They showed it was hedgehog proteins. Today I took a cold shower from home and my son is not there and I did it just because I wanted to have the mood affects the norepinephrine that's been shown to be increased and it was much colder. You know, there are genetic polymorphisms. Yeah. You should when they start to go there, I'm like, you should have a hard time and you should judge. Her multivitamin alone contains 2,0010IU of vitamin D. In the past, she has stated the vitamin D brand she uses is Thorne D3 which offers 5,000iu and 1,000iu capsules. And that usually, like animal studies show that that can they can stay elevated for like 48 hours after that. She's got this crazy. I was asking him, was it Halstrom or is it. Wow. So don't forget, use the promo code. It's in a dark bottle. That's great. The cold shower, sorry, the cold shower. Check out these Podcast Notes from Rhonda's last appearance on Joe's podcast; BPA. You know, I mean, I still think exercise. So there's studies there's been some large scale and genetic studies that have found that Asians, about 20 percent of Asians have a basically a nucleotide change in a gene that encodes for a protease that's involved in this, you know, basically in allowing this virus to get into the cell. Intro. I'll have one sent to you. I be here forever. Or find out how you can speak to an attorney for advice on the right estate plan. Yeah. They didn't do anything wrong. It has to be something you can just, you know, do it when you need to find a trainer, just find someone that can I mean, you can learn a lot online, but you have access to resources. Like, it's kind of interesting, that viral dose, at least with influenza. They did. And it's it's you know, we're slowly getting to the to the point where we're going to have more and more where it's just like you have to have easy access. And I'm typically like you know I'm like my, my meals that are like, you know, low carb, like I usually like I eat more like a paleo ish diet, you know. There are. Do you. Yes, YouTube channel found my fitness and a website found my fitness and found my fitness Instagram. Have you had an MRI? You suck. I forgot the the duration, but they're you know, they they were much less likely to come down with the common cold. And so as a protective mechanism to not get burned, you have melanin which protects you. The Russians like to do that. OK, what is so good about. They're like they're like directly heating. You're really sweating up a storm in there. But TMJ is, what am I saying, the right thing. Ropin. But if you take it like, you know, four times a day, you can stay at 220. We wanted to get one here. Because the thing is, like you are getting this incredible cardiovascular exercise because your heart's beating like crazy and, you know, you're not doing cardio persay, but your heart rate goes get jacked because of the heat and the stress. They built a business. You really need to find someone who's willing to go. I got I get addicted sometimes to things that are really hard to do, just like so in my mind I'm like because it's so hard to stay in there for 20 minutes at two hundred, ten degrees. You're not always getting sick. Learn more about Dr. Rhonda Patrick. Like he had. So it's thought, oh, well, the same we're seeing the same, you know, pattern where people with Type O are protected from sars-cov-2 possibly. So so then I found out I was pregnant and so I was like, OK, well, I can't go back to the dentist. It's horrible. So then I went they were all jumping in the lake after and I'm like, I'm going to just sit on this patio. I know. It doesn't do anything. A link has been established between stronger immune systems and vitamin D levels. I mean, it's. Yeah. And once you go above that, like when you if you take 500 milligrams of vitamin C orally, you start to excrete a lot in urine. Angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) as a COVID-19 treatment? I love it. Yeah, it's interesting. Remember, that's the big lady that was showing you earlier. I mean, there are those people to. I think all of those things play a role. How about this one. Yeah. If the levels are 20 ng/ml to 29 ng/ml, it is inadequate. Like you're like I'm already physically active. OK, that's not what strikes me that because he passed out like this flyer because it's like we were doing all these events, you know, all these events were happening and this flyer passed out and was like, we're reading it. I do. That's amazing, as is the pregnancy, and he's like, no, he's like we get women coming in here after, it's like worse. Well I would wonder and I know there's there's supposedly some sort of Harvard study that's ongoing right now measuring all sorts of markers in people that have done hot yoga and whether or not it mimics heat, shock proteins that are created in the sauna. You know, so like the EU receptor, the EU is part of the renin angiotensin system. Twenty five minutes on a stationary bike and same things are happening, you know, like blood pressure goes down afterwards, heart rate variability improves, you know, so same things are happening. I got to write so up like pour the for the water on the hot rocks to like just get it really feeling really hot. I'll be willing to do it. Promoting strategies to increase healthspan, well-being, cognitive and physical performance through deeper understandings of biology. Oh man. I did a sleep study once because of sleep apnea. Yes, yes. So your body sort of develops its own ability to absorb more vitamin. So I mean, there's there's differences in I mean, so it depends on how long you're staying in a cold, you know, water, cold shower, like actually being submerged like from like if you're like in the ocean or something or a lake and you're like from your shoulders down, like that's probably much more powerful than just having a shower. The sugar though is what helps the fermentation and helps the fungus grow. She has dedicated her research career to finding proactive and preventive solutions to aging and longevity. I mean, there's been some small studies looking at you're talking about performance enhancements. Oh, don't say that. This is what I try to explain to a friend of mine who was on the podcast who read the comments. Yeah, what what dose do you recommend for intravenous vitamin C? Month to month and a half or whatever, and we kind of like my team and I just drove in and put together an article, released a podcast on it, a video where we just kind of covered everything. It's an annual day, a holiday dedicated to Trager that encourages our entire nation to grill and celebrate all things. There's a reason for his enthusiasm: vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins of all, yet also one that people are commonly deficient in. And that's why fire application that comes with the Trager Grill has fifteen hundred plus recipes. It's so simple and it's so delicious because it's just fire and wood. It really has a big difference in my cardiovascular activity. I'll send it to you. And it was bad. I don't want to make people feel bad. But what is known is that people with type of blood are are less susceptible to contracting covid-19 that's that's definitely known. So there's lots of things. It's like the best way to get to that. So I thought that was, you know, interesting. It's a game changer. Like, can you wear a mask for a couple of months and like, here's why it's not going to work to just have the people that are vulnerable wear the mask because the cloth mask isn't going to prevent them from getting, you know, the aerosolized drop if you're spreading it and asymptomatic, which is that it's been shown that you if you are asymptomatic, that CDC study I mentioned a while ago about how symptomatic versus asymptomatic after a week when they came back to measure the people again, they found that out of the 13, 10 of them actually did get symptoms. It's like like it's like my my teeth get dirtier. But, you know, there's there's lots of there's lots of possibilities. Oh, I think that I think things are going to I mean, I think that these therapeutics can start the monarchal. And I had a so like one of my old colleagues and science colleagues was telling me that like they were measuring some samples from like different CBD products and like the majority of them didn't actually even have much CBD in them at all. It's like this like and now I'm, I'm guarantee you it's just pure form and all kinds of things need to do more. And right when it all went down, I was like, OK, one day, one day later, we'll do it. There's like all this stuff about you bleeding, your gums bleed. Totally have it. I used to deliver newspapers, so every morning I was up at five o'clock in the morning and I was also doing comedy. And there's there's all sorts of incentives for being hypercritical. you must be in the tropical central belt, all of us in canada feel really bad for you. You know, it depends on on what virus you're looking at. We're not hearing what can you do to strengthen your immune system. Her podcasts and other videos can be found at Anyways, so I go back to dentists, we do the x rays and I'm like, oh, you're going to tell me about the stupid cavities? Adding supplements to a healthy diet will most likely not hurt anyone. I don't know all the specifics of that. And because I was like, is that like an Ignacia thing? It got worse. But, you know, I'm not a physician and medical doctor. We know that elderly people are more prone to a severe form, but it just made me think, what if this you know, previous previous viral exposure to something like CMB is is kind of like also kind of shaping people's immune responses in some way? There's been studies African-Americans are severely deficient. He came up with this machine. Yeah. In addition to her recommendation of vitamin D, Rhonda has an essential supplement list including: Melatonin Subscribe to our channels. And in a time when it feels like the world is stopping, they will emerge on the other side of this crisis and show that life goes on just like their distillery has lived through and survived so much. So he said, well, listen, if if something compressed it, something can decompress it. And we'll have to start slowly because you have to adapt. I usually use it at home, but sometimes I use it here when I like, right after workouts like if I workout I try to get a workout here before, you know, like before do podcasts and I'll time it so they have an extra hour so I can get in the sauna. That's how I felt. I'm not saying that vitamin D is going to prevent you from getting covid-19 or it's a treatment, although I am involved in a clinical study where we're going to be testing a very small open arm study we can talk about. So it's not like damaging your own cells. They either increase or decrease it a lot of times with like hormones, you know, vitamins, things like that. We really have to stockpile food. So, I mean, there's and it's funny that because it's kind of connected to this antibody dependent enhancement, there's there's been quite a few different like forms like mutations that have been identified. You know, if you if you eat enough of that, you should be getting enough. My guest today is a treasure, one of the smartest human beings I've ever met. I told him, I'm like, I'm going to do some reading research and see if I can find, you know, if there's any, you know, possibility that don't have to, like, get a filling. All right. Because you have two showers in the shower. So, you know, while I've had some training in immunology, I definitely, you know, didn't know, don't know everything there is to know. I used to do yoga a lot, but, you know, I became a mom and it's like I mean, like I used to work out, like, you know, twice a day, twice a day. He's given us gave us this new platform too. Totally. They they call it the Banyo. Oh yeah. If you take like a 200 milligram supplement, you only raise your levels to like 90, so it's not much over that like baseline. But I think it was a month. And it's just anyways. L.A. or the California gets worse. So it's a little it's different, but it's something that, you know, she's got to prove that it's safe before, like the FDA will allow her to even like continue on to like like to study how it affects depression. Vitamin C is important for making collagen, converting dopamine to norepinepherine (important for the fight or flight response), and is an . Bourbon has been designated an essential thing at this time, which I'm all for, that tours at the distillery have been suspended in light of the covid-19 pandemic. So what's interesting is that most people that are sick eating, let's say that people are just eating like five, somewhere between five to nine servings of vegetables or fruits a day. It has like a little tongue depressor. And he's like, it's still daytime, daytime. That's how I first got in that one of my first biological experiments ever because I was a chemistry major in college. They beat each other with this these branches that are wet. I'm like, bro, I so I did that 200. But the fact that it has been shown to to treat to improve sepsis outcomes in multiple, you know, studies. What difference? Like I went to Finland a few years ago. It's really awesome. That's right. Back when I was in grad school, I was doing squats and I was using the stuff and then I was doing, I guess, what are they called? He's he's a genius. So our sauna is like it's pretty small. And the United States published an article this week in the journal Cell that highlights the potential use of Lamba antibodies to prevent covid-19 infections. It's been known for years. But but the popcorn. Hydrolyzed Collagen I mean, yeah. You should look into the blue light. While this is all going on is pandemic. I genuinely do. But can you measure he talks about team the bath versus. And then like, if you if you become addicted to it, I mean, it can like you can like go through a series like Die. It's super easy to keep the temperature exactly where you want it to. This is not the plague that we thought it was going to be. A two and a ten degrees. Yeah, that's the sign. And you can't say it does this. Yeah, that sounds like too much. I think they call it like first they first of all, they call it sauna, sauna and they call it weird. Even if even if they're wrong, they just love to, like, fixate on confirmation bias. But but I know I'm sorry to interrupt you, but do you believe it's important to take it orally as well as I.V.? They were created when the American pioneers followed the buffalo herds to the Kentucky River, that's when they made it. I think. I was I was searching for that the other day. Right. You can get too much. I think it's because it's the carnitine. Adding on the sauna, which mimics moderate physical activity that's been shown. And so you want to give them a higher dose, you know, and and for, you know, doing doing fifty thousand I use weekly isn't, you know, something that's necessarily going to be toxic or anything like that. But so it wasn't a great experience because one, there was this guy who snored all night too, because it was snow camping. And it it it had a pretty powerful antidepressant effect, very similar to Charles Raisen study with the hyperthermic chamber thing. Right. Like I said, I just got a sauna. He's he's an interesting guy, but he had like people come started doing yoga and they're naked to Jesus. But what would cause other than something like that, what would cause all of these prisoners to not just be positive? I mean, you know, vitamin D is something, again, like 70 percent of the US population has insufficient levels. It's CLV sounds like something Godzilla finds. And this it was happening in March. So a subjective measurement would be a clinical clinical person, like measuring a whole battery of things they do. So he came up with this machine and what this machine, the reverse hyper does on the lift, it's strengthening the lower back muscles. You know, it's actually I was talking about my glucose monitor, my continuous glucose monitor. Posted on But you probably have to go crazy, is it? And I'll be I'll be honest, I stopped wearing my watch and they're so not measuring my heart rate anymore. If they use this on a four to seven times a week, they're 40, 41 percent less likely to come out the after correcting for socioeconomic status, physical activity, cholesterol, lung, you know, smoking, COPD like asthma, all those like, you know, lung disorders. But what happens is basically the antibody binds that. It's called the DEA. Well, it's just they say things that they don't really know what the fuck they're talking about. It's intense. It almost seems like there's multiple viruses. That's a giant factor in your immune system. The most kids get it by the time they're two, like, there's no vaccine that that that's given. There's your immune system. The full extent of vitamin's D impact has yet to be fully understoodnearly every cell and tissue in our body has vitamin D receptors (proteins that bind to vitamin D); and in its active form, vitamin D can interact with the vast majority of the body's cells. Absolutely. With all due respect, because I love the guy, but he's riding the air time machine in a fucking sauna. Yeah. What is it? Now, I'm like, we've got to be careful. The other study, it was like, oh, it reduces the duration by like four percent, you know, basically nothing. But I want to know how I really feel about this and how I really feel about this is very different now versus the way it was in March, because in March I was concerned and I was like, Jesus Christ, this could be terrible. Yeah, it is horrible. Like, I want to get I need to like I need a measurable like I need something to measure. Popcorn will spike it really bad. And and so I have a knowledge base here. That's OK. Yeah, Zink's another one that's really, you know, important for immune function as well. I mean stuff goes wrong. We're in school work and our office and our cubicle. Oh I mean I think that that going to basically like having a good circadian rhythm and, and like bright light exposure in the early morning, like it really does help. And they have fantastic grub's. I like, you know, like so. It's thought the sars-cov-2 also does it because it goes through the same enters through the same receptor. Saying that I want people to think I'm saying it's a treatment, I just want to it's a hypothesis that needs to be tested. Yeah. Has it not been well understand for like 20 years that not getting any sun has negative impacts on how you feel? All right. And so, like I do about six minutes and it's so easy for me. So I don't know why I'm embarrassed by eyes watering if you're nervous. It's not going to be forever? There's been small trials showing that people doing a sauna. It's probably the message you and say I'll do it. I'll show how it works before. And all the, you know, studies that have shown that on top of that, I mean, that's like it's it's super intense. Why says who? Yeah, for Jamie, can you pull up filmi fitness and there's a vitamin C topic page so that we I can answer that question better because there's just there's a graph if you just like scroll to the graph, there's like all this is on your website, which tell everybody I found my fitness dotcom vitamin C or episode page of the podcast. So it's like meat and vegetables, like, you know, my meals don't get me over one hundred for sure. I got it probably right after the last time I was on here. Woo woo. That's coming up. She didn't figure this out. So I have I do the Philipps you wear at like five o'clock, all the lights in our house go red. Where else nor I think New Orleans as well, they've looked at patients that have died and their vitamin D levels, and in Britain, basically, like in the Philippines, you know, people that for like every standard deviation increase in vitamin D levels here in vitamin D levels, you know, the people had like an eight percent or eight fold, eight times less likely to have a severe form of covid-19. Now, there's another study that did look at humidity and the effect of humidity on basically like the ability of your epithelial cells in your airway and nozzles and stuff to filter out particles and particulate matter and like viruses and stuff and humidity actually made a big difference. Look, I have conversations with good friends all the time and even on the podcast where I disagree with them. Steam. Dr. Rhonda Patrick (@foundmyfitness) has a Ph.D. in biomedical science and is an expert on nutritional health. And I want to I want to have an honest take on it. Have you ever done the cold shower after your sauna? It has those inversion tables which are great for, you know, the same thing. And I was like, says, you have to you can't wear any clothes or some suit or anything. Yes. When this definition is used, the majority of the world is either deficient or inadequate. So I think, you know, there's there's lots of avenues for, you know, therapeutics. I think that the I don't think the sleep stage is accurate was because like that's like you have to like measure brain wave like it's measuring, it's I'll tell you why, because I've had multiple incidents when I was nursing my son back when I was nursing my son where he was on a nursing pillow. It's like like three hours before shelter in place was put in California. So having lower levels may somehow even help protect against. I was actually doing it once a week before. And there are people with different variations in genes that are related to vitamin D metabolism where they have lower levels and they need a higher dose. You're going to be paying a lot out, but you got to 220. That's a lot. And he was like, you wouldn't be able to breathe in that temperature, would it? Dr. Rhonda Patrick ( @foundmyfitness) is a Ph.D. in biomedical sciences and the founder of Found My Fitness Host: Joe Rogan ( @joerogan ) Immune System Function and Relationship to SARS-CoV-2 What can you do to strengthen immune system? And he's like, no, I go, listen, I have to go, but you got to do something about it. Unless it's if it's a hundred and ninety or a hundred and eighty eight then I'll do twenty but yeah I do twenty five at one hundred and eighty as well. You're in there. It's just a cable that comes to the floor in. To get an outcome. I just I thought everyone that listened to your podcast that everyone is millions of you. But then as you drop it down, it swings low and it actively decompresses all of your discs. I mean it hurts, everything hurts. You'll peak at around five hours after. It's just going to overall improve the way you age and that's going to make you more robust and resilient to anything, you know. You know, they're kind slower, a little more decrepit. Severe covid-19 illness that's not been shown like it's not been shown at all, so but it's interesting, right? Probably got a lot of pent up energy. OK, well here's my way. Yeah, it is. So the one that I drink is two grams per serving and there's two servings so there's only four grams of sugar. So many debates about it. And then, so then the next day I would like look forward to doing it to see if I could do it easier again. You know, that is such a crazy number. So it does make sense, but I don't. Look at that graph. But I was like, it's got to be killing these things though. When you look at your musculature, the large percentage of it is from the waist down. It is really delicious. Meat. Quercetin Oh, we're kind of in your face. That's actually being explored as a potential therapeutic. And I freak out and I scream. Have you been like writing? Was burning my ears and my so we were, it was dry for us so I wasn't, I wasn't experiencing that as much but I had to like get on the floor because like I felt like my hair was going to fall out, like I was burnt, you know, it was just so hot. D. in biomedical science from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis TN and St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis TN.. What fish oil does Rhonda Patrick take? I cook on one of these grills at least three or four days a week. Everyone's on the routine. Archived. So I think it's 2014. I think that's going to make a big difference and test. This alleviates suffering and then puts the body in homeostasis. But but like there's something like I've done the sauna and then gone into an ice bath. So I think that people designing clinical studies like they need that needs to be in their mind before they design their trial. So there's a lot of people in the United States, as you mentioned, you make it from the sun. So like people like giving giving the vaccine people's immune response, some people can have that antibody dependent enhancement. Soft martial arts taichi choung not in groups Chee Kong. Inflammation plays a there is like a huge link now between the immune system, chronic inflammation and depression, brain function in general, brain ageing, but inflammation. Yeah. But the cold shock, you ask me, cold shock proteins, that that hasn't really been measured in humans. That's why it's so rough with all those people stuck inside and stressed out, you know, all the financial pressures that people are experiencing right now because of the lockdown. You make it from UVB, radiation exposure. You know, good electrolyte I guess with the sodium. But so in areas where people are going to be exposed, perhaps you could give it to them and it would stop them from getting. My fitness Twitter. And then when comedy clubs are about to open up, then I'll start writing again. So heat, shock proteins which do like amazing. It's like so taxing. Right. The only way you're going to know that is by, of course, measuring your vitamin D levels multiple times and then potentially even doing like a genetic analysis, you know, as well. The one that I'm getting, it's like it's found it like Whole Foods and sprouts and it's don't have the same amount of active culture though. I'm not an immunologist and not an infectious disease expert. Mine's mine's right here. I miss taking my son to the park. They really are when it comes to things like that. It doesn't do much for the common cold, but when you take two grams, it can help.