Description: Lack of active managerial control as identified in monitoring and holding of fresh cut leafy greens under refrigeration, failing to adequately clean and sanitize food contact surfaces as applicable and failing to wash hands as needed. Refrigeration unit is inoperative and failing to functionally maintain temperature. Buildup of dry food on various utensils. REPEAT VIOLATION. Label all food with the name of the food and the date on which it was prepared. -No sign or poster posted at the handwash sink in the back handwash area to remind food employees to wash their hands. Find on Facebook. Dirty dishes and a tip for the waitress sit on a diner counter.Tony Kurdzuk | NJ Advance Media file photo. 201, south. Inspection notes: Dried food built up on slicer, grinder, prep bench, bins; spilled food in walk-in; open containers of vegetables stored under meats in walk-in cooler; bay sink used for food prep; lack of managerial control on license renewals, cleaning and sanitizing. Contact The COA Dept of Building Standards for further instruction. All rights reserved (About Us). Kurt Bresswein may be reached at Intake-staff receive application materials at our reception area on the 16th Floor of the Labor and Industry Building. "The goal is not to dock people for things," said Shannon Powers, spokeswoman for the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, which conducts many of the inspections. Use of and/or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement, Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement, and Your Privacy Choices and Rights (each updated 1/26/2023). And we asked the restaurants with the most violations (20 or more) what they've done to fix the problems cited. Refrigerated food stored more than 24 hours not marked with dates. Corrected. Disclaimer: According to the Department of Agricultures Food Safety and Laboratory Services division, inspections are a snapshot of the day and time of the inspection. Ready-to-eat food stored in fridge not properly dated. Chives stored in ice bin used for drinks. In addition, the Allentown Health Bureau investigates complaints of food-borne illness and adulterated food products in Allentown facilities. There are other violations not listed here that are classified under Good Retail Practices. Visit the link above to see the full list of violations among all categories. Monitor food temperatures during cold holding. "I think we've kind of learned our lesson and hope to do better going forward," he said. But it's a process designed to keep diners safe. Restaurant inspections are now available online from 2005 to the present. Dishes not cleaned properly; sanitizer not applied correctly, food production bowls used instead of sink bays. "A lot of violations makes it seem like there's a problem, but there may be not. 32 Restaurants That Passed the First Inspection with ZERO violation. Many appliances that were in storage area and equipment that was not being used were also removed from the premises during this time period. Monitor food temperatures during hot holding. Also, at the time of the inspection, violations are recorded but are often corrected on the spot prior to the inspector leaving the facility. For more information on how the inspections are conducted, view a list of FAQs. Reheat the chicken and monitor food temperatures during hot holding. If you're dining and see something questionable -- say, insects or vermin, cleaning supplies on a serving surface like a salad bar, or animals in the serving area -- you can call the Pennsylvania Agriculture Department at 866-366-3723 or fill out an online complaint form on the department's consumer protection page. Place fried items on an alternative surface to absorb the oil. Checking one place in the morning when everything is "nice and neat" can be very different from an inspection during the "controlled chaos" of a diner's lunch rush. ", Kelly McEwan | file photo. Dessert cooler not maintaining temperature. Inspection notes: A bird was observed entering through a propped-open door (it subsequently flew out); no detectable concentration of chlorine in the sanitizing solution at the three-bay sink; container of scallions found in the ice machine (ice used as an ingredient may not also be used as an exterior coolant); broken eggs shells were found in the bulk container of BBQ sauce, which was subsequently discarded; cooked rice scoop was stored in water at 100 degrees Fahrenheit, not in water maintained at or above 135 degrees, as required. The violations listed here are those that are classified as Foodborne Illness Risk Factors and Public Health Interventions, which can result in illness if not corrected. Response: A local manager said the leadership at the restaurant has recently changed. Observed that at 3 different hand washing sinks (buffet, kitchen, and employee bathroom) there were no paper towels present for employee use. Dead cockroaches were observed near water heater and also in the back paper goods storage room.. -Potentially hazardous ready-to-eat food prepared in the food facility and held for more than 48 hours, located in the display cooler, is not being date marked. Deteriorated back door has gaps allowing potential access to insects and rodents. Bain marie not keeping deli meats sufficiently cold. REPEAT VIOLATION. Eight full-service, fast-food and fast-casual restaurants received zero violations on their early-November health and safety inspections, including: the Subway at 12331 Towne Lake Drive No.. Description: Floors throughout the facility are dirty, greasy and must be cleaned. Cloth towels may not be used as a food contact surface. I'm in compliance.". Washing equipment had buildup of filth and food residue and not cleaned before use. Wooden pizza paddles and fridge gaskets held together with duct tape. Here are the results of food safety inspections in Lehigh and Northampton counties for the week of Feb. 16-22. Follow him on Twitter @SteveNovakLVL and Facebook. Raw, frozen fish being stored in old ice cream/dairy containers and other food containers which may result in allergen cross contamination. Raw chicken and eggs stored in walk-in cooler above ready-to-eat produce. ", Jan Somma-Hammel | Staten Island Advance file photo, Address: 2880 Center Valley Road, Upper Saucon Township. Do not store knives in the space between tables. Located in beautiful Northwestern Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, Weisenberg Township is 26.8 square miles of mostly rural, rolling hills. Ceiling vent above soups on buffet line was covered in dust. Crab meat and lobster meat not labeled as imitation on menu. As examples, he pointed to rules to keep canned goods off the floor, even if theyre closed, and the need to keep racks for glasses, even if empty of glasses, on a shelf rather than on the floor. Food stored in walk-in cooler lacked dates or codes. Visit the Restaurant Inspections Search webpage to begin your search. "I dont feel it would be appropriate to criticize or analyze the findings of the inspection. Restaurant's response: Finding some health violations is not unusual in the restaurant business, but nothing seen at Gourmet Buffet & Grill was serious enough to warrant a shutdown, owner Ken Lin said. While doing this the soup pot was stored on the floor. Corrected. Violations: Accumulation of dust and old food residue on the non-food contact surfaces of shelving in walk- in cooler. The Inspection Details can be accessed by clicking on the name of the food facility. Problems that can't be immediately fixed will be given a deadline, usually a month or two, in which a surprise follow-up inspection will be conducted. Dine-in service will be available, along with outdoor dining, takeout, and. Here is a . Restaurant's response: A general manager did not answer multiple calls to his cellphone for comment. -Time in lieu of temperature being used in the food facility to control ready to eat potentially hazardous foods without written procedures or documentation. I'm 51 years old and I've been doing this since I was 16. -Pork loin was observed thawing at room temperature on top of the refrigerator in the dish room, which is not an approved thawing method. Search by establishment type, name, hotel, inspection grade, address, city or zip code. Product must be thawed in a refrigerator or under cool running water that is 70F or below. Description: Employee observed preparing raw meat products feeding into ware washer and returning to service once again failing to wash hands." Any. Lehigh Valley restaurant inspections: Jan. Response: Franco Grisafi, the owners son, said turnover in the inspector ranks led to a new focus on small violations, and that his father has been in the restaurant business for 25 years. The calls were not returned. "I personally felt that the inspector did her job but could had given us a day or two to correct them. Address: 6896 Hamilton Blvd., Upper Macungie Township. All rights reserved (About Us). Restaurant's response: "We correct(ed) a lot of violations at the time. It can be difficult. Corrected, -Observed 3 handwash sinks with empty towels dispensers in the Bakery Dept. All violations were corrected within 48 hours," owner John Pittas said by email. Keep all potentially . The bench mixer on the floor extreme south east wall perimeter and base of dry storage bench shows droppings. Rubber scapula utensils used for cooking are deformed and misshapen from heat, and are not durable under normal use. Buildup of grease and old food on kitchen equipment. -Half & Half was held at 48 degrees F, in a small display cooler at the front counter, rather than 41 degrees F or below as required. Produce must be stored above raw chicken and beef. Employees not wearing hair restraints. The inspections listed here are those that fall under the jurisdiction of the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, as well as those county and local health departments that have elected to post results in the departments statewide inspection database. The inspections listed here are those that fall under the jurisdiction of the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, as well as those county and local health departments that have elected to post results in the department's statewide inspection database. Remove all items from this sink immediately. It is rare that health inspectors will immediately close a restaurant; that requires "an imminent risk to human health" like vermin or a sewer backup, Powers said. Response: An employee answering the phone says the restaurant took some time to fix everything and reopened. YouTubes privacy policy is available here and YouTubes terms of service is available here. Were trying to answer the perception that comes with the prior years inspections and show the staff is responsible and diligent, he says. Response: An employee told a reporter to call the health department, not call the restaurant again and hung up. Kurt Bresswein may be reached at We appreciate the vigilance of the local health inspection team and have taken steps to ensure that even the smallest requirements are met on a daily basis. For more information on how the inspections are conducted, view a list of FAQs. Restaurant inspections The Colorado Department of Health and Environment (CDPHE) publishes inspection reports for restaurants, fast food operations, delis, markets, cafeterias, convenience stores and other types of retail food establishments we or our delegated county partners have inspected. Ken Stevens | file photoKen Stevens | file photo, Address: 3779 Nicholas St., Palmer Township. Post a sign at this hand sink. Mold and mildew under prep equipment, in walk-in cooler and beverage cooler. -The handwash sink located in the mens and womens bathroom area does not have water at a temperature of at least 100 degrees F. -Pastellios were being hot held at a temperature of 111F, instead of 135F or higher as required. Take a look at Mcdonald's restaurant inspections. -Paper towel dispenser empty at the handwash sink in the front counter/prep area. Sincerely, The Bureau of Food Safety & Laboratory Services Staff . Address: 1985 Brookside Road, Lower Macungie Township. Employees not properly washing hands; handwash sink not easily accessible. Disclaimer: These records are sanitation and safety inspections conducted by the Division of Hotels and Restaurants on public food service establishments. -An open employee's beverage container was observed in a food preparation/serving area. Gap in rear door could allow access for insects or rodents. -The brush used for spreading the garlic oil was encrusted with old garlic and oil residue. Response: A manager who answered the phone said all violations were addressed but deferred further comment to the owner, who did not return a call for comment. Food thermometers not available or easily accessible. Repair or replace the affected units. Mops not hung to dry. "We weren't using it but it was in an area where it could be used," Petropoulos said. There are other violations not listed here that are classified under Good Retail Practices. Visit the link above to see the full list of violations among all categories. -The slicer, a food contact surface, was observed to have food residue and was not clean to sight and touch. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Advance Local. Feb. 10, 2023 HIGHLAND WOODS GOLF SNACK STOP (9100 HIGHLAND WOODS BLVD) Feb. 10, 2023 LOS TAQUITOS MEXICAN FOOD BIG MARTINEZ II INC (3305 LEE BLVD) Feb. 10, 2023 RED SOX JET BLUE PARK MINOR LEAGUE KITCHEN (11500 FENWAY SOUTH DRIVE) Food must be protected by being fully covered when being stored. Description: Bins of rice with loose lids in the kitchen are being stored next to a trashcan without a lid and employees are throwing trash from the cooking line into the trashcan. Milk containers reused to store house-made beverages. Inspection notes: Ice machine has some mold growth; rodent droppings under shelves; walk-in is dripping condensation into a bucket, exposing food to splash; ceiling and walls in basement walk-in are peeling and chipping and present contamination risk; chemicals in storage room stored next to condiments. Corrected. Also, at the time of the inspection, violations are recorded but are often corrected on site prior to the inspector leaving the establishment. -Several Food products in the ice cream area, kitchen, walk in cooler area stored open with no covering. City of Allentown - 435 Hamilton Street - 610-439-5999 The Rearrange these items. -Roach infestation both live and dead and observed on counters, bain marie and various equipment. 845 Linden ST Allentown, PA 18102. The full inspection report is available from that same screen. Sheet pan of wontons observed on top of open trash can.. We are definitely in compliance now., Address: 3395 High Point Blvd., Hanover Township, Northampton County, Description: Fruit fly infestation at bar area. Dirty ventilation ducts over food prep area. Chicken was reheated. -The hand wash sink in the kitchen was observed to have a dirty pan in it. Sinks next to food prep area overflowing with dirty dishes piled on floor. Equipment thermometer not available or accessible. Address: 1259 S. Cedar Crest Blvd., Salisbury Township, Violations: 20 (still out of compliance as of Jan. 24). Four years we never had these type of violations, Davis said. From diners to dives, high-end restaurants to fast food -- no one escapes the eye of the health inspector. Open containers of food stored in walk-in cooler directly under shelving with an accumulation product build up or directly on the floor. -Chicken was held at 110 degrees F, on a steam table, rather than 135 degrees F or above as required. Restaurant's response: A call for comment was not immediately returned. "Numerous open plastic bus tubs of raw and/or cooked items stored directly under rusty corroded steel racks with easily observable adhering dried food product on bottom of rack directly over open tubs. Missing parasite destruction records. Once again, crunched the numbers to see who had the most violations in 2019 and find out what they did to correct problems, both big and small. Address: 1162 MacArthur Road, Whitehall Township, Description: What appears to be gnawed yellow foam insulation and easily observable nesting observed in old bain marie that was converted to what appears to be a bakery area. Skip to Content. This room was not proposed /existing at the time of the opening inspection. Observed slow/clogged drain at the the . Buildup of old food on slicer, around fryers, refrigerator and floor under stoves. Corrective action was possible as products had been in the unit for less than an hour. Compliance: Out. -Raw chicken is stored next to raw pork in the walk in cooler with no barriers to prevent cross contamination. Response: This location has closed since the 2019 inspections. -Items were observed to be out of temperature in the pull out drawers below the bain marie units along the cook line. Description: Ice machine in basement and also food shelves are directly under sewage lines and subject to contamination. LEHIGH ACRES. Susie's Shady Nook. -No sign or poster posted at the handwash sink in both restroom areas to remind food employees to wash their hands. This sink shall only be used for hand washing and must be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition at all times. This guy just caught us from left field. Still, he said the Italian restaurant is taking steps to ensure that those do not appear again -- the entire kitchen staff has health certifications, rather than the required one person in charge. Cockroach and rodent droppings were observed in the kitchen area underneath bags of rice and behind the refrigerators.. The restaurant was reopened for business the very next day. Hot held items must be stored above 135F. of Agriculture Food Safety Inspection database. Containers of flour, starch and sauce dont label the contents. -Raw chicken and beef were stored above produce in the left downstairs walk in cooler. Here are the results of food safety inspections in Lehigh and Northampton counties for the week of Oct. 28 to Nov. 3. . Dirty dishes are being stored in a bin on a trash can that comes in direct contact with the handles of utensils stored near by. Floor near cook line is cracked, damaged, and no longer cleanable.. -Food employee was going to wash hands at the prep sink rather than the designated hand wash sink. *CORRECTED*. YouTubes privacy policy is available here and YouTubes terms of service is available here. To better connect consumers with the inspection reports, the department last year unveiled an app searchable by restaurant name, city or ZIP code. Monitor all canned goods and remove all dented and distressed cans from use. Why one board member is criticizing process, New Jersey trooper shooting suspect caught, departments statewide inspection database,, Pennsylvania Dept. Do not use this unit until it can maintain temperatures below 41F. Slime residue on drive-through soda fountain ice chute, lid of burger bain marie and elsewhere. Inspection notes: Food employee's beverage container at the dish machine was not lidded, as required; sugar scoop was stored with the handle touching the product; no detectable concentration of chlorine in the final rinse cycle of the low-temperature dish machine; some pans were stored on the floor of the kitchen; slicer was dirty; floor under the oven is dirty; outside of the grease dumpster had an accumulation of grease on it. stored directly on walk-in cooler floor. -Knives were stored in between prep tables. Address: 2555 Easton-Nazareth Road, Palmer Township. Dennys worked to correct all of the previous violations and passed the most recent inspection on December 2, 2019, the Dennys Corporate PR Team also said in response to an inquiry from See which of your local eateries had violations last week. REPEAT VIOLATION FROM MULTIPLE INSPECTIONS IN 2015, 2016, AND 2017. Response: A manager says that his restaurant has complied with everything the city has required. Roaches in all stages of life cycle observed under metal sheeting/shelving area behind three bay sink, under back splash to three bay sink and scrap out area at ware washer and on inverted milk crate used for heavily soiled food processor. Food buildup seen on cutting blocks, cutting boards and other food prep surfaces. The inspections are meant to ensure customer safety in the food industry. Items are to be rearranged on the shelf unit. So, with that safety in mind, we once again dove into the Agriculture Department's public database of restaurant inspections to see how the Lehigh Valley's eateries fared in 2018. The following Dauphin County restaurants were found to have violated Pennsylvania's health and safety regulations during inspections between Sept 5-11. Results of food safety inspections in Lehigh and Northampton counties for the week of January 7-13. . Health inspectors conducted more than 3,700 assessments of 3,000 food-service facilities in the Lehigh Valley in 2019, uncovering 8,000 violations. Plumbing system not maintained in good repair - observed water filter leaking at the ice machine. Food workers not wearing hair restraints. "It's hard (for an inspector) to not find a violation. Here are the results of food safety inspections in Lehigh and Northampton counties for the week of Oct. 28 to Nov. 3. Foods not stored at appropriate temperatures or properly dated. Calls to a managers cellphone were not returned. But they get corrected. Raw pork stored above raw lettuce in refrigerator. Food thermometers not available or accessible. Kitchen handwash sink blocked by dirty dishes, not always accessible to employees. Shapiro Administration Awards $200,000 to Grow Hemp Industry; Invites Proposals for $. Inspection notes: No detectable concentration of chlorine in the solution in which the wiping cloths were stored; individual was observed eating in the kitchen; paper towel dispenser at the hand sink at the front service counter was empty; cutting board was not sanitized after being washed; fruit flies were observed in the kitchen. To read full reports on each inspection, visit. LEHIGH COUNTY. -Pizza sauces, various cut vegetables, raw shrimp and raw chicken containers stored in bain marie equipment on the cook lines are being stored open with no covering. Also, the time of day could influence things. Saucon Valley Country Club main clubhouse, 2050 SAUCON VALLEY RD BETHLEHEM, PA 18015. Closing the restaurant was overkill and not necessary, especially since everything could had been corrected on the spot and after the closing hour (during the night and overnight) when we close the restaurant. Check out the latest inspection report on restaurants and retail food facilities across the state. Hot held product must be stored at 135F or higher. If you purchase a product or register for an account through one of the links on our site, we may receive compensation. Walk-in cooler shelves lined with cardboard inhibiting the air flow circulation. Some fish and imitation seafood are misbranded. Use of and/or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement, Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement, and Your Privacy Choices and Rights (each updated 1/26/2023). ", Rachel Sonnenshine | file photo. Hand wash sinks may only be used for hand washing. -Refrigerated ready to eat, time/temperature control for safety food prepared in the food facility and held for more than 24 hours, located in the reach-in and walk-in coolers, is not being date marked. Response: Employees said a manager could talk about inspections, but that person did not return calls for comment. That would had been a cause to immediately shut down the restaurant in my opinion.". Date mark TCS foods. -Egg rolls and chicken in the refrigerator next to the front counter, and food stored in the walk-in cooler are stored with no covering or a covering that is not placed properly to fully cover the food. -Utensils observed in the handwash sink under the bar, indicating uses other than handwashing. Inspection notes: Ice machine has black and pink slime (turned off until follow-up); moldy food in walk-in cooler, some stored without lids; dirty, "uncleanable" strainers; dust, dirt, residue on equipment and floors; cutting boards, baking equipment not cleaned regularly, evidenced by old food/mold growth; live roach seen; leaky plumbing; live fruit flies in bar area; 2 dead fruit flies floating in liquor bottle. Kelly McEwan | For lehighvalleylive.comKelly McEwan | For, Address: 7720 Main St. Unit 7, Upper Macungie Township. (COMING SOON: LEHIGH VALLEY RESTAURANTS WITH NO HEALTH CODE VIOLATIONS IN 2019). Floor not easy to clean because of cracked tiles; loose flooring in walk-in cooler gathers stagnant water; cardboard used as a floor cover. (Berks, Delaware, Lehigh, Northampton) 1015 BRIDGE RD, COLLEGEVILLE PA 19426 610-489-1003 Fax: 610 . Also, at the time of the inspection, violations are recorded but are often corrected on the spot prior to the inspector leaving the facility. For more information on how the inspections are conducted, view a list of FAQs. Date: 10/15/18. Food/ beverage contact surfaces, such as coffee pots, must be washed in the wash-rinse-sanitize method. Food residue on soda gun nozzle in the bar. The truth of the matter is that there was no contaminated or hazardous food found during the inspection! |Login, City of Allentown - 435 Hamilton Street - 610-439-5999, Authorities, Boards, Commissions & Councils, Allentown Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps (AVMRC), Sexually Transmitted Disease/HIV Prevention, Non-profit Temporary Food & Distribution Application, Pop-up & Seasonal Temporary Food Application, Food Service Violation Ticket Appeal Request.