One of the most popular girls attending the Miramonte High School in Orinda, Calif., Costas was envied for her beautiful looks and privileged background. Look inwards and think with consideration before you speak. But when Berit Costas walked away from the witness stand, slowing her gait as she passed by Bernadette, the defendant turned away and never looked straight ahead again. Dont care how mean Kirsten was, that was uncalled for, you that defend Bernadette saying Kirsten was mean girl, do you realize Kirsten is gone forever, and will never be back, do you realize Bernadette took a Life! So Kirsten was a Bully, no right to Justify Bernadettes actions. She had a Childhood friend who was Popular, wonder she didnt go after her, and kill her, like Karen Severson. Can you give examples of Kirsten degrading others and thinking she is better than everyone? They were good about making you feel like you didnt belong. Note: features authentic historical information, and is not intended to represent current best practices on any topic, particularly with regard to health and safety. You need to get help for that, sweetie. The day after the arrest, the sheriff called a well-attended press conference. Rest In Peace Kirsten. I just hear she stays mostly to herself and dont see much of former classmates. Kellie Martin played the role masterfully. Santa Rosa Press Democrat Monday, June 25, 1984, Roseville Press-Tribune Monday, June 25, 1984. Killed a girl because you were jealous? Kids can be cruel, its always been that way. She wasnt into that game. Do you really think its acceptable to lure someone out of their house under false pretences and then expect a positive reaction if your lie is discovered? The Petaluma Argus-Courier Tuesday, June 26, 1984, San Francisco Examiner Thursday, June 28, 1984, San Francisco Examiner Friday, June 29, 1984. She liked mostly everybody. Naturally, you might be wondering about where Bernadette Protti is currently. Its patent that Bernadette had built-up animosity towards Kristen. Thats so hot, the girl says, and heads home. True if no one liked you she didnt either she was nasty to some people. Shut up already and get a life. You are right, (Kirsten didnt really bully Bernadette) around a friend she would throw ice at Bernadette, and tease her to show off in front of thier friend, (but girls will be girls). She let it be known. Maybe Snooty, but no Bully. Nancy was Sweet, she just took things the wrong way. The murder of her daughter, Berit says, was premeditated from the moment of the phone call. Her family was not the same. Bernadette admired and idolized Kirsten, her schoolmate. My kid knows better than to bully others. Well she had her Spirits and was funny ( if not funnier) like that. Nevertheless Kirsten will never be with us again, and there was no sense in murder (premeditated ) or not, it still happened. Kirsten and Bernadette were both friendly and nice girls. If Stacy Lockwood's funeral was Catholic, it would be unlikely the priest would wear a green stole and the casket covered in purple. Kirsten was lured out of her house under false pretences to a bobbie (sorority) dinner that didnt exist by someone she wasnt friends or even acquaintances with. Dee I dont agree with you, so Kirsten and them had you on a project assignment and they didnt include you in the circle, you ever thought maybe you gave signals you dont belong, or why didnt you ask them to allow you, people cant read minds. She was released the following year. So you are offbeat to, for defending a Killer. She may of just wanted to scare Bernadette so she would leave her alone (Bernadette) Bernadette took things way to personal, and, it became Personal.. Joe Kosla hi. What if what you and I perceive as not nice clothes were as nice as she opened bc her family wasnt wealthy? She refused to. It doesnt matter why and there are no excuses to take another persons life unless its to protect your own or your families . There have been a couple people in my youth that I thought were extremely mean to me. She didnt like their ways mostly. She can serve no less than one year and no more than nine until she reaches the age of twenty-five. Find out more here. There have been several changes in Orinda since Bernadette's arrest. The future is right around the corner, its a waste to go after someone cause the law didnt do their job. In PEOPLE, the article stated that Bernadette feared hurting her family by leaving them behind: If I kill myself, I will hurt people even more (my family). [13 May 1985, Arthur Lubow] I think its also safe to assume that her Catholic faith played a part in her decision. Youre going off a moviea fictionalized account. Bernadette was better looking then Kirsten. Missy was more toughish than Kirsten that took no crap. She calls to classmates to ask who made pompom girl and cheerleader. I must further observe that we have a kind of "Alice in Wonderland" situation here. Dont matter, been what 37 years. She didnt have time to (bully). I dont really care about your accusation, but its unnecessary and youre wrong. Society in the richest places raise their children to be obnoxious and unbearable little freaks. See how the most famous actresses of the 50s & 60s used Lustre-Creme shampoo, Gene Wilder talks writing & acting, movies & stardom, and working with Mel Brooks, See amazing pictures of elegant old Pasadena, California, from the days before cars, Vintage Tupperware: See 100+ retro plastic container styles, from the 50s to the 80s, How do you use a rotary phone? Whos to say she hasnt Murdered again, if so, she Covered her tracks better, and probaly let an innocent person take the blame and maybe jailed for it. Educate yourself about this case, you simple minded degenerate. Most teen girls are smart alecky and mean. They dont even bother to investigate her alibi to see if she was telling the truth? Bet you didnt walk on Water yourself as a teen, bet you were smart Aleck, most teen girls are, and they grow out of it, dont give them the right to be killed. Kirsten was one to always have fun, Was Orinda elite, yes, but they had a lot of wonderful people there to, and they helped one another. Theres usually a reason why. But those others today are still a lot of fun. To the fellow classmates of 1986 Miramonte, so sorry if your World crumbled cause it wasnt meant to be that way, but you got to know that it was t any picnic for Bernadette as well, and if she could set time back and do all over, she would of left the situation with Kirsten alone to start with. I know this because I was there in the same class of Kirsten and Bernadette. Very few that arent. Boys are Smart Aleck also, girls are Worse at it. I was shy, empathetic and depressed. What preppy teenaged girl doesnt think shes better than the next? Some girls considered all those girls Stuck up they considered Bernadette as well. As I also wrote to you in a previous comment, judging from your malicious, reprehensible comments and utter ignorance and delusion, your moral fiber is rotten to the core, and I pity any child subjected to your skewed guidance as their moral fiber will no doubt succumb to decay. We all have moved on, and went on with our Lives since that tragic episode. Maybe I made a mistake somewhere in the story (not sure youre mostly just saying I was not being honest what is that about?). What can you do? As with the earlier movie, it's a loose fictionalization of the 1984 murder of high school sophomore Kirsten Costas . Whats worse is how the media played into all of this and have portrayed Kirsten as a girl who deserved this kind of horrific attack, nobody deserves to be tricked, stalked and stabbed in cold blood at 15 out any age. If it was national news, I missed it. I believe Bernadette tried to friend her, and as I read and I do believe she acted on impulse, I believe she was just so enraged she snapped and did the (unthinkable). To suggest that Kirsten deserved what happened to her because she didnt appreciate the fact that Bernadette lied to her to get her out of her house under the pretence of a bobbies initiation dinner, is very, very sick and evil and I hope for the sake of others around you that you are on some sort of medication because you appear to have issues. No reason for Murder cause someone is what you arent, or ever will be. Did you ever think that she would not want to try to defend herself in court with letting out the terrible things Kristen said to her and how she berated her and others because she was sorry and she felt as though that would only add insult to injury to Kristens family?. Bernadette lived in a wealthier area than Kirsten. homely? Mats Kirsten probaly didnt like you, dont mean she was that way to everybody. Both girls attended Miramonte High School in Orinda, California. Poor bernadette seemed very vulnerable and in need of help. Several spectators at the trial were moved by the ninety-minute confession. I wasnt in the Popular, but those girls still talked to me and was friendly with me. If not, I doubt she worries about the past. Just hearsay. She called Bernadette on her bizarre behavior that night, and if Bernadette would of left Kirsten alone, it would of never reached that Point, and Kirsten would still be alive maybe even today. This is Bern or her sister, or even BFF. A cheerleader was found dead, and with the investigators having little to go on, they brought in the FBI, who made some astounding revelations. Paris Mahone, did you even know Kirsten? It doesnt sound as if Kirsten bullied Bernadette, other than the one comment about her ski gear. Reports suggest that Bernadette was sent to the Youth Authoritys Ventura School, and according to the CYA (California Youth Authority), she earned her high school diploma with a 4.0 average. They were friends from what I seen, they traveled in the same group and walked together with them. Kirsten was described as a cheerful girl by classmates, and I do believe for the most part, she got along with most her classmates and school mates. Anyone who defends her and likes her is a Pathetic Loser also. Hostile people do. Teenage years are hard on all of us. Im disgusted. Kirsten was a Bully, I had heard she was,, and heard she wasnt and it was hard to picture her as a Bully. I didnt hate either one, maybe they were Misunderstood, as for being Stuckup. Today, she has a career, is married and has children. It was a tragedy that affected so many lives at that time. If Bernadette was so Sweet, why did she watch 2 girls take the blame? Even if Kirsten was a Snot, she would of grown out of it long before now. I dont know why you are saying nice things about Kristen she was very mean and she said stuff that offended people she stop acting like she was innocent. Wish someone who knew facts would tell us about the real events leading up to Kirstens death. Believe me it was a 6 month witch hunt. They probably rubbed her the wrong way, or got on her nerves somehow. As for Bernadette, dont you think she paid for it, she cant show her face in fear of someone bringing up her past, it will always be there forever, so she got caught, and got hers I case you think she didnt. Being disgusted that the murderer allowed two innocent girls to be accused of the murder? She looks like she would have lit up a room. Dont trust someone like that. Police and friends are still perplexed about a brutal killing that so far has no suspect or motive only a pretty and popular 15-year-old victim. I believe they wouldnt allow you to read if you were in a group with them, thats there Nature towards people who they feel superior to. Yes the guys should of paid for it, but the Judicial System is funny that way, unfortunately the girls paid for it. To much at stake in the World than to be worrying about something that happened decades ago. Protti was arrested in December 1984, and she was charged with second-degree murder on March 13, 1985. However, she finally went home and wrote a confession letter to her mother. Kirsten never got to Cheer, go to Prom, Graduate or go on to College. Kirsten was very Popular, but there were a few a little more Popular, why didnt Bern go after them and befriend them, the girls on Homecoming Court, and in the Atlantis Club. Columbine has nothing to do with case and you know well that the two cant be compared. I think NOT! Thanks for visiting and for supporting a small business! Moreover, the 1994 movie, A Friend to Die For explores the same story. So RuPaul,Kelly and Sarah, you all need to get facts before you say Kirsten got what she deserved. Repeats itself, repeats itself, repeats itself, ugh. Upon her release, she reportedly changed her name. Does it make you feel good to knowingly lie about a dead murdered girl? Yes Kirsten May of been Snooty, but she was also adorable to those who knew her. People may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Put God first. I think Miramonte was like any School, you have your cliques and picks. It was on the Murder still haunts Moraga Residents. Admin Garret. And, of course, at her age, the perception made her quite bitter. Bernadette Protti also went to Miramonte High School, along with Kirsten. I only talked to YOU NEED TO LEAVE BERNADETTE TO GOD, AND YOUR NOT HIM. And the sister projected her crappy life onto her younger sister because she was unhappy. In the end, the wannabe cheerleader was found guilty of second degree murder, with the judge rejecting the idea that the murder was premeditated. If Bernadette isnt depressed it would be a Miracle. And Im sure Ms.Stuff and D and Beauty and the Beast are probaly still today If they want to be. Raising new questions about the micro-aggressions high-schoolers experience on a day-to-day basis, it offered a unique portrayal of the twisted psychological motifs that can lead an adolescent to commit a horrible crime. She apparently moved again and left the medical field, probably because her real name and location was outed by amateur internet detectives. The father was so ignorant and submerged in his cars he didnt even notice his daughters pain and problems. The school is planning a memorial that will likely be held Sunday night on the Miramonte campus. Bernadette went to school. She wasnt the Lonely girl with one friend, had Plenty of friends, was about as Popular as Kirsten was, just didnt see it.

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