(excuse my bad English) There is a certain someone whose natal Sun is in the 12 th, his sun also receiving a natal square from his Neptune. We also have composite Juno in Aquarius in the 4th house (opposing Mercury in the 10th and trining the Ascendant), and Venus tightly conjunct Saturn in the 11th (Leo). They represent different aspects of a relationship. Yes There is a higher purpose to these relationships. Judy, Im sorry about your relationship with your daughter. They have to learn to work togetherthats the challenge. Is there nothing better to hope for? There is also Mercury in Taurus at 12 degrees, but this is in the 1st. We went through hell together, we loved each other, we saved each other, we saved others together, we could practically feel and read one another. I have my sun in the 12th house of my natal chart, and we both have venus in the 12th house of our natal charts. 1) Planetary house overlays (1, 5, 7, 8, 9 = most important) 2) Planetary aspects. The composite AC is Scorpio Pluto in 12th (only planet) and Mars in 8th. and he JUST asked me to lunch yesterday. Like individuals with 12th house planets, couples with a lot of twelfth house may feel that there is something fated about their lives together. Lilith (M) 5 58' Leo . mars is trine composite sun, pluto, uranus jupiter and neptune- but square moon saturn. I have 12th house with my partner, but also many Saturn and Pluto Aspects. It also works the other way. They have an inner urge to help others but don't know how to help themselves or ask for support. My husband and I have composite sun conjunct Saturn in the 12th, composite moon conjunct Venus in the 1st. IF THIS IS NOT A TRAGIC LOVE STORY THAN WHAT IS? Your email address will not be published. My fiance and I have an exact conjunction of Sun/Mercury in the 12th in Taurus with Venus also being the chart ruler and placed in the 1st. It was helpful all of your comments about the rest of composite houses and I say Thank you again for this In contrast, couples who come together to create something for the collective often have the appropriate planets in the composite 12th, there for all to see. I use both in my practice. In other words, that planetary energy might have to do with dealing with their collective, rather than personal, expression. The working dynamic of the partnership is in the biwheel (how do you make me feel?) Ultimately, both the 12th house and Neptune want us to get our egos out of the way. I put mars (Cancer) in his 12th. Whatever I told you would not have a context. Now we hate each other and nothing made sense. The twelfth house is associated with hidden emotions, and Lilith's influence adds an extra layer of complexity to this placement. I can no longer approach love as wholeheartedly again. i imagine these aspects can point to a past life where there was dominance in the work field isuees? So my final question is which method should I look onto (composite or synastry) as they both seem to go into totally different directionsand is it possible to reveal our secret relationship even with composite 12th house? You might have a relationship that was so intense, which left you hurting. 12th House Meaning. And I read from Stephen Arroyo that it is so important to see the traditional rulers of the signs , for example in Aquarius is more important to see Saturn than Uranus. Im also interested in anything about twin flame relationships. No one could share that kind of information with a person that he/she newly know. I am in a relationship with a man for 14 years in which we have an extremely strong synastry including my saturn conjunct his venus by degree, his saturn/node conjunct my sun/chiron by degree. Something is whispering in their ears. These individuals are highly empathetic, but they want to protect their privacy, and they are not easy to open up. You are interested in psychology, religion, spirituality too. He says what on thinking. Since Lilith is being hidden in the 12th . taurus venus-mars conjunction in Your opinion? Thanks for the kind and helpful words, Dawn. Thank you in advance. Id appreciate any information. This makes so much sense. I am in a very confused place myself right now, wanting to forgive, still loving her, but not understanding her and whether healing her childhood wounds will bring her attraction back, or if its got something more to do with me and something I need to let go of. Here we are, older, everything so different now, lessons learned, and I am seeing that I cant undo the past. Your post was seemed most fitting for a romantic liaison. Entering through my dreams, plenty of astral seduction going on out there in the ethers. More appreciative of that special melding? This secrecy he is practising probably points to the venus-mars in composite twelfth ? I feel ok about it but dont want to attach to it. Mercury in the first is a good aspect to have because of the communication involved and the ability to think clearly regarding the relationship. When there are clusters of planets there are no simple solutions. (Our North Node rulers often lead us down these blind alleyways.) It isnt bad, its difficult. Thank You very much for Your answer and very best regards from Hungary again! The Davison chart is a time/space chart and is anchored in the here and now. We become real magicians if we can tap into it. You cant really know how an aspect is going to manifest without looking at the whole chart, but it is true that conjunctions from the 12th house side are very complex. I am very confused in everything in my life just because of him and the energies. Concentrate on intimacy and you should be all right. Conjunct the composite 1st House cusp, it can be difficult to separate mutual fantasy from reality regarding the identity of the relationship. Whether the energy between them manifests positively or negatively has to do with aspects to Pluto in both charts and aspects with the North Node rulers. And they might move next year to another town because of their son so I am already dying from the thought that I will not see him after that. That is really challenging chart I assume and I dont know whether I go for this guy or not. One is more transpersonal and numinous, the other deals with our reactions in the day to day world. In composite, we have sun, mercury and part of fortune in the 12th. The romantic synastric analysis is the interaction of houses between two birth charts. In the composite chart, the composite 12th house can show what may be hidden in the relationship, what may play out subconsciously in the relationship, the karma of the relationship, and what needs to be let go of. I might even say hes one of the closest people to me. Two sides of the same coin. The In the end it was his choice to end it. What is the difference between Midpoint and Davison as Your opinion? Im trying to determine the karmic lessons we need to learn from this. My concern is a grand trine in the composite chart, Mercury/Jupiter/Venus all conjunct in the 1st (pisces) trine Moon/North node conjunct in the 5th (cancer) and Neptune the chart ruler in the 9th (Scopio). You need to work on bringing body and mind together, as a couple. Arent these positive aspects good enough to sustain a relationship down-to-earth, telling me to forgive and try again or just simply blowing the matter worse and prolonging it?. Dawn, I just found this and it seems to hold some answers about what is going wrong with my marriage of 8 years. If we do things out of fear or for security, and we dont listen to the call to step onto our proper path in life, we are serving the ego instead of the soul. This last chance element, sadly, often leads us to relationships that are destined to exist only to fix this thingwhen the lesson is learned, both these people move on. 12th House seems to be the most frightening of all the houses to me, because the primal urge towards each other is such a deep and profoundly spiritual one, that you think, theres no way I could find this depth with another. We talk with each other and I know he loved me and still does like me , we talk in the church when we can but none of us really telling the real story (which is so 12 house thing). When transit Uranus is in the composite 12th house, you may make changes together but quietly behind the scenes, with no one watching. HI, Sign up here if you would like to know when Dawn's Foundations e*book will be made available, The Composite Chart and the 12th House: The Ghost at the Door. It is not so much a question of choice, more that the universe has chosen for them to be together (at least, thats what it feels like). We both experienced he physically (I think) something weird when i was very close to him and I saw something mind boggling in the night when Venus turned retrograde this year. Any insight you can offer would be greatly appreciated. The eight house is the house of Scorpio, and alongside the twelfth house is the most spiritual and mysterious. When the transit Sun is in the composite 12th house, you may not give as much attention to the relationship, and instead a light is shone on things that have been hidden to the two of you. Everywords pounding in me. Just as the Sun is the Luminary of the day, the Moon is the Luminary of the night. You can use this to your . Couples with a heavy 12th house/ 6th house polarity have to find a way to put their wisdom to some practical use. However, the greatest truths will be revealed through periods of meditation and silence. I herd that the good connections between the 1st house rulers and 7 th rulers are so important an the good saturn aspects also. Ninety-three percent of her astro is in the 12th: the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Lilith, Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus. Great gifts are possible if that Saturn is respectedthe power of manifesting energy into form. All this seems to confirm your analyses of the other composite houses, as well. However, humans are imperfect, and complete faith is hard to keep up all of the time. The part about unrequited love was particularly interesting and that other part might not know what we exist. It was emotional and intense, also warm and familiar at the same time. This is the empty space, the place where we are not like others, the place where the pieces dont fit. Sometimes learning from the mistakes IS the path. Through counseling she has discovered that her pattern of deception and maintaining an emotional distance from me stems from childhood. Much depends on the relationship of the 12th house planets to one another. In a negative way, the struggles within the partnership will cause the Pluto person to see where his or her behaviour needs adjusting. All that positive Saturn synastry for durablilty, moon conjunction, and all those personal planet oppositions make us feel like the same person sometimes. Sometimes walking around with him is just like being in a movie, which is funny because we ARE in a movie together- one he is making with his best friend. Sorry, I cant respond to lists of aspects. Im not wanting to drag him to the floor yet. (anyone who has ever fallen in love and had planets with that person in 12th composite will know..). What you are fascinated by is your own longing to acknowledge and feel this power. Indeed, I felt the fear trampling along the edge with fear of insecurity. Sometimes we will be asked to make leaps of faith. I loved him from the bottom of my heart. In reality, 12th house people tend to believe it doesn't matter what they do. Trust me when I say that I will happily take a man i am less connected to, to allow myself the support I need to thrive in this life. 8th and 12th house seem to have haunted me for most of my life , Your email address will not be published. Struggling against our own unconscious is not an easy thing I was wondering about my composite contacts with some I know who we share 12th house themes with. Lilith in the 12th House. Also, I would think that the answer to your issues is not in the composite, but in your natal comparison. I met her near the end of my Saturn return (Cancer in the 4th house) and I am aware of deep wounds in me around my need for nurturing and I wonder if my neediness in this area may have something to do with it all. After our individual identity is explored through all the houses, in the 12th and final house, the personality dissolves into something larger. We both have natal moon in house 12. This man can be my everything and this feeling will not change. We had an instant connection, and I ended up in his apartment the first night we met. Its more complex than just the composite positions. There is still a sense that anything can happen though, very unpredictable energy. thank you for your insight, thank you !!! Once they have hammered out their imbalance (too little, too much is often a theme with the 12th) they must find a way to make something real of their inspiration. I dont know why im writing you this because uncounsciously know this relationship was all about love and let go. In Astrology, the planet Venus represents compassion, cooperation, beauty, and the Arts. Hi! I dont know if what we have count as a heavy 12th house but we have our north nodes in the 12th with vesta in virgo, and our south nodes in the 6th with the vertex in pisces. so we find the True in each other. Through the sixth house, you must learn to function in the world efficiently and take up the calling to serve Humanity. I found composite Saturn on the 12th house, trining the composite Sun/Venus/Merc on the 8th and sextile to the Moon on the 2nd. I live a bliss and despair relation for about 2 years but definite we are totally different persons than before met each other (we are old enough!). How does the 12th manifest when the planet is also conjunct the Asc? thank you for post! We are both married similar age kids. Now, you can either say its karma, or you can say that person A is psychologically hooking onto the archetype formed with person Bs chart, but whatever it is, it can be a very powerful pull. They are the lilith wearing an "eve mask". Learn More. Just a knowing if you will. Have you any thoughts or words to share on the 12th house commonalities we have individually, and what impact it lends to us as a couple? VERY-VERY SORRY! AT ALL. Venus (love) and Mars (sex) in the 7th House are a strong testimony as well. I still remember very clearly how I felt 10 years ago when I first met my former boyfriend. The twelfth house is about vocation, our divine calling, and is a very different energy from the status-oriented tenth. 4 months passed since then. I just met someone who has their moon in 12th house like myself and im wondering if i need to investigate this more closely. From what you said, it seems like perhaps these give the relationship an element of commitment, partnership, and longevity that it wouldnt otherwise have albiet in an unusual, community-oriented way. Because of the sensitivity of house cusps, I recommend using the Koch house system . . . Who cares? The 12th house is all about past life astrology, so the planets can . We feel that our twelfth house planets dont work the way our other planets do, or the way that same planet seems to behave in other peoples charts. Obviously, I thought this man was my soulmate. so we find the True in each other. along with Juno. Saturn, NN, and Sun exact at 28 degrees, opposite Chiron Rx in Cancer. And what does it mean our 12th. Thoughts on this combo would be greatly appreciated by me. Look at what sign the 12th house is in. Thats for start. In my experience, if you have a good synastry but a difficult composite, the couple get along with one another but have problems establishing the relationship in the outside world. There is a lot of love between us, much alignment in our dreams and life goals and a feeling of being soul mates and yet a strange disconnect emotionally that has us often feeling like we are on completely different wavelengths. When transit Neptune is in the composite 12th house, you can explore your spiritual connection, and want to make sure that youre intuitively moving in the same direction. When transit Saturn is in the composite 12th house, you may feel that old issues or subconscious issues in the relationship become more of a problem, and need to be worked on, understood, and moved on from. Ive seen couples with a heavy 12th house influence utterly befuddled and bedazzled by their lives (which dont go the way their friends lives go). I and my boyfriend have conjunction of mars-venus in twelfth house (taurus) closely conjuncting composite gemini ascendant.