2018-1504 - Rezoning Property Owned by the Katawba Valley Land Trust, document Header Not all building is prohibited in the required open spaces. 2020-1690 - Authorization of the Creation of the Harris Mill Residential Improvement District, document Header (803) 684-2341 Fax: (803) 684-1705 City Hall 10 N. Roosevelt St. York, SC 29745. Version Two of Manual J reorganizes the presentation of material provided in previous 2015-1348 Nutramax Fee Agreement, document Header 2017-1484 - Authorization of Fee Agreement with Fab Fours Inc. document Header Ordinance 2015-1355 Amended Budget for 2014-2015 FY, document Header It is the setback in the Discussion Draft. Ordinance 2015-1324 - Multi County Industrial Park between Chesterfield and Lancaster Counties relating to enlarging the park and extending the termination date fo the Schaeffler Group USA, document Header 2021-1768 - Rezoning Property Located at 327 Monroe Highway from LDR to GB (Applicants William and Blanca Cox) (RZ-2021-2327), document Header Ordinance 2015-1372 Bradley Mullis rezoning, document Header 2017-1452 - Amended Fee Agreement with AG-APG Edgewater Property Owner, LLC, document Header 2017-1464 - Rezoning Property Owned By Pamela Stewart, document Header 2018-1521 - Amend the UDO regarding Conditional Use Appeal, document Header 3 Table of Contents . 2016-1426 amendment to OCI Group FILOT agreement, document Header document Header 2018-1496 - Rezoning A Portion of Property for Robert Wilson, document Header 2019-1611 - Amending The Lancaster County Code Related to Residency Requirements, document Header If you are looking to get power/saw service for your construction site, you will need to contact the electric provider for the construction location. 2018-1505 - Rezoning Property Owned By The Lancaster County Water Sewer District, document Header stormtech sc-740 units bottom of unit elev.= 356.0 bottom of stone elev.= 355.5 inv. 2016-1428 Transfer of property to the Town of Kershaw, document Header Matt Olberding. 2. iwi masada aftermarket parts. Ordinance 2016-1396 Transfer Property to the Town of Kershaw, document Header 2020-1661 - Authorization of a Fee Agreement with Remac Corporation D/B/A McClancy Seasoning Company, NBI Investments II, LLC & NBI Investments III, LLC, document Header 2017-1438 - Amend Chapter 6 of UDO, document Header 2018-1541 - Authorization of Fee Agreement, Fee-in-Lieu of Taxes and SSRC with Nutramax (Project Pepper), document Header Building; Floodplain Development; Grading; Guidelines for Political Signs; Sign; Zoning. 2022-1836 - Authorization of an Amendment to the Special Source Revenue Credit Agreement with Studio Displays Inc to Add T&T Capital LLC With Retroactive Effect, document Header 2018-1519 - Amend the UDO regarding Removing Solar Farms being a Conditional Use Permitted in Zoning Classifications RR,RN, LI and HI, document Header 2020-1696 - Authorization of the First Amendment to the Special Source Revenue Credit Agreement with Unique USA, Inc. document Header 2019-1628 - Authorizing And Approving The First Amendment To the Fee Agreement for RV-Imagitas LLC and Lancaster Real Estate Group LLC, document Header 2017-1457 - Repealing Section 12-21 of the County Code Related to Solid Waste Collection Business Licenses, document Header 2022-1829 - Removing Certain Property from the Roselyn Residential Improvement District, document Header Pleasant, South Carolina Code of Ordinances. 1821 Sandal Brook Rd. Superb craftsmanship, the building has been in constant use as a courthouse since its completion. 2021-1710 - Rezoning Property from LDR to PB (Applicant Redwood USA, LLC)(RZ-020-2650), document Header 2016-1421 FY 2016-2017 Budget Amendment, document Header 2020-1676 - Amending the Lancaster County Code Related to Alarms, document Header Guards on the open sides of stairs shall have a height not less than 34 inches (864 mm) measured vertically from a line connecting the leading edges of the treads. 2017-1448 - Lease of Property to IL Fire Dept, document Header 2021-1703 - Approval of the Wilson Creek Development Agreement (Applicant Provident Bayard, LLC)(DA-020-2054), document Header Marion County . 2021-1759 - Rezoning 2 Parcels of Property from AR to LI (Applicant Shaun Williams) (RZ-2021-1233), document Header (Cherokee, York, Chester, Lancaster, Chesterfield, Kershaw, Aiken, Lexington . 2017-1429 - First Amendment to FILOT for Akzo Nobel Coatings Inc, document Header outdoor lighting, parking, signage, building height, setbacks, open space, and the like. 2019-1617 - Amending the Unified Development Ordinance to Remove the UDO Advisory Committee, document Header 2020-1674 - Amending the County Code Relating to Parliamentary Procedures for Meetings, document Header 2019-1616 - Rezoning Property Owned By Donna S. Patterson From MX To NB (Applicant Sam Levin), document Header 2019-1584 - Rezoning Property Owned By John Hunter Griffin Family Limited Partnership from LDR to GB, document Header Ordinance 2015-1330 - Rezoning Merrifield Property, document Header 2018-1503 - Budget Amendment for FY 2017-2018, document Header 2017-1471 - Authorization of Special Source Revenue Credit Agreement with Danny Simpson and Simpson Electric Company, document Header 2020-1658 - Amending the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) regarding Public Notification, document Header Ordinance 2016-1391 Rezoning of property - 1391 Riverside Road, document Header 2018-1490 - Rezoning Acreage in Bailes Ridge from PDD-5 to PDD-27, document Header The Performance Standards set forth herein. document Header 2022-1830 - Amending Chapter 7 of the Lancaster County Code to Adopt Updated Uniform Building Codes as Mandated by the SC Building Codes Council 2022-1836 - Authorization of an Amendment to the Special Source Revenue Credit Agreement with Studio Displays Inc to Add T&T Capital LLC With Retroactive Effect 2022-1815 - Rezoning 5 Parcels from General Business District (GB) and Light Industrial District (LI) to Institutional District (INS) for the Purpose of Building a new Detention Center (RZ-2022-0978), document Header Kershaw County Planning & Zoning provides quality customer service as we promote current and long term development standards for unincorporated areas of Kershaw County. Roofing and Siding Permits. 2022-1810 - Rezoning Property Located at 7984 Taxahaw Road from RUB, Rural Business District, to AR, Agricultural Residential District (Applicant Nathaniel B. Purser) (RZ-2022-0672). Ordinance 2015-1375 Amended FY 2014-2015 Budget, document Header 2017-1430 - Rezoning Property Of Elizabeth Hill, document Header 2019-1582 - Rezoning Property Owned By John Thomas Dallas (Applicant Kenneth Starnes) from LDR to NB, document Header Guards on the open side of stairs shall not have openings that allow passage of a sphere 43/8 inches (111 mm) in diameter. 2019-1601 - Amending the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) regarding Chapter 6.11, Street Names And House Numbers And Chapter 6.12, Uniform Addressing And Numbering, document Header 2018-1538 - Authorization & Approval of Conveyance of Three Parcels of Real Property to the Katawba Valley Land Trust, document Header 2021-1704 - Adopting Amendments to Elements of the Comprehensive Plan By Adoption of the Southern Panhandle Small Area Plan, document Header 2019-1607 - Amending the Unified Development Ordinance Regarding Chapter 2.5, Chapter 5 and Chapter 10 to Accommodate Operations, Maintenance, And Fleet Service Facilities, document Header 2019-1576 - Rezoning 2 Properties In Indian Land (Tax Map 16, Parcels 8 and 9) From GB and LDR To RB, document Header Ordinance 2015-1376 Department of Lancaster County Economic Development Budget, document Header Mt. 2019-1619 - Adopting and Approving the Lancaster County Solid Waste Management Plan As Revised, document Header 2019-1620 - Amending the Unified Development Ordinance To Allow Three Family (Triplex) Dwellings And Four Family (Quadraplex) Dwellings As Permitted Dwelling Types, document Header Ordinance 2015-1329 - Amendment regarding Hwy Corridor Overlay District, document Header No. Coordinator List. Residential Patio Covers and Carports 2012_patio-covers-carport Ordinance 2015-1361 Rezoning of Covington Development Property, document Header 2020-1645 - Correcting a Scrivener's Error in Ordinance 2019-1620, document Header 2021-1762 - To Provide Guidance in Response to the South Carolina Enactment of the Open Carry with Training Act, document Header 2017-1443 - Rezoning Property of UHF Development Group LLC, document Header 2018-1540 - Rezoning Application of Bowman Consulting Group, LTD, document Header 2016-1416 Rezone Blackwell property (Little Dude), document Header 2020-1684 - Amending the Code of Ordinances Related to Rehabilitation of Historic/Low and Moderate Income Properties, document Header Call 811 or 1-800-331-5666, or submit an online request. 2016-1411 Rezoning 1456 Kershaw Camden Highway, document Header This office also enforces Zoning and Land Development regulations through Code Enforcement activities. The SC Building Codes Council reviews and either accepts or denies requests to modify the building codes issued by the International Code Council (ICC). Ordinance 2015-1354 Rezoning property of Red Ventures, document Header