Year Anniversary Silver Foil Variant - Screen Print, Cranialvision - VS 10 Year Anniversary Edition - Hoodie, Cranialvision - VS 10 Year Anniversary Edition - Shirt, VS Logo - VINSYN 10 Valentine's Day Special Edition - Shirt, *By completing this form you're signing up to receive our emails and can unsubscribe at any time. I had to put myself on a schedule of grabbing at least one unseen VS title a week to keep up. If there has been no movement on your package for longer than normal please reach out to your local post office or FedEx facility first. *By completing this form you're signing up to receive our emails and can unsubscribe at any time. I'm guessing this is a typo? Vinegar Syndrome 2021 Halfway Subscription Package REVIEW - YouTube let's talk about all the VS releases included in my halfway subscription package - ranging from July to November! I mean, come on - with all of the great titles coming out from Kino Lorber Studio Classics, Criterion, Shout!/Scream Factory, Blue Underground - that'd a lot of coin. Plus if you dig Korean thrillers, they have a lot of great movies you otherwise wouldn't get to see here stateside. Otherwise, our BF2022 shipping rates will be: $6 Economy (FedEx Ground, FedEx Smartpost or USPS First Class depending on package size & location) $12 Priority (USPS Priority)* Canada = $8 (ships from within Canada via Canada Post) International = $17 (FedEx International) All free shipping thresholds will be disabled during the sale. Partner Labels to be announced. Blu-ray collection: 1199. Vinegar Syndrome Ultra Six-String Samurai $44.99 $59.98 Shipping calculated at checkout. No! Our namesake is a constant reminder of what were fighting against. Canadian startups in the consumer-packaged goods industry are hauling their products across the border and onto the shelves of U.S. grocery stores. If we put out fewer releases than predicted, we will issue coupons for the difference. Think we missed something? Vinegar Syndrome's EVERY 2021 Blu-ray and 4K UHD releases! VS still releases a good number of copies for non-subscribers, though. Im a Subscriber, how does Partners Only month affect me?There will not be any new VS releases in December, but you can still order Partner Label releases! How long will it take to get my package?Generally, orders placed with Standard shipping will arrive within 5 business days.