94931 95007 [CDATA[ var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-7204929-1']); _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); (function() { var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 95637 91607 92869 94037 95160 90202 95762 94604 95468 When is the Motoring Event? Best Other Honda 2nd 90020 95814 95923 95225 Here you will find car shows listed for California. 95234 check traffic going to the event - live Sig Alerts 90007 90746 92317 92507 California Car Shows - CarShowNationals.com California Car Shows 2022 California Car Shows California Car Shows by the month: January February March April May June July August September October November December January 12, 2022 January 22, 2022 January 23, 2022 January 28-30, 2022 February 12, 2022 February 19, 2022 February 26, 2022 92121 95490 95054 If you enjoy them and find them useful, please consider supporting us by joining the American Car Culture Association. 92782 Another popular and more laid back car show, Beach Cruisers Meet is held in downtown HB and the Huntington Beach Pier. 93642 92305 93727 91502 94306 95347 92423 any car older than 25 years can be legally imported anywhere in the US and registered AS LONG AS it passes your local emissions laws. 91609 LACar.com is a brand wholly owned by Local Automotive Media Inc., a company based in Los Angeles, California. 91313 SELL YOUR VEHICLE 95940 92033 This includes an EPA and California emissions label attached to the vehicle. 95121 95625 95837 93960 91744 92339 92663 The Sacramento International Auto Show stakes its claim at the Cal Expo, featuring models from iconic brands such as Bentley, Ferrari, Rolls Royce, Porsche, and Lamborghini. 92244 If your vehicle was manufactured after 1968 (cars) or after 1978 (motorcycles) and it does not comply with EPA or CARB emissions requirements, you can contact CARB for information on what to do. 95136 92003 Best Civic 1st 93278 Major Sponsors: Rolex, eBay Motors, Hagerty, Where: Ventura County Fairgrounds in Ventura, California. 95156 Held Annually in Late August. This applies to gasoline vehicles manufactured after 1968. 93604 91733 94559 93607 90026 95045 91962 94269 93649 For nearly two decades the Import Car Show, the precursor to what . 93388 90671 90802 92243 95991 92135 94027 95627 95406 90091 If you know of a show that isnt on our list shoot us an email with info and we will get it added, info@carshowsnow.com. 92260 93625 92661 Major Sponsors: OReillys Auto Parts, 805 Beer, Vintage Ford Parts. Welcome to RHD Specialties. 93793 95306 94262 91614 94556 Feel free to read all our legalese here 1867 Spinnaker Drive , Ventura Harbor, 93001, 1563 S. State College Blvd., Anaheim , 92806. 93062 96016 93235 96155 95409 95746 These direct import laws make it very expensive to bring a car into California compliance. No state can boast more "Cars & Coffee" events than California. 92255 92309 90018 94172 95654 Details: This Goodguys show is open to all hot rods and classic cars. FUNDRAISER/CAR SHOW for Wounded Warrior Project April 15,2023 8-10 am registration. 93447 95992 Saturday, 10 September, 2022 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Event & Festival Contact Japanese Classic Car Show Event, Marina Green Park Email: gojccs@gmail.com Phone: (562) 472-4562 Event Organizer Website 92223 95717 91913 93203 2009-2023 - Copyright Notice - 93386 94278 90405 91979 96024 95129 95376 93619 95380 92038 94061 93013 93445 92311 90311 Best Domestic Car Best Dj's, stunning models & the best vehicles you can imagine. 95403 __ATA.cmd.push(function() { __ATA.initDynamicSlot({ id: 'atatags-1596587221-63fe0cc819151', location: 120, formFactor: '001', label: { text: 'Advertisements', }, creative: { reportAd: { text: 'Report this ad', }, privacySettings: { text: 'Privacy[], LOS ANGELES STAND UP! Fast forward 15 years, JCCS has become one of Southern Californias premier car gatherings. 95138 91916 96087 91910 91722 92331 94089 Podcast. 95140 90734 94505 94952 93464 90034 92530 #custom #truck #chevy #classic #chrome #whitewalls #carshow, Clean Culture, NORCAL Season Opener, 2023, IMPORTEXPO x CALI CREAMING Los Angeles Opener 2023, Goodguys 39th Grundy Collector Car Insurance All American Get-Together, Silverado Campout Car Show Swap Meet, 2023, Goodguys 22nd Meguiars Del Mar Nationals, Motors For Minds Firefighter Charity Car Show for Mental Health, 15th Annual Cherry Festival Car and Bike show. This is mandatory for vehicles manufactured after 1995. 2. 95650 93610 90835 90406 , Newport Beach, 92661, 12pm on the second Saturday of every month, 24001 E. Santa Ana Canyon Road, Anaheim, 92808, Saturday, September 18, 2021 from 10AM - 2PM, 13685 John Glenn Road , Apple Valley, 92308, 21901 Railroad Canyon Rd. The show is held from 10:00 am until 4:00 pm ad brings car enthusiasts from all over the Southern California area to enjoy the show as well as socialize and learn a great deal of information on these great automobiles. 94617 91804 93429 95128 94605 94999 Kern County Fairgrounds in Bakersfield, California Exhibitors include domestic and imported passenger cars and trucks, sport utility vehicles, and concept cars. 93775 94622 95109 94575 Register your car before we run out of spots in the car[], Are you ready for Silverado 2023!?! 96014 93448 95118 Your email address will not be published. 95220 Some of the classic cars we offer include Subaru Impreza WRX, Nissan Skyline, Mazda RX7, Nissan GTR, Toyota Hilux, Mitsubishi GTO, Mazda . 92780 Tweets by @carshownational The DMV is unable to guarantee the accuracy of any translation provided by the third-party vendors and is therefore not liable for any inaccurate information or changes in the formatting of the content resulting from the use of the translation service. 93771 94209 95610 92399 96073 94014 94103 92143 95101 94298 Participate in the model lounge, model search, or model activities on the Hot Import Nights Tour. 93458 This multi-day show includes a car cruise, auto auction, art gallery, and the show gathering on Pebble Beach golf course for the awards ceremony. 94591 92261 95955 94018 93515 92583 You can test drive cars, trucks, and SUVs by the major manufacturers. 91362 By CSZ Creator (Jeff C.) February 12, 2023. 95864 94920 When a random car drives by and revs up, the pets are in extreme pain. 90251 15 years ago a group of Southern California car enthusiasts got together with the idea of putting on a new event one that would celebrate vintage Japanese automobiles and the culture that surrounds them. 91793 Upcoming Car Shows Upcoming Events in Northern California Including: Car Shows, Swap Meets, Motorcycle Events & Races March 2023 Sheridan Car Meet The Sheridan Car Meet is the first Wednesday of the . Details: Over 1000 classic cars, motorcycles, and special interest vehicles attend. 95943 94267 93664 VIDEOS. 94248 92623 . 95418 95103 The Let's Roll! 93261 95348 95912 91322 2790 E Del Amo Blvd., Rancho Dominguez, 90221, 1201 S Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, 90015, 17229 Lemon St. Suite A-2, Hesperia, 92345, 23645 Creekside Rd. 90278 94102 94557 91016 91381 95043 90848 90248 91046 93455 93717 91912 She was on Bitchin' Boot Camp and Monster Garage. 93428 95254 91915 95918 "Our Inventory Speaks for itself". 90504 91403 91771 95865 Where: San Diego Convention Center in San Diego, California, When: December 30, 2022 thru January 2, 2023. 60s to Neo Classics 90s. 91001 Podcast To Catch Up and Talk About His Time On Monster Garage. 96105 94118 92554 93612 91387 92177 92544 95405 92257 93094 92149 93724 92707 93535 92153 90058 95640 91792 This year we have some exciting additions to our format in[]. 93262 91409 95659 94497 92039 95248 95913 90054 94088 93274 90222 93436 92806 93020 93291 90087 Vicari Auction @ Dezerland Action Park Orlando, Massachusetts Car Shows and Cars & Coffee, New Hampshire Car Shows and Cars & Coffee, North Carolina Car Shows and Cars & Coffee, South Carolina Car Shows and Cars & Coffee, West Virginia Car Shows and Cars & Coffee. 93108 92871 93514 92411 92059 92086 91752 LOS ANGELES STAND UP! , Santa Clarita, 91355, 18090 Chatsworth St, Granada Hills, 91344, Every First and Third Thursdays of every month 6PM-8PM, 1609 Hawthorne Blvd., Redondo Beach, 90278, 1609 Hawthorne Blvd, Redondo Beach, 90278, Hwy 101 from D St. to H St., Encinitas, 92024. 93306 95621 We invite wheel fitment nut jobs to showcase their amazing[], Join us as we come back to Irwindale Speedway for an unforgettable time with the best cars and vibes. 92519 02 Mar 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM 91522 92368 92708 90076 96013 90290 91377 At the time this was a pretty bold idea, as classic Japanese cars had yet to reach mainstream acceptance. 94402 ImportFest is a car show that started in Toronto, Canada in 2001. An out-of-state title (or other proof of ownership). 95442 Major Sponsors: CarQuest Auto Parts, Mothers Polish, GM Performance, Ford Motor Co., Budweiser, and more. 95916 I had to get letters from both sides, Honda of Canada and US Honda, to certify the car was importable as-is and had no recalls. 92415 Black: Stock. 96074 93962 95827 94807 96143 90661 The DMV is unable to guarantee the accuracy of any translation provided by Google Translate and is therefore not liable for any inaccurate information or changes in the formatting of the pages resulting from the use of the translation application tool. 93505 95158 94145 90702 THE LA SUPERSHOW SHOW HAPPENING MARCH 4th, 2023! 92092 Most of our advertisements are generated by third party ad networks and are not necessarily identified as paid advertisements. 91730 Judging based on quality not quantity. 93442 94589 96121 95661 91205 95212 93844 94131 93227 95970 93716 94951 95372 95067 94534 Best Mazda 93012 95562 92341 The 2023 San Diego International Auto Show will take place Dec 30, 2022-Jan 2, 2023, featuring more than 400 over the latest new models, a dozen test drives, exotics, automotive products and much more! 95157 90715 92007 93405 Submit your show here or get a Featured event here, Contact Car Shows Now: info@carshowsnow.com, Car Show , Donut Pit, and MUCH more! 92277 90755 #carshow #hotrod #ratrod, Get out and see some cars! 94164 94660 94558 95969 90706 95204 This 3-day show has been running since 1986 and is a real favorite for classic car lovers around the world. 41888 Motor Car Pkwy, Temecula, CA 92591-4651, United States Sat May 20 2023 at 09:00 am Apr 01 Kyle Hebert Signing Event. 95949 91226 95206 92551 92866 92627 94011 Over 50,000 "truckers" head to Dallas Texas each year for this spectacular, interactive showcase of the best trucking has to offer. 93611 93270 92515 We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. 95245 93755 96078 92389 91104 For registration and directions, click on the city of choice here. Most Flyers are in Adobe PDF format - Get Acrobat Reader Free Here ------ V = Vendor Space Available Southern California - LA County | Orange County | Inland Empire | San Diego County 93527 You may be able to find a free car show, while others may donate their proceeds to charity. 90073 90060 90404 93204 91334 91602 93888 (pre 1980 Jeep truck/car Motorcycle class) Jeep 4door clas. 92517 94539 91316 95684 95044 92508 The cars in this show are typically woody "woods" and classics with . 95070 93623 93528 95799 91732 What documents do you need to get an AB 60 license? 93407 93380 93120 94621 90241 If you know of a show that isn't on our list shoot us an email with info and we will get it added, info@carshowsnow.com. 92618 96134 94005 93707 91980 94970 94122 94247 95062 91426 91702 92650 91903 93609 93705 94508 94957 Find information & tickets of upcoming Car Shows events happening in San Diego. Copyright Law. EXTERIOR BODY 20 pts Event organizer looking for a sponsor? Whether you are a B.C. 92078 93314 93730 92812 95329 91009 Best Acura 2nd No glass bottles are allowed anywhere at IFO events. 94548 94923 When you pay all your fees, DMV will issue a one-time, 30-day temporary operating permit to allow you time to complete the other vehicle registration requirements. 96114 95635 92626 94552 94010 95817 90639 95968 Car shows typically involve at least a few hours of walking or standing, so you'll want to make sure you're dressed appropriately. 95467 Best Toyota 90701 More Home About Photos Videos About See all Posting Automotive Events in Southern California Group Page: http://www.facebook.com/groups/215069268533844/ 20,014 people like this 20,746 people follow this Company Photos See all Page transparency See all It's just that we LACarians have to eat too You understand, right? 91739 95361 92413 92589 Driving simulator. 95330 93925 Details: Over 1200 classic cars, motorcycles, and special interest vehicles attend. 93007 95497 93199 Lets Roll! 93701 94535 95018 92347 95305 90062 91408 93630 San Rafael, CA. If you don't see the city you are looking for, choose the closest city and drag the map with your mouse to show the area you want. 92606 You will also want to bring a jacket or raincoat in case the weather changes suddenly. 95154 93453 92168 Preparing for a standard, commercial, or motorcycle knowledge test? 93150 95552 92014 92075 93440 91203 92263 94038 96019 94850 They were honest with what needed to be done and the cost. 93933 96124 94282 92220 94579 Include Club name, website link, point of contact name, email and phone number (phone is not required). 92887 See you there! 94208 Now 40 and living in Huntington Beach, Miyoshi is the godfather of the import-car-show scene, a Southern California-bred subculture that has sped into the mainstream, spawning films such as the . 92202 96128 95715 There is no shortage of . 1919 Verdugo Blvd., La Caada Flintridge, 91011, 6060 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD, LOS ANGELES, 90036, 2001 E Orangethorpe Ave, Placentia, 92870, 9015 Adams Avenue, Huntington Beach, 9264, 17031 Newland Street, Huntington Beach, 92647, 937 S Thornburg Street, Santa Maria, 93458, Escondido, West Grand Avenue, Escondido, 92025, Old Town La Verne (3rd & D Street), La Verne, 91750, 30770 Russell Ranch Rd., Westlake Village, 91362, 598 W Hillcrest Dr., Thousand Oaks, 91360, 2350 Porter St. - DTLA, Los Angeles, 90021, 8205 E Santa Ana Canyon Road, Anaheim, 92808, Second Saturday of every month from 9-11 AM, 21351 Pacific Coast Highway, Huntington Beach, 92648, 17769 Santiago Blvd. 90012 That is why I have made listing your auto event easy and free. 92688 94019 92662 93105 92674 90411 Vehicles (and engines) imported from other countries must meet the requirements of the following agencies: If your direct foreign import vehicle was not originally manufactured to meet California emissions standards and DOT FMVSS, the vehicle cannot be registered in California, unless the vehicle is modified and tested under CARBs direct import program. Best Subaru 91117 96032 92182 94610 90272 California Classic: Import & Truck Bash: Speed Sports Expo: Texas Heatwave: Escape to the Pines: FreakFest: Cruisin' Brea: Truckin' Nationals: 93923 95798 92071 95663 94153 91934 96050 95546 92301 After receiving your score card at the front gate, park inside the yellow tapped off show area. 90844 95606 94509 95251 92840 93928 95614 92103 We accept forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation, however, the compensation received will never influence the content, on this site. 91341 94806 94620 May Madness Car Show. 94712 90083 93434 91361 93502 __ATA.cmd.push(function() { __ATA.initDynamicSlot({ id: 'atatags-1596587221-63fe0cc835b77', location: 120, formFactor: '001', label: { text: 'Advertisements', }, creative: { reportAd: { text: 'Report this ad', }, privacySettings: { text: 'Privacy settings', } } }); }); The 14th annual Born-Free Motorcycle Show is happening June 24-25 2023 at Oak Canyon Park in Silverado Ca. 90509 95813 92019 92008 95471 90410 92020 90064 Ste B, Claremont, 91711, 546 West 6th Street, San Bernardino, 92410, 245 No Harbor Drive, Redondo Beach, 90277, Every Thursday from 6pm until dark - April through September, 28410 Vincent Moraga Dr. #3654, Temecula, 92590, 11am on the first Saturday of every month, 2099 E Orangethorpe Avenue, Placentia, 92870, 32880 Pacific Coast Hwy, Dana Point, 92629, 926 W. Orangethorpe Avenue, Fullerton, 92832. 95547 90293 95412 91507 November 3, 2022 Here is a list of Biggest Car Shows in California Grand National Roadster Show Car Show Details : Where: Fairplex in Pomona, California When: February 3-5, 2023 Details: Over 1200 classic cars, motorcycles, and special interest vehicles attend. 90032 92407 91941 96145 92123 92197 93653 91188 92340 94026 92258 92882 92676 90803 94580 90703 94912 90027 93302 92877 92199 94582 JEVIC Certified Low Mileage. 93932 90009 93552 95113 90095 94701 By phone: 1-800-242-4450By email: helpline@www.arb.ca.gov. 95430 91724 Car Events In Los Angeles & SoCal Use our Calendar & Map Of Events to find an event near you. 93244 92211 94516 91343 93252 Central California - Fresno | Bakersfield | Santa Barbara | Simi Valley 90748 94021 Best Luxury Best Exotic 91121 95428 95554 92074 95203 94506 Same location, Oak Canyon Park next to Irvine Lake. 90055 93737 91331 94110 91786 91106 93240 94804 92026 92187 HIN EVENTS 91329 #carshow #porsche #automeet #euro #classiccars, Getting those almost spring vibes! 92124 93301 94246 91207 92572 92556 92807 93670 Drive safe and see you there at Marina Green Park. 95928 94273 95407 The decorations usually involve paint schemes and stickers. 93263 92863 92192 95228 95587 95321 Bobby Norris 843-479-6671 For More Info / God Bless .more >> Mar, 2023 9 Thursday BigIron Auctions: March 9, 2023 Classic Car Auction Auction St. Edwards, NE March 9, 2023 Bidding begins on or before Feb 16 6:00 PM CST. 92091 95677 96010 91393 95461 95385 95951 94666 95526 95670 95559 90024 93065 96116 96002 95211 If you do not see a car show listed, hit the button below. 91118 91380 95678 95222 95436 ABOUT US. 95833 94950 95565 93279 94104 95822 95915 95019 91321 90101 91942 95971 93605 Come through with your whole car crew Car show with[], The 71st Annual Sacramento Autorama hosted over 700 of the worlds finest custom vehicles and handed out over 400 individual awards during its awards ceremony on Sunday, May 1, 2022, at the Cal Expo Fairgrounds[], Get readythe 9th edition of Luftgekhlt is taking place on the weekend of April 29 and 30, 2023 in the San Francisco Bay Area. 91110 The car was also featured in many TV shows and films, satirizing the car's poor design (the most famous examples being a rusty, beige-colored Yugo GV featured in Die Hard with a Vengeance, and a taxi-yellow Yugo in Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist), and in the animated film Cars 2, there is a criminal organisation that consists of lemon cars . 94661 95170 95252 94566 Family Friendly, music, food, Trophies, Raffle Prizes, silent auction, celebrity[], Beaumont Ca. 96103 95249 Best Club Models 95369 #chevy #impala #carshow #lowrider #bagged, Beauty! 92283 Car Show Info; Tickets; . 91741 92061 90510 93554 93241 93596 For registration and directions, click on the city of choice here: http://tickets.thefoat.com/ImportFaceOff. 96067 90622 The Toy Box Starts at USD 15 Apr 08 Poway High Auto Show. Please link back to our website, https://carshowz.com as well. 95984 94211 94117 91031 95159 93212 95108 100% benefit for the FirefighterAid organization which helps get resources to Firefighters across the entire San Diego County. 94590 94545 94303 91601 Southern California hosts a huge variety of automotive events for pretty much all kinds of niches and special interests. 93303 93720 94608 94126 95967 91214 95917 95935 94040 91342 92250 93390 90503 91496 92610 Please visit our Registering a Nonresident Vehicle brochure for step-by-step instructions. +1 415-265-4500, Classic Car Restoration Car Ministry Car Show, Camp Plymouth Military Vehicle Show & Swap Meet, Hagerty Cars & Caffeine at Sonoma SpeedTour, Greg Borrellis 33rd Annual May Madness Car Show, Massachusetts Car Shows and Cars & Coffee, New Hampshire Car Shows and Cars & Coffee, North Carolina Car Shows and Cars & Coffee, South Carolina Car Shows and Cars & Coffee, West Virginia Car Shows and Cars & Coffee. State of California Department of Motor Vehicles. 90707 , Lake Elsinore, 92532, 24001 E Santa Ana Canyon Road, Anaheim, 92808, 24155 Laguna Hills Mall, Laguna Hills, 92653, 2200-2400 Blocks of Honolulu Ave., Montrose, 91020, 601 N. University Street, Redlands, 92374, 1935 Manhattan Beach Blvd. 93267 7. 91765 96023 95666 95432 93282 A copy of the Department of Transportation bond release letter from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). 94154 93581 94119 95612 This also applies to diesel-powered vehicles manufactured after 1980. rick@maymadnesssanrafael.com 95366 90294 93437 93643 95301 93266 93791 92138 94236 /www.facebook.com/events/504416898464951/508822041357770?acontext=%7B%22event_action_history%22%3A[%7B%22surface%22%3A%22page%22%7D]%7D, For more information go to: www.Beaumontcherryfestival.org. #camaro #chevy #chevrolet #autocross #bad #racecar #coolcars, Get out and see some cars! 91767 92880 93529 91616 93542 95008 95616 This event allows for an autocross race and burnout competition. 95386 93406 95603 Car show are back!! 92629 92625 After receiving your score card at the front gate, park inside the yellow tapped off show area. at Petersen Automotive Museum !!! Details: This mulit-day event is the largest car show in California. 92628 90895 93526 92234 95303 94258 90717 95117 95642 90608 96117 94291 94613 95374 94720 In 1958, unable to participate in the local domestic auto show, forward-thinking Bay Area import auto dealers decided to create their own exposition. Eleanor Movie Car Stuck On Stage at the SEMA 2022 Reveal, Donkmaster SEMA 2022 Reveal with Kevin Oeste the voice of SEMA And Sage Thomas (The Donkmaster), 2022 SEMA Pictures from www.carshownationals.com, Copyright 2023 CarShowNationals.com Escapade WordPress theme by. 92280 92210 90407 95936 90601 94561 90231 95449 95502 94517 92503 * NO burnouts or reckless driving of any kind! 94659 91020 95823 With over 500 exhibitions with everything from trailers, to engines, components & Manufacture. 92058 95690 96068 93283 91202 Red: Kraftwerks. 94949 91714 95116 90832 94501 96075 91402 96089 94274 93035 The Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) website uses Google Translate to provide automatic translation of its web pages. 92072 To register your imported vehicle, you'll need: An out-of-state title (or other proof of ownership). 90810 91395 For California emissions standards, visit the, For federal vehicle importation and certification standards, see the, For importation or clearance information, see the, For California use tax information, see the. Northern California - Redding | San Francisco | Monterey | Sacramento Because your vehicle was manufactured outside of the U.S., your vehicle title will be branded NON-USA if it does not have a federal certification label and U.S. emissions label attached by the manufacturer. 95712 91505 Look up the status of an active OL permit holder. LONG BEACH CONVENTION CENTER!!! 92164 LONG BEACH CONVENTION CENTER!!! All around auto enthusiast who has been cruising and building classic cars most of my life. 92093 92651 90044 . 93616 90291 94283 94547 93251 92652 Best Import Truck/SUV !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src="https://carshownationals.com//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs"); //